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    Monday, March 18, 2019

    Humble Book Bundle: Web Programming by O'Reilly web developers

    Humble Book Bundle: Web Programming by O'Reilly web developers

    Humble Book Bundle: Web Programming by O'Reilly

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    Keeping up with the frontend technologies

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 05:50 AM PDT

    I've been learning frontend development for the past 6 months and I've been taking up frontend roles on school projects and I've even completed a frontend internship. I still feel like I know nothing.

    My most limiting weakness is CSS. I can't do anything significant without someone giving me a design or even worse, a template. How do I develop the eye for a design? My designs often go against good UI/UX practices or they are too mobile-first.

    Should I use CSS frameworks or should I start writing applications without them? I feel like I'd learn more without them but it would take significantly more time.

    How do frontend devs keep up with technologies? I've learnt react over the past 4 months but it will take me years to become an expert. By the time I've reached expert level react will be obsolete.

    How do you become extremely proficient in these technologies when the trends change so quickly?

    submitted by /u/rickross234
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    How to convince your team to adopt CSS Grid

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    Tired of .NET being required for most of the jobs in my country

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 12:40 AM PDT

    I'm currently a frontend web developer and looking to get into backend development. I have experience with Node.js & Python and currently learning Go.

    Should I just give in and learn .NET?

    submitted by /u/ExoDroid
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    What are some current methods to defer the loading of images on a web page?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    Hi all. In an effort to improve page load speeds, I would like to defer the loading of some images. I've seen this article by Patrick Sexton, in which he first loads a small base64 image, then replaces it with the actual image once the rest of the page fully loads. It looks simple and intuitive enough, but is ~5 years old now. Before I proceed, I'm just wondering if this is still a preferred/viable technique, or if it has any drawbacks.

    FYI I'm not referring to lazy loading, in which images are loaded only when they appear in the viewport.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/cag8f
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    Automated web testing with Selenium and Docker

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    The open source project Selenium-Jupiter allows to execute Selenium from JUnit 5 tests providing integration with Docker, allowing to use different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera) and Android devices in Docker containers in a seamless way. For further details about other features (such as recordings, screenshots, VNC remote session, test templates, or integration with Jenkins) please take a look to the documentation. Feedback is more than welcome! (Disclaimer: I am the maintainer of this project)

    submitted by /u/boni_garcia
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    Micromodal - Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 12:40 AM PDT

    Grid by Example - Everything you need to learn CSS Grid Layout

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    Graphql Editor - great tool that helps you to design your graphql API structure

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    Make Your App Faster, Fast — 3 Web Performance Strategies

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    What form validation libraries do people use now days?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    Recently found myself looking into form validation and on the jQuery side of things it looks like parsley.js is still quite popular, does anyone here end up writing their own rules or do you have a library you always go to?

    submitted by /u/newton101
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    Is there any purpose of using a CDN service (like MaxCDN) if I already have CloudFlare?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    All my sites are on the free version of Cloudflare. Is there any purpose of buying an additional CDN service like MaxCDN for my static files?

    submitted by /u/_my_name_is_earl_
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    SCSS @for Use Cases

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Any idea what these backlinks might be? (weird URLs starting with numbers)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    Any idea what these backlinks might be? (weird URLs starting with numbers)

    I just checked my backlinks on Google Search Console, and most of the recent ones appear to be false urls (following the link returns an error), and all of them start with a number, for example 10.20.reddit.com/post (see photo below for actual examples)

    I'm kinda weirded out because I haven't really checked these for a while. Is this someone's attempt to hurt my rankings? Should I be worried? They started popping around February 2019, and I probably have around 100 or so.


    submitted by /u/krikit_
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    Looking for advice on where to start as a front-end web developer free lancing?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    I've been in the industry for 4 years now, worked for 2 different companies. I am a front-end WordPress developer. So I understand how to do everything from cPanel onwards basically. It may sounds odd that I don't know how to do anything before this point but I just don't. So I need advice!

    I want to start free lancing, so I'm going to build myself a portfolio and services. I will need a hosting platform and a domain name provider. And I am just assuming from there I should be able to figure out how to get access to cPanel? Need a bit of guidance for that one? I am from New Zealand but I'm sure I don't need to limit myself to NZ platforms. So..

    1. Where can I host domains for my clients at a cheap rate with support if the server drops?

    2. Who would be a cheap domain provider?

    3. Is it as easy as setting the domain on the server then loading up cPanel?

    4. Am I missing anything else in this process?

    5. I'll need an online platform that clients can pay me through without the platform taking a massive cut, suggestions?

    6. Where can I purchase SSL certificates for cheap too? (EDIT)

    Let me know what you think? I appreciate your suggestions. Tell me I'll struggle, I don't care. I need some money kinda badly and front-end development is what I'm good at.

    Thanks in advanced.

    submitted by /u/spiritflower99
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    I'm Job searching... I have a couple questions.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    So ive been freelance web developing for about 8 years. Pretty much a self taught(no degree) Full Stack developer. Primarily: PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, some javascript and a lot of Wordpress development.

    Im to the point where I think i just want to work for a web dev company or even better a Business that needs a developer in house. I just want the consistent paycheck and routine.

    I frequent the job sites a couple times a week to see whats out there. I have applied to some but it always ends up with someone emailing me back asking what my salary requirements are. I respond back with "I'm pretty open, but it depends on the benefits provided." then no reply back.

    What do you think a salary requirement should be for a Midwest populated area (also 30 minutes from a very large city).

    Also, do you have any suggestions on landing a good job?

    Thanks for your input

    submitted by /u/joeporterme
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    Laravel is going to give me a stroke.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    I've been trying to install it for days now. My experience as a Wordpress dev has been no help to me in this situation. I feel like a complete moron because I can't figure this out.

    I thought I had it figured out until I noticed that the Laravel project I created in my VM Homestead Box wasn't accessible in my IDE. I thought that there would be a symlink automatically created. I've deleted everything and started from scratch several times.

    At this point I would really appreciate any help, I'm willing to Venmo someone for their time to just show me how to figure this God forsaken process out.

    submitted by /u/starchode
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    Switching from Macbook Pro to Linux - what do you miss or wish you knew when you switched, and any tips?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    Edit: I've done lots of searching on this topic, but it's a lot of banter of what OS is better/Apple bashing/etc. I'm more looking for experience on switching from one to the other and if I'm going to be missing out on anything huge or if switching to Linux solely is more difficult for some reason than I thought.

    On Saturday, my display went out on my mid-2014 Macbook Pro 15" and it's going to cost $575 to fix. In the meantime, I already have a Thinkpad t460s that I've setup Kubuntu on, and it's setup for LAMP stack/PHPStorm/Filezilla/Postman/etc. Also already running dual displays and can keep the Thinkpad open too, so can use three displays on it total.

    My idea is to switch to Linux for web development, but for those of you who switched, do you have any tips or things you wish you would have known when you switched? Any regrets?

    Also...I'm used to SQL Pro...what's the best alternative on Linux?


    submitted by /u/darinja80
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    New to js, advice on how to animate a sorting bar chart

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I'm new to Javascript (I can code in swift, just new to javascript) but I want to learn how to do automated sorting stacked bar chart as such:


    I'd like to code something such that you have Variable Time, Variable A, Variable B. So that A and B are plotted against each other and animated through Time, so a bar chart of A against B that gets updated each Time (e.g year) And I could just replace the three variables within the code and alter the data.

    I'd like to keep it simple just to learn. Any advice on how I could go about this? Thanks in advance.

    Edit add: this is exactly what I had in mind: example

    submitted by /u/seanmashitoshi
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    Confused about "single page application" with Vue.js

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    From my understanding, SPA only loads one page and acts as an application without having to reload a whole new different page when navigating.

    I am attempting to create a SPA using Vue.js, but not sure how Vue Router comes into play in SPA. I have three views: "Home", "Landing", and "Login". So obviously, using the router, I navigate the user based on the certain rules such as "Home" can only be accessed through authorization in "Login", which in turn can be accessed from "Landing". Then, the url changes from "myapp.com/landing" to "myapp.com/login" to "myapp.com/".

    I know the url change itself is not necessarily an indication of a full-loading a web page, but how do I control whether I am reloading an entire page when the url changes?

    submitted by /u/i-brute-force
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    Where to begin?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    Hi reddit, I found this website created by Andrew McCarthy that I think is very cool. What technologies are used to make this, and how do I start learning to do something like this? Sorry if it's the wrong place to post - please let me know if there is a more appropriate place to ask. Thank you in advance! http://dice.berlin/

    submitted by /u/simplefig
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    Weekly Coding Challenge - Week #3 - Navigation

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Twill — An open source CMS toolkit for Laravel

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    there are some problems with my form that i cant solve

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    on http://www.mdscomputers.ae/new/buyback.php i put horizontal tabs that have 3 tabs which are laptop, desktop and screen

    i want to put an advanced contact us form with a captcha in each tab. the form header is originally like this:-

    <form id="contactFormAdvanced" action="#" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 

    note that the id of the form is contactFormAdvanced

    i am planning on putting an advanced contact us form in each tab and changing the id of each form header to the following:-

    <form id="contactFormAdvancedLaptop" action="laptopthanks.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <form id="contactFormAdvancedDesktop" action="desktopthanks.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <form id="contactFormAdvancedScreen" action="screenthanks.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 

    the problem is when i changed the form id and i created multiple copies of the same form then everything spoilt. the issues are:-

    1) if there is only one form then when the page loads there is no captcha image. i need to click on the refresh captcha so the image shows

    2) if there are two forms then the refresh captcha link in the second form spoils (the one in the desktop tab is spoilt). that is because there are two id that have refreshCaptcha <a href="#" id="refreshCaptcha"><i class="fas fa-sync"></i></a>(one in each form). i am unsure what i need to change so multiple refresh links are allowed

    3) if the id of the form is contactFormAdvanced then i will get a red error line under a field if i try to submit and invalid field and i am allowed to press enter in a field to submit the form. i changed the id of the form in the desktop tab to contactFormAdvancedDesktop. after i did that then the html5 form validation error pop up shows instead of the red error line under the field if there is an invalid field and i am not allowed to press enter in a field to submit and i am forced to press the submit button to submit the form. i want to get the red error line under the field if there is an invalid field and i want to be able to press enter in a field to submit the form when the form id are contactFormAdvancedLaptop, contactFormAdvancedDesktop and contactFormAdvancedScreen and i dont know what to add so that works

    4) there are two <input type="submit" id="contactFormSubmit" value="Send Message" class="btn btn-primary btn-modern pull-right" data-loading-text="Loading..."> and there is one in the form in the laptop tab and there is another one in the form in the desktop tab. it works and the form submits when there are two buttons that have id which is contactFormSubmit. i want to change the id name to something else and i am not exactly sure if i am allowed to do that and the submitting wont spoil

    submitted by /u/cns000
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