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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    Glowing border effect (overlayed canvas radial gradient + globalCompositeOperation) web developers

    Glowing border effect (overlayed canvas radial gradient + globalCompositeOperation) web developers

    Glowing border effect (overlayed canvas radial gradient + globalCompositeOperation)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Generate SVG shapes in the browser.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Hundreds of applications, 17 phone screens, 9 tech interviews/coding challenges, 0 offers

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:19 PM PST

    TLDR; in terms of numbers, how am I doing? I see reports of people saying they've done not just hundreds of applications but hundreds of interviews 😭 ( I have 1 year dev experience, also bootcamp grad, could get into more specifics )

    Most of my efforts were during the holidays, november to present. There are a few things I could have done better, one week I was off my game and way under prepared/caught off guard by a couple phone screens. Also I try to follow up but my strategy for following up could be a lot better. I could do better at preparing questions and research before hand. I'm generally under a lot of stress and that comes through in the interviews I think. I do reasonably well on whiteboarding and code challenges, not perfect but decent imo but I could probably be more personable/graceful in that setting

    Anyway should I double down and take another swing? Ive been applying only to jobs in my state for the most part, junior rolls are scarce so I apply to everything. Maybe I should search nationally to get access to more junior postings? I just know those are high competition

    My employment gap is approaching a year now. am I fighting an uphill battle and should just pivot into basket weaving? I'm looking into multiple avenues now like offering to work in exchange for testimonials/portfolio to try and boost credibility. It's hard to focus on personal projects/open source etc when in the back of my mind unemployment is nagging at me

    EDIT: the best way I could describe the whiteboarding interviews I've had that I didn't do as well as I would have liked were live coding interviews that are a stress test. I do reasonably well on them but the pressure does get to me, Im not in anyway argumentative or anything like that, I know how to approach whiteboard interviews, it's just that the performance anxiety I feel in some situations sabotages me and I might come across as flustered/mildly agitated which I wish wasn't the case obviously. I do much better in whiteboarding where less focus is put on writing code that runs and more emphasis on problem solving.

    submitted by /u/kermitfr0gg
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    Haven’t had much luck getting responses from entry level front-end positions and feel it’s due to my resume so any feedback on improvements would be greatly appreciated!

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:24 PM PST

    I built a VSCode extension that will let you know if you're about to have a merge conflict

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:48 AM PST

    A satirical look at my attempt to get a web dev job

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:56 AM PST

    I'm trying to become a Web Developer (me and everybody else at this point). I'd love to say that this effort takes up a big chunk of my time but, I don't spend nearly as much time as I feel I should on it. Instead I use most of my time complaining and writing useless posts for Reddit Given how many people are trying to "break into the industry", trying to get a Developer job is like a bad dream. Most jobs have hundreds of applicants in a week or less so you basically just pray that someone happens upon your submission and likes what they see. I think I'm well qualified, I do well on the weird tests and exams the recruiters I was working with gave to try to get an idea if I know anything about web development. Apparently many people don't and simply apply anyway and I have no doubt that many of these people do get hired. I'm always passed on because I have no "real world experience". I've learned a lot working with recruiters for example "avoid honesty at all costs". I'm always encouraged to embellish my experience to make it seem like something it isn't but, never really say what it is. These recruiters who are hiring for highly technical jobs, seem to know nothing about the actual job. I'm not sure how they convinced people into letting them hire for a role they know nothing about but, they did. Perhaps there is a lesson we can take from this fact as well. Something like "knowing what your talking about is almost as good as convincing someone you know what you're talking about". I hear that there is a big problem finding qualified candidates in the tech industry, it's really hard to imagine why. Honesty is always to be avoided when interviewing. Companies don't want normal people who have lives that DON'T involve working and career advancement. They want people who are excited to work for them, who's 5 year goals only involve working for the best company ever! Someone my S/O works with exclaimed "I have a passion for calendaring!" in an interview and got the job. So presumably her employer thought "A passion for filling my calendar with useless meetings, you're the right fit here". My advice for getting a job is to know someone hiring for the job you want. Your second best bet is to learn to sell yourself (not honestly). In case all else fails, be intelligent and competent. These last qualities only really matter once you have a job and in many cases not even then.

    submitted by /u/SnowPonies
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    Boss still hasn’t paid my 2 invoices for January

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:11 PM PST

    Hi All!

    Our boss (There are 3 of us Freelance Web Developers) pays us on time for the last 8 months. But this January, our 15th and 30th salary still weren't paid. I kept on reminding him about it but he doesn't reply about it or jumps to another topic.

    It's a bit frustrating because there's like $100 left on me and kept thinking about the due dates & bills.

    Do you guys have any advice?


    submitted by /u/kingslayer2193
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    I need to build a landing page + blog with multi-language support

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:54 PM PST

    So, I need to build a landing page + blog with multi-language support for an app that I'm working on. I'm trying to weigh my options at this point. Should I:

    • Roll with a WordPress theme for the landing page and tack on a multi-language plugin. I only need two language options for the website.
    • Build my own landing page in HTML/CSS and tack on a WordPress blog. I'd manually translate the website into the second language.
    • Roll with a page generator... something like WebFlow.

    I need to make a decision and at this point I'm having major decision fatigue. Would appreciate any input from this subreddit. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sheryar_js
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    I have been accepted to a job without technical interview

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:21 AM PST

    I have no job experience or degree but I have been accepted for a frontend position without a technical interview. How do I succeed now and not get fired as now I feel like they don't owe me anything because they accepted me only based on short talk.

    submitted by /u/oObErrYnn
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    Safe to run raspberry pi web server at home? Any reason not to?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:51 PM PST

    I would like to host a website for fun, using a pi with a reserved address through DHCP (done this before, but didn't keep it up for long). The network will also have other computers and devices on it, including Apple computers and phones, a Fire stick, a smart TV, and probably another Raspberry Pi (likely no server on it).

    What are the security risks of doing this long term that I'm not thinking of? It's been a while (and I'm definitely not an expert), but I was thinking of setting up a LEMP stack and using noip.com to keep updating the domain with my current IP address. Is it safe to expose my IP long term like that? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just don't know what harm someone could do with it. And should I read up on how each non-Apple device handles incoming requests, or do all devices block them by default?

    Any help/criticisms/scolding appreciated. Thanks very much in advance!

    Clarify: The site is just for fun, so no worries if it goes down temporarily. Also I mention the other devices on the network because of possible vulnerabilities if any. I only plan to forward the one port to my pi, but I don't know if there's a way the pi could be hacked and compromise the rest of the network or anything like that.

    E2: I use SSH to access my computer from the pi, which is probably where most of my concern is.

    submitted by /u/Hooked__On__Chronics
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    Confused on how to setup the front-end and back-end for a webapp

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Hey guys so i'm a second year comp sci university student with a lot of coding experience but i'm really confused about setting up a website. I want to make a project for my resume but i don't know where to start.

    I know html is used on front end and i would choose some other language to do my back end but i don't understand how my back end code would affect and communicate with my front end?

    I also don't understand how to setup my front end and backend so that i can start implementing my idea?

    I also have a web dev course this term but we're using node.js and i am confused on if this is what i would use to code for my backend or if this is only for my front end?

    Overall i just don't understand how to get the starting files and code done so that i can begin really applying my idea.

    Sorry if this is a vague questions, any clarity helps, thanks!

    submitted by /u/nuclearcookie10
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    Question for web developers regarding PHP include. Is it still used to reduce changes to your layout where you only need to change one page and not the rest?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Before I get to my question, just a little context here. Back in 2001 until 2007, I used to create a bunch of sites, mainly to display my graphic design abilities while I was in school. I left all that and didn't touch any of that ever since until last month because I'm going through a career shift at the moment and I'm trying to get back into web development. So excuse my butchering of terminology here because I've forgotten a lot.

    I took a class at Code Fellows recently, after hearing the instructors response to my question I felt like I could just learn on my own. This question has been bothering me ever since because I don't know the proper terminology to look it up and I didn't get an answer.

    So back in 2001, I remember a lot of sites would have their site layout or with their links and everything be in a file called index.php for example, and then the content would go into an html file. So that way if you needed to change or add links, you didn't have to go edit every single .html file, you're just changing it in index.php, and that index.php had this php code something "include." The url structure would be something like test.com/index.php?id=thecontent.

    I probably explained that terribly but if by any chance you understood it, is that something that's still used? I don't see url's being like that anymore. If not, how is a situation like that handled now?

    submitted by /u/Thenamesarealltaken_
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    Looking for front end books or guides..

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Ive been learning through tutorials, but I am self taught and sometimes i feel like i'm wasting a lot of time on simple information that might exist on books or guides...Any book,guide,resources to avoid wasting time? thanks!

    submitted by /u/Virtual-Avocado-9946
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    I was making a game to practice JS. How does one show different screens to players?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:51 PM PST

    Hey there! It's nice to meet you.

    I was trying to do some digging into this but I got pretty swamped with information.

    I'm teaching myself JS and I'm at the point where I'm just starting to learn HTTP requests but wanted to work on practicing working with objects and DOM.

    So I can make a screen where one person can play, for example, solitaire. But with games like spyfall or werewolf, there is a code for people to access the group and then each screen is different.

    I could do that within one webpage, but I was curious about what I'll be learning to move on to the next step. I'm assuming it involves learning how to make a database that can be accessed, but I wish I could read or watch an instructional on step by step on how it would work.

    If you're also newish and would like to chat about practice projects, it's nice to meet you!

    submitted by /u/CuriousBeep-0_0
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    I made a COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker with a customizable timeline

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:42 PM PST

    Mern stack/ multer image file upload

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST


    I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get the react app to send the image file to the Mongodb backend from the react app. I can do it from postman just fine with the data-form type post but I'm guessing the react app is still sending all json data to the backend? How do I restructure this to send the image. Some photos of the code posted above.

    submitted by /u/serNite
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    Are you using TDD or using design patterns at your work or is it just one the things that gets pushed due to priorities?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST

    I am looking for jobs at the moment and I am wondering if I should stick with LC and DSA type stuff or should I extend my skillset as a mid level dev

    submitted by /u/latest_ali
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    Getting clients guide for freelancers

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:59 PM PST

    There are two reoccurring topics on r/webdev. They're either related to how to get hired as a web developer or how to find clients as a freelancer. This is regarding the latter.

    If you get a job as a developer then things are pretty straight forward. You just need to think about web development and doing the job you've been hired to do. If you're setting up as a freelancer then things change. You're running a business and you need to sign up clients by selling your services.

    The problem I see amongst new developers is how they approach being a freelancer. Chances are you're relatively new to the industry and you're building static sites and simple web apps. The mentality of the new web developer who is freelancing is to sell their services to local businesses who need a website. So off you go with your portfolio, on your merry way, trying to find businesses that need a website or app. If this is your approach, you're most likely fucked before you even start.

    The first thing you need to realise is what year you live in. It isn't the late 90's or early 2000's. No one just needs a website or app just for the sake of it. Most businesses that you speak to will already have a website. Even if it looks shit, outdated and has no functionality, simply asking them if they need a new website or a web app will result in you hearing "no" a lot. Most small businesses won't place any value in paying you to develop something for them that will do nothing.

    What you need to realise is why a business needs a website or app. You shouldn't be selling web development services upfront. No one gives a fuck. You should be selling the benefits of having a website or app. Most small businesses want these assets to attract new customers or to create repeat customers. They are interested in digital marketing. Websites and web apps are assets that enable digital marketing. This means you need to understand digital marketing. Through selling digital marketing you will get the web development work.

    If you're speaking to a local business, there's a big difference between asking them "do you need a new website or an app?" and asking them "are you getting a steady flow of new customers from your website?". The first question will just get a cold no response. The second question will open up a discussion. If the business isn't getting a steady flow of enquires from their website then that's your opportunity to start discussing SEO, Google Ads and Facebook Ads etc.

    Now you're asking a businesses questions like "if I can provide a steady flow of new enquires through your website by carrying out SEO, would you be interested?" Most will be interested at this stage. So for example, you could then offer to do a free SEO assessment of their current website. You're then letting them know that their website needs on-page optimisation as part of the SEO process. You've basically signed up a business for a new website at this stage.

    Maybe a business is interested in Google Ads or Facebook Ads. You're asking a question like "does using Facebook adverts to increase online sales interest you?" For Facebook Ads to be effective a website will need to be optimised with effective landing pages. Guess what, you're signing up a business for web development work so they can meet their marketing goals.

    Now you're signing up clients for web development work through your digital marketing services. You're also building up a pipeline of repeat businesses because they will come back to you for other development work as they grow. Maybe they want a mobile app to advertise to their repeat customers on their email list etc.

    So, guess what? You need to add digital marketing to your stack if you want to succeed as a freelancer. You need to become good at digital marketing otherwise you're gonna get found out quickly if you make promises that you can fulfil. If you try to blag it, you'll just end up with a bad reputation and will be fucked.

    Learn SEO by getting your own website to rank locally. Not only will doing so teach you some digital marketing, but it will also enable you to generate your own enquiries and put you in a position to do the same for other businesses. If you're new to web development/ digital marketing and don't have any client testimonials/ case studies, you can fall back on the fact that a client found your website at the top of their Google search and you can offer to do the same for them. From here you can then learn Google Ads and Facebook Ads etc. Then you will have more avenues to close a client.

    If you're working for an agency, most of the development work that lands on your desk is because the sales team has sold a digital marketing package to a business. The other work that lands on your desk will mostly be from current clients that need other development work such as web apps and mobile apps. Most of the time, this is after the agency has provided a digital marketing service that has worked for the client. As a freelancer, you need to do the same. The only difference is you're a one-man-band and have to wear all the hats. You're not just a developer. You're a salesman, digital marketing team and web developer.

    Your choices are either get a job as a developer or learn digital marketing and succeed as a freelancer. It's up to you which path you go down, but that's basically what the deal is for most of you.

    submitted by /u/MustardGT4
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    How Does a Social Media Service Work

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Hello all; disclaimer: I seriously don't know anything.

    The title is fairly vague but I'm really just trying to understand the mechanics of a social media website. What are the basic blocks that a social media website requires? From what I understand, its:

    • The front-end where you can interact, edit settings, and view information
    • A web-hosting server, which I think is what allows people to connect to each other
    • A database (I guess MySQL?) which stores everyone's inputs, which is what the front-end pulls from
    • The software that allows users to interact with the front-end, the front end with the servers/databases, and probably more detailed stuff behind the scenes. Apparently there are alot of open-source alternatives for this?
    • An API - which I don't fully understand
    • Caching systems for big networks

    How is my list; is my research right so far? What am I missing? I'm seriously, seriously beginner level and I just want to find out what I need to research more about so I have a better understanding of how a social media works.

    submitted by /u/Golden_Week
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    [JQuery] removeClass if two items hasClass.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:30 PM PST


    Here is my code : JSFiddle - Code Playground

    Like you see, I have a code that hide the navigation when scrolling down. However, when the mobile menu is open, it move the whole menu (since you can scroll when the menu is open).

    So I was trying with this code :

    if( $(".navigation").is(".nav-up") && $(".right-nav").is(".collapse") ){ $(".navigation").removeClass("nav-up"); }; 

    So if the item having the class navigation and also nav-up AND that the menu having .right-nav also have .collapse, remove .nav-up.

    Not sure if it's supposed to work or not, but it's not working... I tried to add a new class instead, but I think it doesn't understand the first line. I tried to find a solution since yesterday, but can't find anything...

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    Full stack

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:26 AM PST

    Stupid question, but why people after learning front-end (JavaScript) are learning php/python for back-end if they can learn just node.js or another framework, so it'll be faster and easier?

    submitted by /u/RreL1s
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    so is cloud hosting good for huge websites ?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:18 PM PST

    is it a good choice to use cloud hosting if we want to make a social media website? that is similar to youtube?

    submitted by /u/m7md4you
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    Is JAMstack suitable for this project?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:14 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm looking at pricing a project for a client. I build mostly on the JAMstack, but I'm not sure if it's the best fit for this project. What I'm needing is a site similar to SoilConnect. Basically users could post any leftover dirt from a construction project and any other users could see it and speek for it based on their location and I was wondering what you all thought of using a headless CMS for something like this? I'd appreciate any advice u have! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/MarcnLula
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    I just did my first job interview

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST

    I did horrible of course but it was still really fun. I am self-taught and I never expected my CV to get someone's attention, especially a job that requires experience although I have none.

    I answered all the simple questions but when he pulled out the big one I messed up badly, hopefully the next one will be less horrible.

    submitted by /u/Goldenfold37
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    Looking for Nike Database API

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:01 PM PST

    I understand that Nike, the sports company has a sneakers only database at thesneakerdatabase and solecollector.com.

    But I am looking for a Nike API that has a public collection of all Nike items, not just shoes, including apparel, accessories etc

    Where does the Nike Store at https://www.nike.com/ get its data source from?

    submitted by /u/Bulbasaur2015
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