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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    I met my first love of my life through programming! Her name is Tailwind CSS learn programming

    I met my first love of my life through programming! Her name is Tailwind CSS learn programming

    I met my first love of my life through programming! Her name is Tailwind CSS

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:12 AM PST

    There's so much that I've learned with tailwind CSS in just two days that it's just crazy. First off, I was very bad at CSS and figuring out layout design. I know flexboxes but I couldn't code with them. Tried bootstrap but it hide so much stuff away from me that I never really understood how flexboxes and everything worked and created complex layouts.

    Two days later after using tailwind, I can pretty much figure out what website can be designed(put into a layout) with flexboxes and tailwind made it happen. It also gives you so many good gradient color schemes out of the box that I can start spitting out website and everything is in one place. I don't need to find a color theme for a new website or think about designs too much for a pet project. Just use gray-300 on my navbar and gray-400 on my hero that's it.

    I also found a tailwind CSS video that explained layouts so better that so many udemy courses failed to explain. I don't know if it's all clicking to me or the video is just too good but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg1qbkG0KRI&t=1544s this guy explained the whole process of what goes into his mind before he starts coding the design which really helped me understand it and guess what? If I won't be learning tailwind I wouldn't come across this video.

    Alright, I'll see myself out now. I know this post isn't too productive but I was too excited that I wanted to share it with someone who are in the same field as me.

    submitted by /u/sick_of_my_shiiit
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    Looking for advice, can I change careers? 30 years old.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:54 PM PST

    Long story short, I'm 30 years old and have a comfortable middle management job that pays around $80,000 a year. However, this isn't something I'm passionate about and can't imagine doing this for 30 more years. On top of that it's incredibly stressful.

    I've always been interested in coding. I love the idea of learning how to build and make things. It seems like it would be fulfilling.

    With that said I really have no idea where to start. I've heard Code Academy is a great resource.

    I guess the ultimate question is what needs to happen in the next 12 months in order for me to learn how to code and make a relatively comparable living off it?

    submitted by /u/BroadAndPattison
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    Where to learn Python

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:08 PM PST

    I need to learn python as soon as possible I took a course which need python and it'll start in 5 weeks. I already know C/C++ and Java and Im familiar with OOP. I just need a good website/YouTube channel etc to learn python syntax. Can anyone give me some suggestions?

    submitted by /u/thatguydotjava
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    (story) While learning Linux for the first time, I ran sudo chown -R $USER /

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:04 PM PST

    I have never used Linux before, but the bootcamp I'm going to start soon requires Linux (which is fair, since it's a very important tech to know as a programmer)

    So I installed it as a dual boot, started installing some apps here and there, setup an automount for a partition from my HDDs. I wanted to get permission for that specific partition mount, so I searched and found the sudo chown command.

    Somehow I thought / referenced the current folder, not the root folder, so I ran:

    sudo chown -R $user /

    .... Yeah. My PC wouldn't even shut down.

    For those who also have no clue about how to use linux: The command basically meant "strip permissions from the root folder (and every folder inside of it, because of the -R) and pass it to my user." Which removed permissions from the root user that it needs in order to do very basic things, like shutting down the computer.

    Don't do this.

    submitted by /u/TheLordSet
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    What is expected from a Junior Front End Web Developer?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:15 PM PST

    What exactly is expected from a junior front end web developer? It will be for JavaScript, Shopify, HTML, CSS; and they are looking to switch to React. They're a decently large company, I think 100 or more employees, with multiple web dev teams.

    Tomorrow I have a 2nd/final interview for a junior web developer role. I have a pretty good chance of getting the job, as I was told by my recruiter that I'm being considered for 2 different roles. But my only concern is that I don't know enough about JavaScript for this job. I feel like I have to look up everything, or reference other code before I can build anything. This would be my first web dev job. I'm good with HTML and CSS, but I'd say I'm possibly intermediate when it comes to JavaScript. I'm a great designer, but programming was always a struggle for me.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Seaworthiness2487
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    Basic JavaScript question

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:52 PM PST

    I am currently trying to make a shape race with three shapes. All start at the same spot and randomly move across the screen. I have no problem getting a circle and a rectangle to move randomly but I am struggling to get the triangle to move randomly. Any suggestions? this what I currently have. Thanks!


    triangle(x1, 300, x2, 300, x3, 250);

    x1 += + round(random(5));

    x2 += + round(random(5));

    x3 += + round(random(5));

    if (x1 > 860) {

    x1 = 860;


    if (x2 > 897) {

    x2 = 897;


    if (x3 > 880) {

    x3 = 878;


    submitted by /u/MR_supergrover1
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    Current Product Manager, looking to make transition. Is this a reasonable path?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:45 PM PST

    Hey y'all. Graduated a few years back with my bachelor degree in business. Have been successful in my career thus far and am currently working as a Product Manager at a well known tech company. However I am completely burnt out of this role and am ready for a change.

    I'd love to pursue a role in software development and am considering my options for getting there. I've tried the whole self learning route but have just found it very difficult to self motivate without the accountability. I am considering a 2nd bachelors with WGU. From the looks of it I can complete this program in 12-18 months plus my employer will cover the costs. Before committing I'd love to get some opinions on this route, is worth my time and energy for the next year or so? Should I consider different paths? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Successful_Sand951
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    How do you find the largest digit in an integer, order all digits from MSD to LSD, and then see how many times it appears?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:03 PM PST

    So far for the cpp program, I simply calculated whether it is +/-, and how many digits the user inputted integer has using a while loop and dividing by 10.

    I am in an introductory class and should only be using the most basic means to do this, so Googling the solution led to some complex solutions... How would would I simply do this? I am very curious for finding the greatest digit in the integer/how many times.

    submitted by /u/Willy988
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    What is everything I should know about creating APIs?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST

    I can create APIs by following instructions but I don't really feel like I have a deep knowledge of them.

    submitted by /u/HeightHairy1855
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    Can I as a beginner create an algorithm that would make a prediction on a person's choice?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:43 PM PST

    Let's say we have a game where a person can choose certain outcomes like a,b,c,d,e,g.

    Let's say I also I see the person playing the game for a while and I create the "history of the outcomes" with some notes. If I notice certain patterns like "under circumstance 1 person has chosen outcome c more often", can I then use all these patterns and combine them to basically make a more or less reliable model for what the person would choose in a certain situation?

    To be fair there are not that many variables, so there are like 5-6 factors to consider for around 3-6 potential outcomes. I don't know that much data analysis nor programming, but with some google and dedication it should not be that hard. Where would you recommend I begin? What concepts should I master for me to be able to pull it off (preferably in Python since I already know some)?

    If someone could send me on the right path here I would be very appreciative. Thank you

    submitted by /u/CiopA
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    Looking for simpler ways to build things for fun? Hard to explain, look inside for more details...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:10 AM PST

    So, let's say that you are a designer.

    You decide to take a week off to do a fun project, let's say creating a logo, and at the end of that week you will have a logo that, even if it's not the best, you can share with the world and it's usable. It was fun, it was quick and people can see some value in it.

    I work as a software developer for 10 years now (mostly front-end), and compared to the example that I gave, software development seems to be so. much. more. cumbersome than that. For a simple web open source app, for instance, you'll need: UI, front-end code, back-end code, unit tests, documentation, database stuff, deploying, ways to build a bundle if you're using CRA, etc.

    My question here is: what's the equivalent of the example that I mentioned in the first paragraph when it comes to programming? I don't want to spend an entire month in a pet project.


    submitted by /u/p_h_a_r_o_e_s_t_e
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    How do you go from fundamentals to an actual application?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 04:22 PM PST

    I know most of the fundamentals. Functions, pointers classes and all that good shit. How do you go from that to let's say make a Spotify clone or something simple like helicopter game with graphics and not just work out of the terminal window.

    submitted by /u/HousePappas
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    Flask table from dictionary

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:43 PM PST

    I am looking to create a table in Flask using the following dictionary:

    dict_inventory = { 1: {"Name": "Gloves", "Manufacturer": "NA", "Order ID": "PHGLOVLG", "Amount in stock": 20, "Par": "2", "Lot Number": "123456", "Lot Expiration": datetime.date(2023, 3, 5)}, 2: {"Name": "BacT Bottles", "Manufacturer": "Biomerieux", "Order ID": "NA", "Amount in stock": 2, "Par": 3, "Lot Number":"789456", "Lot Expiration": datetime.date(2021, 5, 26)}, 3: {"Name": "pH Buffer 10", "Manufacturer" : "ThermoScientific", "Order ID": "NA", "Amount in stock": 10, "Par":10, "Lot Number": "35678", "Lot Expiration": datetime.date(2020, 3, 14)} } 

    I also created a list for my headers that include: (ID, Name, Manufacturer, Order ID, Amount in stock, Par, Lot Number, and Lot Expiration.

    How would I be able to extract the values associated with the corresponding keys that I mention in my headers list and create a table in HTML?

    Also, this is my current HTML that is not giving me an ordered table:

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>All Items</title> </head> <body> <table> <tr> {% for header in headings %} <th> {{header}} </th> {% endfor %} </tr> {% for key, value in dict_inventory.items() %} <tr> <th> {{ key }} </th> <td> {{ value }} </td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table> </body> </html> 
    submitted by /u/Ditildordan
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    [Python] Automatic email alert when server does not connect.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:40 PM PST

    I am writing a python code using cx_oracle which alerts users via email that server cannot connect. I am just stuck...And I do not know where to go from here. Am I suppose to create another class using SMTP? Or just one class?

    import cx_Oracle connection = None dsn= cx_Oracle.makedsn( '', '1521', service_name='namehere' ) try: connection = cx_Oracle.connect( user='user', password='password', dsn=dsn ) print('Connected', connection.version) except cx_Oracle.Error as error: print('Connection Failed.') finally: if connection: connection.close() 
    submitted by /u/RadditRedditRadditRe
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    Intermediate programmer looking for advice to improve my skillset

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:21 AM PST

    Howdy folks, I've been programming for going on 6 years now. I'm familiar with Java, Kotlin, and Python. I've worked as an automation engineer for well over a year now. Everything within this role has made sense to me. Working with production code isn't difficult, nor is the maintenance of a large code base.

    However, after working with sincere engineers, i.e. persons with degrees who have coded professionally for 5-10 years, I can see why they're paid the big bucks. (Boys and girls: go to school. Yes, you can get a job, but you'll always be lacking in one way or another. If you have the chance, get a degree.)

    Unfortunately, I don't have the resources to go to school currently as my fiancee is entering a master's program and we'll be tight on cash for a while. So, in the interim, what online resources could I use to learn topics like CS theory (data structs, algos, etc.), mathematics, etc.? I've tried out sites like EdX before, but a lot of those courses are for like CS50 students. After finishing one or two of them a year ago, I didn't feel like I learned a whole lot. It filled in a couple things I missed when I first started to code, but otherwise they were a waste of time for me.

    So my questions are: How can an intermediate programmer like myself improve my current skillsets? How can I become an advanced programmer? What projects could I take on individually to build my skills?

    Maybe "/r/learnprogramming" isn't the place for this question, but perhaps people like me are here, able to help others but unable to help themselves.

    Thanks friends.

    submitted by /u/NeonVolcom
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    What does $breadcrumb-divider mean in bootstrap?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:15 PM PST

    I'm new to bootstrap, and I'm reading the official documentation to get acquainted with the framework and came across this syntax on the breadcrumb components page:

    $breadcrumb-divider: quote(">"); 

    Usually it seems that the use of $ is to refer to a Jquery function. However, $breadcrumb-divider isn't being called like a function, so I'm not sure what it is. Google isn't providing much clarity.

    submitted by /u/A_Cinnamon_Babka
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    Program help

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:14 PM PST

    Hello I am new to C++ and I am having trouble turning this code:

    oFile << left << setw(20) << "Customer ID" << setw(20) << name << endl;oFile << left << setw(20) << "Customer Num" << setw(20) << ID << endl;

    oFile << left << setw(20) << "Interior cost" << setw(20) << setprecision(2) << setbase(10) << interiorCost << endl;oFile << left << setw(20) << "Exterior cost" << setw(20) << setprecision(2) << exteriorCost << endl;

    oFile << left << setw(20) << "Total" << setw(20) << setprecision(2) << total << endl;oFile << left << setw(20) << "Discount" << setw(20) << setprecision(2) << discount << endl;oFile << left << setw(20) << "Total cost" << setw(20) << setprecision(2) << totalAmount << endl;

    Into a void function. So far I have this:

    #include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <fstream>using namespace std;//Prototypevoid output(ofstream oFile, int name, int ID, int interiorCost, int exteriorCost, int total);

    int main()


    output(oFile, name, ID, interiorCost, exteriorCost, total);//Call for funtion


    //Funtion definition

    void output(ofstream oFile, int name, int ID, double interiorCost, double exteriorCost, double discount, double total, double totalAmount){oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Customer ID"<<setw(20)<<name<<endl;oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Customer Num"<<setw(20)<<ID<<endl;oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Interior cost"<<setw(20)<<setprecision(2)<<setbase(10)<<interiorCost<<endl;oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Exterior cost"<<setw(20)<<setprecision(2)<<exteriorCost<<endl;oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Total"<<setw(20)<<setprecision(2)<<total<<endl;oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Discount"<<setw(20)<<setprecision(2)<<discount<<endl;oFile<<left<<setw(20)<<"Total cost"<<setw(20)<<setprecision(2)<<totalAmount<<endl;


    When I try to call the function I get the error that there is no matching function for call to output. I really don't know why the error is appearing

    submitted by /u/KennyIsBroke
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    HTTP Status as text or number?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:52 PM PST

    What's the best practice? Interpreting SC as decimal digits (decimal numeral or decimal text chars) or as a numerical value (uInt16)?

    "Test for success" examples:
    As text: stat[0] == "2" ? "Success" : "Probably an error"
    As number: stat > 199 && stat < 300 ? "Success" : "Probably an error"

    submitted by /u/Rudxain
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    How do I verify each user based on new IPs?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:01 PM PST

    I created a IP based system for user logins and logged the IP location upon login in Python - Flask.

    If a user signs in from a new IP then it would be logged. However, the IPs from when I test keep changing by a tiny bit each time?

    It will be annoying for users so how do I determine the "range of IPs that come from an user" in Python so they dont keep need to verifying each time upon sign in even though their address doesn't really change?

    submitted by /u/Ristarte
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    How to Build a NON-Numeric Binary Tree from a Given Preorder Traversal (Java)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here so forgive me if I am breaking any rules. I am currently trying to create a 20 Questions game for my CS class, and I am stumped at trying to create a tree of questions and answers from a given preorder (from a text file). Here is a snippet of the instructions for further clarification: https://imgur.com/a/m37HKb0.

    I understand preorder traversals in a simple integer tree, but I've been trying to wrap my head around this one and I'm stuck. I've loaded all the Strings onto an ArrayList because I think that would be the best way to organize them first. Here is what I have so far:

    public class GameTree { public class Node { public Node left, right; public String val; public Node(String val) { left = null; right = null; this.val = val; } } private ArrayList<String> preOrder; private Node root; /** * Constructor needed to create the game. * * @param fileName * this is the name of the file we need to import the game questions * and answers from. */ public GameTree(String fileName) { preOrder = new ArrayList<>(); root = null; Scanner chopper = null; File file = new File(fileName); try { chopper = new Scanner(file); while(chopper.hasNextLine()) { String temp = chopper.nextLine(); temp = temp.trim(); preOrder.add(temp); } } catch(IOException e) {System.out.println("File not found");} } } 

    Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/DGB_
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    As junior dev they gave me some legacy code to fix bugs

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Few days ago I got a job as a junior dev. They didn't really teach me anything. Just introduced to project, set up my environment... and then let's go and fix some bugs.

    I've never worked with such a large code base and even more this project doesn't use any framework. Plain/vanilla language. So fucking disappointed in myself that I can't solve these problems.

    submitted by /u/KeetHarry
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    seeking advice on which language(even after reading the suggested new starting guidelines)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:24 PM PST

    Hi although I don't know how to code and a total newbie, my case is a bit different in that I did take an 4 credit advanced entry level object oriented Comp Sci class in Java that was intended for the Comp sci majors at Columbia University engineering school. But problem is, that was about 10 years ago- which is dinosaur age for the tech industry and since then, I have never programmed or read anything related to coding. Now that i want to re-learn to code, I am wondering if I should pick backup with Java or start with python as suggested by most because python is a bit easier to learn? As a background information, I did not find Java language all that difficult I suppose because coding was so foreign to me anyway. Also We used Unix and Pico for HW projects so I didn't struggle too much in debugging although I probably spent more time for that class than most. again, I never coded after that class as I had a different goal atm. Now, I am wanting to re- learn to code as I have a goal to develop an app/software for Machine learning model for Medically Undiagnosed. I will eventually need to hire a team of talents in ML scientists /programmers to achieve my end goal but I want to be able to contribute and carry my own weight and not just tell programmers what to do. I did have difficulties in certain aspects of programming in that class such as understanding why recursions methods worked on a mathematical level; or why arraylist is more efficient than say a vector class. I remember I tried taking discrete math but it was too time consuming at the time and so, decided to take Calculus III Multivariate instead. Would those of you who are more advanced and experienced please share your advice as to if I should learn to code in python or java instead now that i am older and have forgotten many stuff? (FYI. while I forgot many of the materials, I do still have an okay grasp of how using encapsulation to enhance program security such as using class to control access to components and or things like which methods are more efficient in certain situations such as iteration vs recursion vs enumeration etc. I could probably write simple stuff like drawing fractals or a simple game of rock paper scissors in Java ( I currently work in finance right now and in near future, I hope to work on my side project in developing a Machine Learning model for futures trading and maybe auto-trading for the equity market.. for my personal amusement. I've been told python is better for this than Java..is that right? If yes, why?) Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for your feed back!

    submitted by /u/woowayinvestments
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    I am new in python, can someone help me with the exercise about while loop. thank you

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    this is the exercise :

    set the total to 0 to start with. While the total is 50 or less, ask the user to input a number. Add that number to the total the print the message "The total is [total]". Stop the loop when the total is over 50.

    this is my code:

    total=0 while (total<=50): num=input("Enter a number: ") answer=str(num)+total print(answer) 

    my code doesn't work can someone help me please?

    thank you

    submitted by /u/Glass-Blackberry6474
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