• Breaking News

    Monday, August 10, 2020

    Happens far too often Programmer Humor

    Happens far too often Programmer Humor

    Happens far too often

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    When you need to have that 20 years of work experience that recruiters want by the time you graduate college and start looking for your first job

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Tried to make the arrows spin when the button was clicked. Not quite what I was after...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    How do I let him know?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    When your "Manager" get's involved to get the sprint done on time

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Returning to work after vacation

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Index out of bounds

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    I have never seen such bullshit before (x-post from r/linuxmasterrace)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    CS degree in a nutshell

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    For me it'd probably be pop os window manager

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    *laughs in virtualbox*

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Good question

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    This just hurts

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    TCP and UDP Difference!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Programmers don't want you to know this secret

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Dev: As you might know Data isnt loading automatically on the list page anymore, Client: yes, user has to click loadmore button right? Dev: yeah about that loadmore button...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    I have nothing to lose

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    They really aren’t

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:53 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Body Building

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Well, maybe it happened to me once.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Pc Battery

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Same dude

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    It will run

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    And that's the golden Rule

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:56 AM PDT

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