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    Monday, August 10, 2020

    Anybody else frustrated by the number of people on youtube advocating you quit your job? web developers

    Anybody else frustrated by the number of people on youtube advocating you quit your job? web developers

    Anybody else frustrated by the number of people on youtube advocating you quit your job?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    I go on youtube to look up channels on my hobbies which involves cycling and music. But sometimes I stumble upon some self-help stuff too related to anxiety/depression.

    One thing I've noticed is there's all these youtubers (some of whom now do it as their main source of income) who have found success and are advocating that people should quit their dayjobs to become an entrepreneur.

    Sorry but becoming a REAL entrepreneur such as building a business takes a lot more effort than creating a successful youtube. channel. Creating a channel isn't easy. Not only are there a lot of technical aspects to it but you have to constantly come up with good content. I don't consider these people real entrepreneurs unless you become like a Joe Rogan or Mark Manson. These guys truly put in the work/effort and research into their material. Youtube for them is just a medium.

    Anyway, I'm assuming most of you are CS or software engineering professionals of some sort. I for one fully admit to myself that what was once a field I was passionate about, after 12 years, I've become somewhat disillusioned by it for all sorts of reasons. Some of it is personal and others its due the changing nature of the business.

    But thing is, whether it was a mistake or not, I have built a career on it. It's paid the bills. Quite well in fact. The income has allowed me to pursue the hobbies that give me meaning.

    Yes I dread going to work on Mondays. Once I get into the groove, the rest of the week isn't so bad. And to some extent, yeah I do live for the weekends but that has more to do with this COVID situation and my anxiety/depression rather than my job itself.

    Yes my career/job blows 50% of the time. The other 40% is manageable and maybe 10% is something I actually take pride in. But it pays well. It's given me a comfortable living and financial security.

    Just because a few people have found massive success on YouTube, they think everyone else should quit their day job and become like them. How's that realistic?

    This world we live in depends on a lot of people unfortunately doing pretty boring, mundane crap. I don't care if you're a janitor or a software engineering grunt, it all kinda sucks sometimes. But it's up to us to achieve balance.

    And frankly, if you're a software engineer, you're not doing that bad considering that you are one of the highest paid professions and although money doens't buy happiness, it can help you open doors to things that bring you happiness.

    For instance, I love music and I enjoy cycling. It's nice to be able to afford my musical equipment and afford a car where I can carry all of it. Same with cycling. Getting a nice road bike and being able to enjoy the outdoors. All of that is harder to achieve if you work a job with a low income.

    Anyway, just ranting here. My peeve is that if everyone were to become some sorta entrepeneur, where would we find the grunt people to do the actual work? Looking forward to your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/alexandereschate
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    Is there a kind of web development that fits my genuine interests, or is this too niche and should I be looking at developing a different expertise?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I'm very interested in documentation, user onboarding, and fixing small mistakes to make things clearer in general. I find myself in READMEs a lot, downloading repos, and submitting pull requests to repos that invite me to do that sort of thing.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm fascinated by webdev as a whole; but the documentation side has always gotten a hold of me, if that makes sense?

    What should I maybe be looking for more of?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/bnimbla
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    Anybody else missing the "old times of the internet"?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Hey girls and guys, this is more some kind of a webdev showerthought (which I was honestly thinking about while taking a shower!)

    One thing in advance: I love the web in 2020, especially the tools we are given (HOLY CRAP I LOVE FLEXBOX SO MUCH OMG). Also let's just keep usability and accessibility out of the discussion for a moment because we all know they were more than terrible back then.


    Is somebody also missing the time at the start/mid 2000's where everybody most people didn't put that much thought behind their web projects and just implemented things they thought that were cool?

    An example from my side. It was around 2005 (I was 13 at that time) and I don't even remember anymore what the website was about (probably one of those 'funny image' collections which were THE THING at the time). And I just added a feature that told you how long you were on the page already. It was behind a small icon in the header and useless for 99,9% of all visitors but I THOUGHT IT WAS COOL AS HELL.

    Another one: I randomly added a "paint based chat" on a subpage. So it was somehow a chat but you could draw with people. And my friends loved it! Still it didn't belong on the page context based.

    But that's my point: Today we think so much about semantics and perfect UX that this "feeling of magic" disappeared. Most pages back then were different in navigation and while it was annoying to "learn" the navigation structure, it was still fun as hell because every page was a new playground full of adventures and cool things to discover.

    And I somehow miss that a bit.

    Anyone else has some cool stories that you want to share about "Great Internet Findings of the Early 2000's"?

    submitted by /u/_number11
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    Ideas for Programmers Looking Beyond Web Development

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    How to Avoid Mistakes When Programming — A 10 Point Checklist

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    I believe a surer route to productive programming is focusing on avoiding mistakes rather than focusing on getting it 'right'. Inspired by the Checklist Manifesto, I analyzed the categories of silly mistakes I tend to make — the code equivalents of "its vs it's" — and came up with a list of ten things to look at when programming.

    My checklist needs a lot of code context to make the points concrete (plus give the embarrassing background stories behind them) so I recorded a 3-part video series about it here.

    But if you just the want the bullet points:

    1. At the barriers between languages or systems, use extra caution with data transfer conversions and naming convention translations.
    2. Check for parallel / similar bugs when you discover a latent issue in your system. Often the same misunderstanding may have caused three or four similar issues that you haven't fixed yet.
    3. Enumerate all logical possibilities with truth tables.
    4. Always proof-read what you've staged before committing. You'll nearly always catch an error or an unwanted log statement etc.
    5. Check that your "tiny change" had the desired effect by running the code instead of assuming it continues working. Be especially vigilant when you are moving code from one context to another or when it's "hard-to-reach" (and therefore the temptation is not to execute it).
    6. In big projects (or ones with many libraries) check that you are definitely in the right file. E.g. I had 5x nearly identical webpacker.yml files in a project and my code editor would jump to ones in a library instead of the one for my project, leading to less hair.
    7. Are the docs/Stack Overflow answers you are referring to DEFINITELY for the version of the library/platform in your codebase?
    8. Do all your opening entities (e.g. divs, ifs, etc.) have matching closing entities? Do you have automated systems to ensure this?
    9. Are all referred-to variables, constants, and functions available in the current context? This context might be a function, class, file, platform, device, or browser.
    10. Don't be impatient. Run your tests (and linters) every time before deploying. Skipping them is a false economy.

    Checklist or not, we'll still make mistakes all of the time. But by avoiding the silly ones, at least our errors will have a bit more heft to them, a bit more substance.

    They'll be mistakes you can be proud of.

    submitted by /u/semicolonandsons
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    Was getting bored and decided to go to flexboxfroggy. This is probably the best way to learn about flexbox and I'm having so much fun.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I just decided to gave it a try because I was feeling too lazy to start a new project to practice CSS. This is hands down the best way, according to me, to learn about flexbox (if you're a little familiar with them because this site is really fun but it doesn't give an intro about flexbox). And it's getting so much intuitive to me where to place different elements and I've barely practiced for like 15 minutes.

    It's basically a game where you need to put the frog in the pond, where the frog would imitate your elements in current position and the pond would be where you want to place your elements.

    submitted by /u/life_never_stops_97
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    Web Scraping

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Hello. I am trying to fetch data from a site, for example:
    where x is an integer, then I need the same process to repeat for
    and so on, till it stops at a limit specified for X

    Is there a way to automate such process?

    submitted by /u/XSlizeMoon
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    Warp SVG onlone

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Is ok to start with drag and drop websites?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Noob question alert!

    I am a beginner in web development and have been studying about it for a few months. For now, I can easily understand HTML and CSS and just started studying javascript this month.

    My question is, since i can't build full websites with my beginner knowledge, can i start doing freelances with drag and drop sites like Wix, Wordpress and Webflow? Doing small changes in code but using this system to create the interface for simple webpages? There is someone who works with tools like that?

    submitted by /u/coolthranduil
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    Can someone please tell me what this is called? Scraping or fetching or what?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    On Reddit when you submit a link, the page title and a featured image are fetched automatically.

    I'm trying to find out how to do that, but I don't seem to be able to find the correct name for it so I'm lost.

    submitted by /u/rousseaux
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    Web dev student react project

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I made a very simple react dictionary app for a class project and wanted to get some feedback from you guys.

    I'm struggling with what feels like option and information overload and I'm not sure what to focus on learning or improving. My school program has touched on a few things like PHP, MongoDB, MySQL, JS, React, Next, and Express but I don't feel particularly good at any of it. The degree is considered a "web design" so we skipped logic and other math related classes, I worry that this is a setback for me.

    I feel I have learned so much by my own curiosity but sometimes it can be overwhelming. I am very thankful for this subreddit and you guys for always sharing your knowledge.



    submitted by /u/andyyoz
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    How to get moon face rotation angle using suncalc library?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm using this library: https://github.com/mourner/suncalc to draw the moon as seen from different countries. I already drew the phase but I can't get the rotation right. The library gives the moon angle and parallactic angle. How can I use these angles to get the face rotation angle as seen from selected country?

    submitted by /u/jackhals
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    Self-taught UK Web Developers - How did you land your first job?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    What steps did you take to go from complete novice to landing a job in the UK?

    submitted by /u/marketingmike1
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    Why use a multi-page website over a single-page website?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Seems like single-page websites are just superior since they are faster and more responsive, thus, providing a better user experience.

    So instead of refreshing to a new page, we can just fade-out, fade-in the new content. What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/JackIsNotInTheBox
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    Dev work without coding: Moving a side hustle to Jamstack

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Best way to make side money as a full-time React Developer?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I was working on a huge contract when some extremely unforeseen circumstances happened which fully halted the work for it. I was making around $3,500 USD extra per month on top of my full-time full-stack job.

    This was great for my savings + spending money and paying off anything I owed in the longrun.

    I'm looking for new contracts but it's hard to find people looking for complex projects over basic landing pages. I'm a full-stack react dev that mostly works with the MERN stack. I've been in the industry for 3-4 years and have a very good portfolio. Upwork doesn't seem like the best either.

    Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/mikebpechousek
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    Will I run into limitations with an online IDE?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I'm in the early stages of AAO and soon I'll be needing to set up my environment (RoR mainly, MERN down the line). I'm running a very oldschool chromebook that doesn't support Crostini. (I've tried xfce with Crouton and while I'm eager to learn, figuring all that out is demotivating at this point).

    I'd like to know if I'm able to use something like Cloud9 for all my development needs without running into roadblocks (at least for a good few months while I save for better hardware).

    I've tried to keep the question brief, let me know if there's anything I could add for context. Appreciate insight and advice!

    submitted by /u/MC_Raw
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    a simple React + Cypress app with automated infrastructure using Terraform

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Most of my webdev experience has been in the frontend and API's. I wanted expand my stack so I ended up learning AWS and Terraform during that past few weeks. What I built was a simple React+Cypress+Go app that can automatically provision and deploy to an ECS cluster. I documented it in a way that would help a developer use it for the first time. Hopefully this can be helpful for anyone also looking to get more into backend webdev.


    submitted by /u/izzlesnizzit
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    How can I create, using Bootstrap, a hamburger button next to the logo?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    How can I create, using Bootstrap, a hamburger button next to the logo?

    I would want it to replicate the behavior of the button on https://www.teenvogue.com/



    After collapse


    I found this in the documentation. But I found no example where there are navbar items and a collapsable button, that also gets filled with those items when the window is resized.


    I would appreciate your help.

    submitted by /u/iescapedchernobyl
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    How to check if user already exists in database?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT


    // newuser. username , newuser.email -- is what im working with when i log in.

    //user gets added to db and then if i log in again i want to check if the user already exists by email

    // and if it does I want to do nothing/something.

    return db
    .then(([user]) => user)


    I'm using auth0 to login. 1. how do I check if user already exists? 2. how to write conditional with sql query. if( no user found in db with this specific name then add) else { do nothing}

    I have tried various combinations with no luck.

    submitted by /u/Heyitsme299
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    Website contact form email - reply option

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    A generic question here. Hoping for some ideas.

    Here is the scenario: a contact form on a website sends the website owner an email once the form is filled out and submitted. Standard stuff, no problem.

    When the website owner receives the mail (in MS Outlook), what can be done so that they can "easily" reply to the email. In other words, reply to the person who filled out the form.

    Note: we don't want to change the reply-to address on the email from the website. There were spam filter issues when that was tried.

    I was thinking is there another option? Perhaps some VB code/macro in Outlook? Perhaps something else?


    submitted by /u/davidbarman
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    What is most commonly used and most performant technique to replace image when window resizes?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    In the react codebase I work in daily, we have logic responsible for replacing images when the browser window gets smaller. This is something I still haven't been 100% sure about. I'm curious what is your technique and opinion on approaching such common thing. At one hand its such generic and common feature, but on the other hand I havent found clear answer online, as everyone seems to have own approach. I wonder which one is the most performant.

    What I have found so far:

    1. Window event listener + react state + src replacement in JSX (the one I used so far)
    2. Two <img> elements + css media queries with display: none;
    3. <div> with css background-image: url(foo.png); and use media queries to switch those url's

    Some other ideas? What's the best?

    submitted by /u/Boroviack
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    Anybody knows good Contentful + Gatsby Guides for creating a website (not blog)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    There are a lot of guides and tutorials about making a blog with headless CMSs. Im wondering if there are any hidden treasure guides or tutorials that are investigating the best practices to create a website for a business with landing pages using the two most popular stack: contentful and gatsby.

    I would be interested in examples or best practices in:

    • Creating building blocks for landing pages using components and graphql queries
    • One-Pager SEO solutions
    • Example websites with github link
    submitted by /u/foxey21
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    How do you remember things from your old projects?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Ex. You're assigned to optimize lighthouse scores for an app. You googled all the problems and how to fix them and eventually you get the scores up. 1 year later, you're assigned the same thing and you find yourself googling the same things over again.

    submitted by /u/avg1000
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