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    Wednesday, August 28, 2019

    Do you really develop "mobile first"? web developers

    Do you really develop "mobile first"? web developers

    Do you really develop "mobile first"?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:12 AM PDT

    Everyone claims to develop using the mobile first paradigm, but I wondered how many of you actually write HTML that way?

    I tend to find that, because the desktop layout is usually much more complex in terms of feature placement, it's easier to start from desktop and work backwards to mobile, then refractor the CSS to include breakpoints for different screen sizes. The alternative is to start from a simple stacked column (which most mobile views are) and work backwards to a complex grid layout, which would usually involve adding in lots of extra container elements along the way, messing up the mobile CSS you wrote earlier.

    So I wondered, do you actually develop front-end layouts "mobile first" or, like me, do you just work towards mobile first as the end result?

    submitted by /u/99thLuftballon
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    GraphQLZero: an online, fake GraphQL API for learning, testing, and prototyping.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Firefox Developer Edition

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    Working on a project

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Hey there guys , i don't know if this is the right sub (if it isn't guide me).

    I was wondering if someone would like to join me on doing a project just for fun, i did once remotely and i really enjoyed it.

    If anyone is up for it, we can have a call or chat and discuss ideas of what we'll do, also I'm doing it for the purpose of getting out of my learning comfort zone and just enjoying my time

    Edit: Added the last sentence that i forgot

    submitted by /u/RetardBargh12
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    First time managing interns. What are best practices for collaborating and leading a dev team for a first timer?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    I know the title is generic, but I'm kind of starting from square zero here more or less. I've managed groups and teams before in work environments, but not yet in software development. My experience level with web development is probably a bit less than these interns (I'm a full-time non-tech role at a government job and they are generally CS/IT students). They are all remote and online. The project is "open source".

    They (3 interns) have committed to 5-10 hours per week, and they are obviously not employees so I'm keeping the project scope such that I could finish it alone if needed, but I really would like to make it valuable for both them and our agency. It's basically a rewrite of a site we already use and have the rights to, but don't have control over. It's not maintained and we just want to bring it in-house so we have full control over updates and potential (planned) future expansion.

    Right now we're just trying schedule a time to get on google hangouts and talk about the problem and expectations and all that. I've been reading Shape Up by Ryan Singer (Basecamp), and trying to really think about how I might apply some of the ideas to our project, knowing that it's not fully appropriate in all cases.

    Some specific questions that I had, but I hope you will fill in others:

    1. How should I best go about demonstrating the problem domain? Say it was a site to help plumbers plan jobs and house calls. Do I talk about the problem plumbers have? Or just say "we want the site to do X"?
    2. The source is on github right now. How much detail goes into a good README to assist with installation? How much should I expect to troubleshoot to help them get set up?
    3. How do I share environment and config files?
    4. I'm not super strict about it myself, but I think using ESLint would probably be a good idea, right? How do we make sure we're all on the same page?
    5. Right now I use github's Projects board, and it just has high-level tasks that aren't issues. Is using issues a good way to assign tasks? How do you determine what is a good chunk to have someone work on? Do you just let them meander through the codebase and work on what they feel is important to move the work forward?
    6. I am familiar with using branches and pull requests on my own projects, how much access do I give others to the project and how do you determine how much scope a pull request should cover?

    What are any big lessons you learned your first time managing a small development team?

    Also, sorry interns. Trying my best here.

    submitted by /u/Downvotes-All-Memes
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    My first year as a developer (no degree)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary since getting my first job as a professional developer... and I thought it would be cool to share my story. I know I would have loved to hear some motivation and real life scenarios when I was first getting started. I promise I am not trying to boast, but I do wanna use real numbers... as I was really curious about what ppl were making when I first started. I do think I got very lucky. Im not saying to do what I did.

    So a little background. I am 20 years old. I was going to community college for CS when I was 19, but found out about bootcamps and left after the second semester. It was a 3 month bootcamp going over the full stack. I got employed straight after with a huge company ($42,000 salary). However, they had me pretty much doing no coding... so I started searching after only 3 months.

    I was lucky enough to land an interview with a startup that had just got acquired. Luckily they took me on, and I learned a ton ($60,000 salary). I got to work with amazing technologies, and take on alot of responsibility. However, the company grew extremely quick, and they hired a ton of offshore developers. This caused the environment to be extremely unorganized and it went downhill. The senior dev who hired me ended up leaving, and joining a different company.

    This brings us to just recently. I had only been at my second job for 8 months. The senior dev who left ended up reaching out to me about a position at his new company. The best part is that its fully remote. I ended up interviewing with them and landed the job ($72,000 salary). I was surprised at what they offered me, because its a very good salary for my location.

    So its been a WHOLE year and I am starting my 3rd job LOL. I definitely don't think this is a smart thing to do, but opportunities kept presenting themselves! Ive learned to always make good connections, cause they might open doors when you least expect it. Good luck guys!

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    Anyone using Prisma.io?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    I just stumbled upon it...it has 15K stars but I haven't seen anyone in my circle using it, so want to see if anyone out there is enjoying it, and why they chose prisma.io vs Google Firestore or AWS AppSync?

    submitted by /u/odessitv
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    Discuss: Google Wizard of Oz and This Happens

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    Does anyone here make a living off their own website?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    I've been an in house agency developer for my entire dev career up to this point, I'm trying to figure out my next step in my career because agency work is super stressful, makes it hard to have a good work/life balance and rarely lets you build with any of the fun new tech (we just did our first JAM stack Gatsby build after 8-9 months of trying to show my boss the benefits over a wordpress site for a 3 page website).

    I have my passion project almost ready for launch and have a monetization model that should at least pay for the site hosting and some beer money, but I was wondering if anyone here has built a side project that ended up replacing their full time job. Not like some angel funded startup or anything, but just a fun side project that they run.

    If so what is your story? How did this happen?

    submitted by /u/KonyKombatKorvet
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    Portfolio website feedback

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am currently remaking my portfolio site and I would really appreciate some feedback from you guys.

    It's pretty much finished aside from needing to add a couple things like my cv and links to my projects which has a under construction image atm.

    It's a fully responsive react web app with some server side functionality to send emails. It's currently served on Heroku and my domain name will be transferred.


    • the transition delay has been fixed. Will be updated on heroku promptly.
    submitted by /u/DeltaFireBlues
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    Trying to pick a website URL for my 2 store brick-and-mortar, but there is a kink in my plan. I could use some help.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    So I have a licensed business, and part of the licensing agreement is that they give us a website to use. The problem is the website is not SEO optimized, it's not mobile optimized, and it's not doing the job for us.

    Our current site: www.americasmattress.com/frontrange

    Which isn't horrible by any means, but it can't be SEO optimized. It's the same cookie-cutter back-end that the other locations use (keeps it simple).

    We've decided to create our own website, with permission from the licensing company, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what URL to choose. Our business is named, "America's Mattress", and Obviously that URL is taken. I'm having a hard time figuring out a URL name that ties into America's Mattress, isn't too long, make sense, and ties back into our business all together. Ultimately I do think I'll need to add some sort of geo tag to the americasmattress bit.

    Any suggestions would be great. Not necessarily asking for a URL, but maybe ideas how to tie it in or whatever you have to offer.

    I appreciate any suggestions and comments.

    Thank you all so much!

    submitted by /u/FoCoMattressGuy
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    (Bootstrap 4 question) Why does the input field expand in Navbar when you get to the smallest window size?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:40 PM PDT


    Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I have a couple questions. So, I made this because I'm trying to learn bootstrap. It's a basic bootstrap 4 page with a navbar and a card deck. The navbar has an input field in it. When I shrink the window down, the navbar does what it's supposed to, but when I make it small enough, the input field blows up into max width. Is it done this way on purpose?

    2nd, does anyone know why card decks shrink down so small in Width? And is there a way to fix that in Card Deck? Or is it better to just not use Card Decks?

    And last, if I remove the padding in the body, the cards go below the navbar(navbar overlaps the cards). Is there a way to remove the top padding and keep the cards below the navbar?


    submitted by /u/jhayes88
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    Can anyone suggest how to make the ideal home development environment? Ideally one where on making changes in the editor the web server is automatically updated then the browser is refreshed.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    Not long ago I watched a Youtube tutorial on (IIRC) grids. The author had an environment where this happened, it wasn't post filming editing. I believe he was using Atom editor and some plugins. I can't find it just now and anyway it wasn't a tutorial on his development system.

    I have my home PC to edit on and I have an old Dell Vostro pentium machine laying around I could set up as a development host. Both running Win 10 home, of course.

    Can anyone point me to a way to reduce the Edit, Save, Upload changed files then Refresh browser cycle?


    [Edit 1]. If it helps I'm currently editing with Sublime Text and no addons.

    submitted by /u/Cheesysocks
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    Programming An Air Guitar With Javascript

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    [Question] Apache not logging exceptions

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:56 PM PDT


    I am wondering why when I visit mysite.com over the internet, the exception is not being logged. But when I access it via its local ip address on our local network I see the exception/traceback logged:

    [Wed Aug 28 16:08:56.838817 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 1958] [remote] Traceback (most recent call last): [Wed Aug 28 16:08:56.838912 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 1958] [remote] File "/var/www/mysite/mysite.wsgi", line 9, in <module> [Wed Aug 28 16:08:56.838921 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 1958] [remote] from app import app as application [Wed Aug 28 16:08:56.838939 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 1958] [remote] File "/var/www/mysite/app/app.py", line 13, in <module> [Wed Aug 28 16:08:56.839004 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 1958] [remote] 1/0 [Wed Aug 28 16:08:56.839040 2019] [wsgi:error] [pid 1958] [remote] ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 

    Here is my VirtualHost config

    <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName mysite.com WSGIDaemonProcess mysite user=me group=me threads=8 WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/mysite/mysite.wsgi WSGIPassAuthorization On <Directory /var/www/mysite> WSGIProcessGroup mysite WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost> 

    How should I configure Apache so that the exception is logged when i visit mysite.com over the internet?


    submitted by /u/sordnax
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    HTML compression tool

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    These days I've built a tool for my own usage - a HTML compressor (needed to store many TB's of data for one project, and to be able to move them around quicker).

    The version 1.0 of the tool achieves 50% compression (half size) vs deflate(gzcompress (9)). This is on non-english, minified, full of JS files.

    On loose HTML pages in English it can go up to 80% or more. It includes a trained precompressor and then deflate is used (deflate works better on our intermediate data). This is some serious compression vs. simply using deflate on the original file. It will also further be improved in the v1.1 version (but it will take time to get there).

    So we have just cut our storage costs in half or more. For us it's a true goldmine.

    Question is: What if I package it as a Html compression API service (Saas). Would you use it, or do you see the potential in such a service, to cut your storage in half?

    It would be useful in cases where no instant access is needed, such as archiving and/or post-processing data such as crawled/scraped data for example.

    Side note the tool is fast, and decompression is even faster - so i can offer a high-performance API. Wonder though if there's a market for such an idea.


    Edit: some side services would be encryption, or storage with encryption at rest for whoever is interested in that. Anywyay it's a longer story but keeping it simple for now.

    submitted by /u/emsai
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    What are some good projects for a newbie?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    I'm looking to build my portfolio and wanted to know what your suggestions are.

    submitted by /u/personal_financie
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    Is it smart to make a cross-platform text-editor-like app like this?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    If I want to build a super simple text-editor type of app (for myself and a few colleagues primarily) that I need to run on all three -- PC, web, and mobile -- would this be the best/most efficient way to go about it:

    Use React+HTML+CSS to build it for the web first, package it into an Electron app for PC, and run it as a PWA on mobile? Or should I use React-Native?

    submitted by /u/andersjohansson
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    Learning Methods for self taught developers?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Ive noticed that its easy to think you've got it when it comes to learning through udemy like if they were teaching you positioning for example you practice it a couple of times and then move on to the next section of the course but then you completely forget about what you just learned a couple sections through the course. What kind of methods do you use when learning from courses like udemy. ??

    submitted by /u/Mugen1220
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    This code works in jsfiddle and codepen, but not jsbin. What's going on?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    Can anyone help me with AWS?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    I am new to AWS, and I have a family friend I've built a static "Coming Soon" html page for, and he'd like to get it up on AWS. I am quite confused and struggling to get anything set up. I'm worried I'll fuck something up doing it on my own, and would love some guidance. Would even be okay with paying a small amount for the help!

    submitted by /u/APMO
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    Tech Savant And Director Tackles Hiring Discrimination With Reality Show - Michael Kureth created Whiteboard Challenge, a docustyle reality show focused on the world of HR recruiting in the high-tech industry

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Do I need to use Webpress?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    I'm a semester shy from graduating from college with a degree in information technology full-stack development and I've been really proactive when it comes to submitting / applying for front-end and back-end web development position (most of the job titles will just say web developer) . I've noticed that a handful, enough to consider at least, are WordPress dev positions but, I have no real experience with WordPress, in school it hasn't been mentioned. In my personal development I've taken more initiative outside of the typical school workload and taught myself React and React Native because those frameworks/libraries are requirements for just about every position I've applied for and I've put a lot of effort into learning those than worrying about WordPress. Angular and or Vue was next on my list to learn because those are also very in demand where I live but I'm worried about not learning WordPress. So TLDR my question is should I learn the WordPress platform? Do I need WordPress to be successful as a web dev?

    submitted by /u/CasualRedditAccount_
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    Alpha-JPEG -A simple NPM/JavaScript library for turning PNGs into "JPEGs" with transparency.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:18 PM PDT

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