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    Saturday, January 19, 2019

    Need advice and guidance Ask Programming

    Need advice and guidance Ask Programming

    Need advice and guidance

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 04:00 PM PST

    I'm a software engineering major and I went into it because I think computers are cool and all but I went into it with no prior knowledge about it just something every high school graduate would know and now I'm having a really hard time getting into programming. I've read lots of articles online and watched lots of YouTube videos to help guide but they are too vast and for a beginner with no prior knowledge, infuriatingly confusing. I will like it if someone who is experienced can share with me a detailed way to get into programming. I've done basics like codeacademy on python but it seems to be as far as I get before spiralling and getting frustrated with confusion. So my question is just hopefully a detailed step by step of getting into programming once you get the hang of the basic syntax.

    Edit: I also see a lot of people use the bash and all but I have no idea how it works so if there is a step in learning these, I'll also like to know. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ElectroValley
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    2nd attempt at flowcharting--

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 09:22 PM PST

    Taking my first programming course, and I had a first assignment with this question:

    Management wants a printed report that lists a worker's name and number of hours of overtime worked that week. The overtime is the hours worked minus 40. At the end of the report there must be a number that shows the total of all overtime worked that week.

    Here's my response, do you guys think this is an acceptable answer?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ba3toven
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    I'm pretty new to coding and very inexperienced, and have a dream of building an entire motion graphics application. What language is best and how do I go about developing and distributing it?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 07:09 PM PST

    I'm pretty upset that there's no widely used alternative(s) to After Effects like there are for Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema 4D, etc.

    I'm planning on making my app free, open-source, and on a smaller scale than AE, mostly made specifically for motion graphics. I'l also like it to work on Mac, PC, and different versions of Linux/GNU. How much would I need to know about coding before I make it and what other tools would I need?

    I've done a TINY amount in Python and I'm in the process of learning Processing. Should I start another language like C++?

    I'm also pretty low budget right now so getting an expensive IDE or some other tool might not be great


    submitted by /u/MusicOfBeeFef
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    Global variables and security

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 10:20 AM PST

    I took an introductory C++ class last semester at school. Given that I already had a few years of programming experience I wasn't really worried about it.

    My professor in that class stressed to us that using global variables was a security risk in our code, and given that many in the class (including me) were majoring in cybersecurity, we needed to not use them and use call-by-reference instead. I can understand where he was coming from, but for the programs we were writing there would not have been anything really that bad about using global variables (intro course, so lots of ask-for-a-number-and-do-math-on-it type questions). Still, I kept all variables from being global except for my constants, which the professor said was fine.

    Fast forward a semester, and I'm in a slightly higher level C++ course (emphasis on slightly). I got some grades back today and in one of them there was a comment about using global variables. I checked my work and all I had were global constants to use in my math.

    So my question is: are global variables, including constants, that big of a deal in code? Even though the class is focused on C++, if at all possible I'd love some language-agnostic advice.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/MisterWhopper
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    Automate process of making flashcards

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 06:40 PM PST

    Hello, I'm a newbie programming w experience only in C and Assembly.

    I'm making a flashcard list to study vocab. I have several thousand individual vocab words. I'd like to find sentences of their real use, for which I have been using the database at tatoeba.org . Right now, my method is to copy a word into their search engine, copy the resulting sentence, and then move onto the next one. This will take forever to get through the list.

    How can I automate this process?

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/tismyfirsttimehere
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    Started my first internship and have curious questions

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 05:43 PM PST

    Hey, I just started my first internship in a company that services cryptocurreny exchange and considering this is my first job ever , I would like to ask, what kind of tasks can I be given, my "mentor" mentioned that I will need to learn Objective-C a little much, and I am coming from a background of Swift, also I am a student in a university in Lithuania currently studying information systems and have also had a grasp of OOP with C# and Java

    submitted by /u/OldTimes4
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    In what language were mobile phones programmed in?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 07:50 AM PST

    For example, what is the language Nokia 3310 was programmed? Or Motorola V3i? Was it Java or C++ or ... ?

    submitted by /u/HiTek_142857
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    Is it possible to "h* e* l* l* o*"?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 01:45 PM PST

    to find all sequences of words beginning with those letters (or any letters followed by wildcards) in the specified order?

    it would return "harriet eventually looked like olive" / "...here everyone! let's look out..." and so on!

    submitted by /u/M-E-W-S
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    Open source speech synthesis programs?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 09:04 AM PST

    I am a senior Linguistics/CompSci major, and, for the linguistics degree, I have to complete a senior thesis paper. It, of course, needs to be primarily linguistics focused, but I still want to incorporate comp sci elements. My solution to this is to create a paper where I am comparing different speech synthesis methods (eg diphone vs formant vs HMM etc) and then conduct an experiment that is essentially an audio based turing test, where listeners must determine if they are hearing a human or "robot" speak. I've encountered a couple issues in my preliminary research. First off, the companies that make the most common smart assistants don't want you to know the processes of how their speech synthesis works (it's likely a combination of methods but that's not really citable in a research paper). Additionally, those smart assistants have recognizable "voices" at this point, and could affect the experiment's results.

    This means I have to turn to other speech synthesis programs, where I can definitively say "X is an example of Y synthesis." I do not have the time to program multiple speech synthesis programs (and this is a linguistics paper, not a comp sci project), so I am turning to the world of open source. It is a large world, so I am hoping someone here might know of any good projects I can start with. Additionally, if there are any other subreddits you know of that might be helpful for this search, I would love to know.

    Any help would be appreciated!! Thank you so much!!

    submitted by /u/KaiF1SCH
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    What is better java build system that can automatically invoke unit testing? Ant, Maven, or ???

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 12:39 PM PST

    My team is planning on converting to Bazel sometime within the next year. However, we are now starting to add java code to an otherwise 100% C++ repository. I want the team to properly write tests for their java code and for those tests to only run when they depend on code that was changed (not run every test every time). Since we don't yet have corporate permission to use Bazel (security, lawyers, and whatnot), we need to use something in the meantime. What would be better for this in the short run? I know we have corporate permission to use Ant and Maven, but I realize there might be others I'm unfamiliar with.

    What is the go-to java build system nowadays?

    submitted by /u/dog_superiority
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    How do I run MATLAB Code in Jupyter Notebook?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 10:12 AM PST

    Library/Framework to create maps and simulate people walking through way points?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Hi, does anyone know a library/framework where I can create different maps (with rooms and walls which are not passable) and simulate people at different walking speeds to walk through way points to reach a destination?

    submitted by /u/0xf3e
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    Any good libraries in C# to compare strings?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 08:21 AM PST

    So I'm learning C# and I'm making this project on the side while looking for jobs. It pretty much just lets me copy and paste something from say indeed and tells me which words were repeated the most. So far I have it down to that, but I need to clean up the strings so that capital letters and punctuations go away or make everything capital. Words such as and, or, it, is, etc need to go away.

    submitted by /u/_Spanish_Inquistion
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    Any idea how to scrape/find this data?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 07:03 AM PST

    I need to find out how quickly particular expired domains get registered after their release.

    I know of two ways to do it but both are unviable:

    1) Through the API of a registrar. Just make availability/registration calls but the API calls you get are way too few to be able to determine the speed.

    2) Through paid whois requests: https://jsonwhois.com/pricing

    but it's way too expensive. I'd need to spend something like hundreds of dollars per domain to do this. Absolutely non-practical.

    If anyone has an alternative idea, I would appreciate it a lot.

    submitted by /u/LordAntares
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    arduino braccio not working, plz help

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 06:16 AM PST

    Using API Keys in Open Source Software

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 01:51 AM PST

    Hello! I have been searching on the internet for solutions to this issue for a few hours now to no avail.

    I have several projects hosted on GitHub which utilize third party APIs (e.g. Youtube's API). Now, of course, I don't want to have the API keys stored in plaintext in my source code. This seems to leave me with a few options:

    1. Try to obfuscate the API keys somehow. This seems like an issue security-wise, not to mention the fact that all users of my app would be using the same key, and (as long as I understand correctly) be sharing a quota with each other as well as myself.
    2. Do the same as #1, but pay for API usage to avoid quota issues. This is obviously not ideal since these are open source apps where I don't plan to make a profit.
    3. Require users to obtain their own API keys.

    Currently, I'm going with option #3, but this is probably the most difficult step for average users to do in setting up and installing the applications I've written. I was hoping to find a way to avoid having this cumbersome step without having to accept security concerns and/or quota sharing/limiting. If anyone has any tips or advice as to the standard approach to doing this, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BowFive
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    Help w/ randomizing program

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 01:44 AM PST

    If I wanted to build a program on my Android phone that could randomly select videos from my YouTube account for me to watch, what coding languages would I do it in, what tools would I use and how might I get started? Also not just for YouTube, but pretty much any browsing I do on my phone. A program that could pick at random content from different sources I frequent.

    submitted by /u/lunarman52
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    Query related to mod, pow, and gcd. Help!!!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2019 01:17 AM PST


    Solution(Not mine)

    Part of code I want to understand

     else: x=pow(a,n,z) y=pow(b,n,z) #print(x,y) k=(x+y)%z #print("difference=",z) #print("sum=",k) print(math.gcd(k,z)%mod) 

    How/Why are we using pow(a,n,z) to find gcd? pow, mod and gcd properties used above

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/diablo_fester
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