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    Saturday, March 16, 2019

    Resume Advice Thread - March 16, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - March 16, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - March 16, 2019

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 16, 2019

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Days before starting my new job, the company pushed back my start date by over 2 months

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    I signed a job offer a few weeks ago, which specified the start date and salary. I signed a few other documents as well (non-compete), I received the company handbook, benefits package description, a welcome email, etc.

    A few days before the start date, the company said they have to delay my start date by over two months, due to financial issues. They claim there was no way they could have foreseen this. At this point, I had already done my exit interview for my previous company. I even turned my previous company down multiple times when they tried to counter offer or get me to stay.

    Is there anything I can do here? Due to "at will" employment, am I just expected to accept that the next couple of months I have no salary or benefits?

    I also noticed that the non-compete agreement prohibits making negative statements about the company. Does this mean I cannot write about this experience on sites like GlassDoor, even if I just provide facts? I feel that other candidates should know what they are getting themselves into.

    Any advice or even just sharing of personal experiences is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/_cs_throw_away_
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    For lots of companies, there are open positions posted on LinkedIn, but those positions are not posted on the companies website. Why?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 06:15 PM PDT

    A friend of mine wanted to refer me for a position that I found on LinkedIn. But he couldn't find it in his companies account to refer me. I also noticed there are a lot of positions on LinkedIn this way. How can I find someone to refer me for these positions?

    submitted by /u/notorious_pcf
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    Anyone here ever take some really bad job offers? (In terms of pay, culture, etc.)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    I find it really hard to browse this sub sometimes. It seems like most posts are subtly humblebragging - "Hey I'm a fresh grad from college and I just got offered a position at Google. They only offered me $85k as a junior developer, should I bargain for more? Was hoping for 100k." And then I even browse places like LinkedIn and I see people that I carried through group projects with great jobs.

    Here I am - starting my first job out of college on Monday as a frontend web dev making like 30k at a company with a 1.5 star rating on glassdoor, because it's the only offer I could get after ~6 months of applying and desperately needed any industry experience. So as you can see, it gets pretty depressing seeing just about everyone else with a more successful career than me. Anybody got some good stories about some terrible jobs they had (or have)? Feels like I'm going crazy here, seems everyone else in this industry is having so much success.

    submitted by /u/SuckingOffMyHomies
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    Getting stressed to go faster, and delivering high quality code.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    What do you think about being stressed to go faster and deliver things you're new to?

    I had to implement some memory-statistics logging for a Java app last week. The foundation was already there in so far as the logging framework and the various log appenders were already configured prior to my arrival.

    All in all it took me between 2 to 3 days to learn enough about how Java handles memory and implement it, utilising TDD too. It required some refactoring during that time so that it made sense and didn't look terrible. In the end the test code - which didn't cover edge cases - had more lines than the business code but that's purely because all dependencies were mocked out so only the units under test were really being tested.

    My manager was telling me that he didn't want it to take so long because it's just a single log statement, and that I keep over complicating solutions. But in that time I delivered one simple prototype, then enhanced it aided with his feedback resulting in a more complex solution that displays the overall memory being used and information about the various memory pools used by the Java Virtual Machine garbage collector.

    Am I being unreasonably slow? He also remarked that he didn't want any tests written because it isn't code that will be directly used by customers.

    TL;DR: I spent close to 3 days learning about and implementing some memory logging that followed good OO practice (tests, clean, refactored, etc) and was told that I keep over complicating solutions and am taking too long.

    submitted by /u/Sethorion
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    Anyone else ever had an employer completely lie about what you'd be doing before being hired?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Title basically. I started a new job a few weeks ago. My new employer lied about nearly every aspect of my job. What I'd be working on, who I'd be working with, work from home abilities, amount of travel involved.. you name it, they lied to me.

    They have me working in this "low code" platform where it's just some bullshit point and click thing. When I was negotiating, I specifically emailed and asked about this, and how much of my time it would be a part of, and they told me 1-2 hours per day at most, and the rest of my time would be in real dev work. This was a complete lie, it's 100% of my duties.

    I confronted them with this email, and they basically said "yeah in a few months you might start working on other things, but right now we need you here".

    I don't know what to do, I am completely miserable and want to just quit.

    submitted by /u/atlas_77
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    Is it better to learn one language really well or several languages pretty well?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    My brother-in-law brought this up to me today. He said I should find a language I like and just go all in on it, instead of learning several languages.

    My current plan is to learn python, JavaScript, sql, and html. Spending 2 months on each one.

    What should I do? My idea is that if I am fairly familiar with each language, I can have a diverse portfolio and then whatever the job wants me to learn I can just learn it.

    submitted by /u/SantaOMG
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    What are the compensation packages of mid level software engineers in Hawaii?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 07:47 AM PDT

    Based on my Google searching, the answers seem very low for such a high COL state, which is why I am turning to you guys here!

    Recently got a 100k offer from a company in Hawaii for a mid level software engineer, and would like to get a good foundation for my salary negotiation range. I am spending the weekend preparing my negotiation strategies, and having this range would be very helpful.

    If you guys could give me insight into your compensation packages (salaries, benefits, 401k matching, etc) that would be amazing! Thanks :)

    Also, thanks in advance for all your replies! I'm out getting drunk in green, so I'll reply tomorrow :)

    submitted by /u/ThanksForTheBuildUp
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    How much of getting a software job is self learnt?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    I'm going to begin Comp Eng at uni this year. Here, we have 6 4-month internships in our degree, which makes it 5 years long. So knowing that I'm doing computer engineering, how much of getting a software job is self learnt?

    Is most of what you learn to get an interview and pass it learnt in courses or by yourself.

    I know that you need side projects too, which are usually done outside courses.

    I'm asking because I want to compare it to CS and CS students. Do they need to self learn or do they learn everything needed in class?

    submitted by /u/From-Deepest-Fathoms
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    Static site generator for personal/portfolio website?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 08:19 PM PDT


    I'd like to create a personal/professional website that shows my projects, possibly with a blog for things like Google Summer of Code progress reports if I get in. A static site generator seems ideal for this, since I'm totally blind and would prefer not to worry about visuals (and simply write all my posts/project pages in plain text or something like Markdown).

    However, there seems to be lots of options. Are people using static site generators for portfolio websites? Which do you think is best for my use case (and why)? Might a full CMS actually be better in my case?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/codeofdusk
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    Can You Get A Junior Developer Job Without A Computer Science Degree?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    Is it possible to get an entry level job as a Developer with the other options available like a 2 year Diploma or Associates? I know there's also bootcamps but I feel like a 2 year degree is a good middle ground. If I could land a position it would save me about 3 years and lots of money. I would also get to take more courses that focus on programming and the things I'm interested in.

    Also is the earning potential similar after a decade or so in the field? Does it make a big difference that you have a Bachelor's Degree once you're a Senior Developer?

    submitted by /u/AFullCupOfJava
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    Was offered a free course after which I immediately get a job. I refused. Did I do the right thing?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Hi guys, so recently I quit my job to find a new one,

    and one of the recruiters I've spoke to on the phone told me she has a course to offer me after which you get employed immediately (you get a contract and sign it etc., no interviews involved).

    She told me the course would start at the end of the year and it's about "learning Software Development", and that it's for CS grads or "people who want to learn how to develop software".
    She said that at the end of the course you get a job at the company she is representing, but the job is minimum wage for the first few months.

    I refused because the description sounds very vague to me, and the part about working for minimum wage sounds like exploitation rather than employment. Also the biggest red flag here is that I have 2 years of experience and still somehow got this offer in the first place.

    What do you guys think? Did I dodge a bullet or are there legit programs like this? (Ones that employ you right at the end of the program etc.)

    submitted by /u/AllGunsBlazing97
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    Self taught people, what did your portfolio look like and what was your first job?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm working my way through stuff(I can expand if you want) but I'm wondering what your journey looked like and when you got the confidence to apply to stuff. Want to hear from any/everyone!

    submitted by /u/ibrown39
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    Graduated a year ago, my experience with DevOps

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    Throwaway just for this sub

    I graduated from a large state University a year ago and have been working as a DevOps engineer. It's been a good experience for me but I will probably go back into a more traditional software engineering role.

    I keep seeing people ask about DevOps positions but don't see too much good feedback regarding it.

    It's currently a "hot" field and the term is overloaded with a lot of meaning and connotations. When I accepted the offer a year ago, I only had a vague idea of what to expect.

    From an idealistic point of view the goal of DevOps is to reduce the conflict between Dev teams who are responsible for new features, and Ops teams who are responsible for stability. (Throw in testing and security teams and their goals as well.)

    What this could mean is developers being more responsible for the support and maintenance of their code in production. And for operations, testing, and security teams to be more embedded in the developer teams. You'll hear the term "cross functional teams" a lot. And most places with a DevOps culture are big on Agile as well.

    The work is focused on:

    Infrastructure as Code - programatically creating infrastructure and configuration, usually cloud

    Release engineering - continuous integration/delivery and incorporating automated testing

    Logs and Monitoring - aggregation, alerting, etc

    The focus is really on automating operations.

    None of these ideas are new, but the development of cloud and container technology has made infrastructure more scalable and accessible, so these issues come up more as companies change their IT.

    The reality is that for most companies "DevOps" is just a glorified evolution of their IT/operations. Most DevOps engineers will be from sysadmin and networking backgrounds looking to improve their careers. Most of the programming involved is scripting or writing yaml. Maybe the rare chance to do software engineering every now and then.

    That being said, companies are hungry for DevOps talent and entry salaries can be comparable or higher than junior level software developer positions.

    And if we're being honest a good portion of software engineering positions is glorified CRUD.

    For someone who enjoys a mix of programming, Linux, networking, and systems engineering, DevOps is not a bad field to start or build a career. You get to touch a wider set of technologies than a pure development role. DevOps also gives a great overview of the end-to-end lifecycle of how software is made and actually runs.

    Even for someone who wants to do pure development work, I think the trend will increase where more developers will be reponsible for running and supporting their code. So the knowledge is not a waste. Although I would say that the experience would not directly count as software engineering experience.

    Last note is that, the industry is moving pretty fast and there's an emphasis on tooling which isn't fully mature yet. Just take a look at the changes with Kubernetes and how far Azure has come within the past year. I wouldn't count this as a good or bad thing. Personal preference really.

    For those looking to Big N companies: DevOps positions would be closest to SREs at Google, and Production Engineers at Facebook.

    Hopefully this can help at least one person make a career decision.

    submitted by /u/tjuzmesi
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    Seeking advice (Canada)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    See this post for the meat of my concerns: https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantOut/comments/azau7i/27m_canadian_in_usa_back_to_canada/

    Any Canadians here working as data scientists or software engineers for at least 80k? Did anyone move back to Canada from the US? What advice would you give for me to have a smooth return to Canada?

    submitted by /u/l1nux0s
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    C programmer doesn’t like company culture or living in SF/the Bay Area

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    I was actually born here but my family moved away to Idaho when I was a little kid, my degree is in Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics from a good school and right out of school I got hired by a semiconductor startup as an embedded firmware engineer in SF, the work itself isn't a problem but I don't like the atmosphere at this company, nor do I like this city or state very much. The culture is very bro-like, informal and intense and it's an environment that I really don't like, I'm living with my nana because I absolutely refuse to pay three grand for a studio in the City or a 1 bedroom in an iffy part of Oakland, even though I make good money I can't justify those prices here, and SF is SF it's a weird place relative to the rest of the country and I don't fit in and there are a lot of things about California that really make me understand why almost all of my family has moved away in the last 15 or so years, and I think that the other major tech hubs like Seattle and New York would similarly be bad fits for me.

    Career wise I like working with C and although I'd be okay continuing to work on firmware ideally I want to do in house stuff for a company whose focus is outside of the tech world. I would also be happy to take a pay cut to live in a place with a less ludicrous cost of living, as it stands here in the Bay Area it doesn't matter if I made $1mil a year I will never be okay with paying thousands of dollars for a few hundred square feet.

    Any ideas about where to look, what locations to check out or general career advice you'd like to offer?

    submitted by /u/Retep1997
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    (I doubt anyone here is kne) but what's it lime being a PhD who works for a college and a company? How does that work?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    Are they employed FTE ar both? Do they just do lectures? Do they lecture?

    submitted by /u/Venne1139
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    Companies/Industries that have a formal dress code?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Are there any companies where you wear suits to work every day? I've heard even BBs on Wall Street are starting to go more casual. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/nukewannabe
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    Value of experience in different languages

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    My career is 1 year 2 months of Java, 2.5 years of C and now I'm working in Java again. All of my experience (including C) has used a modern micro-service based architecture and reasonably modern tech stack. I intend to continue to work in high level languages like Java for the rest of my career. Lets assume I work at this new job for 1.5 years. I now have 5 years and 2 months worth of experience. If I apply to a different Java job would they value me as such? Despite only having about half of the experience in Java and the rest in C? Anyone who has been in this position before give me some pointers on how I should value my C experience?

    Personally I definitely do not feel like I have the equivalent of 3.5 year experience in Java dev at the moment... Something like 2.5 years at best (I was still keeping up with java while doing C) is more accurate. I currently only value my C experience at 50%. Thus to me the C experience is only worth about 1.25 years of Java experience. Max 1.5 years. All that value comes in the problem solving and system architecture knowledge I gained. Thus I feel after working my current job for 1.5 years I'll have 4 years of experience rather than 5.2 years of experience. Since I only have 4 years of experience I would apply to SE2 positions. Is that reasonable assessment?

    submitted by /u/dimitrithetree
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    Younger guy looking for some guidance on making my first career move.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    A bit of background about me, I am a 24 y/o software engineer working for a small defense contractor in rural Alabama. I hope sharing salary information is alright, as it pertains to part of my question. I started at my company 2 years ago at 60k, and the past two years have been bumped up 10k per year to 80k. I understand that is on the lower side for software engineers, but I think that is mostly due to the area I live in (my savings ratio is about 65%).

    I enjoy my job, enjoy the people that I work with, but I am getting to the point where many SEs that I know have decided to move to a different job, mostly moves from smaller companies to big name companies.

    My question is twofold:

    1. I've heard that your earning potential is usually capped out around the time you hit 30, is jumping companies the fastest way to maximize that earning potential? Also will working for a lower salary in a rural area hurt my salary negotiations at a company in a more urban area?
    2. SEs that have gone from smaller companies to larger companies, what has your experience been like, do you regret the decision?

    Thanks for reading, open to any and all advice!

    submitted by /u/stgansrus
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    What is the best specialization in computer science to pursue if you're young and are not strong at upper-level statistics and calculus?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    I'm not necessarily bad at math. I'm alright in discrete mathematics, linear algebra, calculus, and statistics; sometimes I don't grasp the mathematical concepts by intuitively. However, I do have a good grasp at algorithms, data structures, and time complexity. Anyways, what specializations should I look into other than web dev/mobile dev. I was considering things networking and distributed systems; however, I'm not sure how to get experience in those fields as a freshman at uci.

    submitted by /u/LivingDuty9
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    Do they teach new graduates what to do?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    I have just finished all my programming classes for my degree and I am realising that i still wouldnt call myself a programmer. I mean sure i learnt the basics of programming but the most complicated program i wrote was a simple game. I understand the basics of programming but is this really enough to go out and work as a programmer?

    submitted by /u/NipponShinpan
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    Failed out of school during junior year, took year and a half off. Worth going back?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 06:28 PM PDT

    Left school and hadn't coded since (year and a half). Im tired of 50 hour weeks ,and really contemplating going back to school. I failed out for being an asshole really. Perspectives have changed.Ive been going through this and am 2/3rds done(more of a skim 2x speed, doing assignments) https://github.com/ForrestKnight/open-source-cs

    Im also doing interview questions butI could use practice. This is obviously not enough. I worked on a web app thats currently live, with one other person but thats about it. What can I start to focus on that would help with getting the job?

    What is the recommended path here? I dont mind studying and really have no problem putting in 6-8 hours a day and I would much rather this over going back to school. I feel like I can be infinitely more effective. That being said, if I wont ever find a job because I couldnt suck it up and go back for two years that would be dumb. I dont have to re apply, just register at the next opening. Any advice would be great, just need some direction.

    submitted by /u/burnerwafe4
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    Task and Project Requirements?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    I have a simple problem i'm having when working with developers and other service providers because they ask me "what I want" and i'm not clearly able to articulate this

    I give them a short description or bullet points, we go back and forth and expand on my requirements, we keep going over this until we get it right.

    How can I prepare this? Under what circumstances is it to ask me the questions?

    Is this "requirements elicitation"? Is this the job of a business analyst? Is this my job or their job?

    I feel very inexperienced in this process

    submitted by /u/doormass
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