• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 12, 2018

    id Software has a github account with tons of GPL source code

    id Software has a github account with tons of GPL source code

    id Software has a github account with tons of GPL source code

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:52 AM PDT

    Alakajam! hosts its third 48 hour game jam (June 22-24)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:19 AM PDT

    Alakajam! is a young community hosting regular game jams & other gamedev-related events. We're hosting a main competition on the 22-24 June week-end, with the goal for all entrants to finish a game in 48 hours! Our last jam ended with 71 entries on the theme "You can't see everything".


    Dates Phase Description
    June 8-15th Theme submission & voting You can submit theme ideas for the jam and vote for all other submissions.
    June 15-21st Theme shortlist Only the best 10 themes are kept. Rank them by order of preference in this final phase of theme voting.
    June 22, 6:30 UTC Countdown stream DanaePlays and Aurel300 host a stream on Twitch to launch the event!
    June 22-24th THE JAM!!! From Friday 7pm UTC to Sunday 7pm UTC, make a game solo or as a team :O
    June 22-25th Unranked jam If you want to go for a relaxed weekend - or need more time - you can create a game in the 72 hours of the unranked jam.
    June 24-July 8th Game voting For two weeks all entrants are invited to play, rate and comment on other peoples games.
    July 8th Results The results from game voting are released and the winners are crowned! Of course, there are no prizes other than having a nice time with the community, plus the optional pride of beating the other entrants ;)


    There are three divisions:

    • Solo, in which you make a whole game alone in 48 hours
    • Team, in which any number of persons can gather to make a game in 48 hours
    • Unranked, a more open division which grants about 72 hours to finish the game. Useful for those not interested in the competitive aspect of the event, or feel like the rules are too restrictive for them, or simply did not finish their game in time.

    Because some people like to be super accurate on what's ok/not ok, there is detailed info about the event rules here.

    How to enter

    All you need is to create an account on the website, and publish your game before the deadline (Sunday 7pm UTC for the main competition, and Monday 10pm UTC for the Unranked jam).

    A lot of participants also post an "I am in" blog post presenting yourself or your team at some point before the event. Describe what tools and frameworks and engines you will use to create your awesome game! Which themes do you like? Let us and the community know!

    We hope to see you around - and if you do: welcome, and have fun!

    Follow the event

    I'd be glad to answer any question or suggestion your have! Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/jimeowan
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    Perfect World and Valve announce Steam China

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 05:55 PM PDT

    Are there any tools similar to Mixamo.com for animations?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:59 AM PDT

    I've been using https://www.mixamo.com over the past two weeks and it's been amazing for someone like me that isn't really good at animations.

    I was wondering if there is any other tools out there or better ways to get pre-made animatons onto your characters.

    submitted by /u/ZaphireSA
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    Methods for testing and debugging high latency networking in a game?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    I'm curious if anyone knows how typical games are tested for networking problems, on common engines like unity or unreal. Are these problems the ones you can only solve by playtesting with real people? Or is there a way to implement fake lag for testing offline, like forced high latency or random packet loss etc.

    Just wondering what people do

    submitted by /u/i_nezzy_i
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    Why isn't game development in more computer science departments across academia?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:51 AM PDT

    There is a lot of CS theory that can be discussed by using game development, and I don't understand why let's say an algorithms class doesn't use examples of game dev.

    A specific example that I'm thinking of is procedural generation that uses random walks. Things like that.

    submitted by /u/Bakenshake09
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    The results from our pilot-scan using our "low-budget" prototype of a character scanning rig, some more details of the rig in the start of the video.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:34 AM PDT

    HELP - Functionality of a model thats made from multiple objects -

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:21 AM PDT


    Before I start explaining what exactly I do not understand ill link a reference to show what exactly I mean.


    The asset in the link is made with multiple objects as I can see the skull, spikes the circular ornaments on the handle are all their own objects/shapes.

    Is that functional for a game engine or should the whole asset be a single object? If not or so If anyone could shed some light on exactly how it works and its done.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    submitted by /u/PurplesD3
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    Recreating mechanics of other game - how legal it is?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:05 AM PDT

    Just a random thought - how closely can you recreate mechanics of other game without legal troubles? Say, if I'd like to make a game like HOMM3 - and recreated castle mechanics, leveling, battle and the rest - but not use any trademarks. If you made game like that and wanted to sell it - how it would go? Of course I know it might sound a bit lazy, but some games from past just asks for that. I think things like, for example, SPECIAL from Fallout series might be problematic. What is your knowledge to this kind of things?

    submitted by /u/wielblad
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    Interesting seeing this Peter Molyneux games lecture from 2009 - High hopes for Project Milo...

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:45 AM PDT

    Modding CryEngine content? Easy or no?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:31 AM PDT

    I'd like to hear, from anyone who's modded a game in CryEngine, how difficult would something like a "FC3 Campaign Mod" would be to achieve? This is ignoring the labor of modeling, scripting, terrain sculpting, etc. - I'm just curious about the viability of even adding onto an existing CryEngine title.

    submitted by /u/GD_Fauxtrot
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    The Paradox Podcast - S02E07 - Paradox Buys Harebrained Schemes by Paradox Interactive

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:28 AM PDT

    What do you do when inspiration for a new game strikes in the middle of a project?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 04:45 PM PDT

    I have a problem. I'll start a new project and think it's the best thing ever, and then halfway through I come up with a new idea, throw all my work away, and repeat the cycle. At a large studio this probably isn't much of a problem, since everyone else won't go along with it, but I work alone. What do other people in similar circumstances do? Do you write down your thoughts on the new idea and file it away for the future? Do you just ignore the inspiration altogether?

    Edit: Thanks everyone for your comments! You've provided me with a lot of helpful insight and extra motivation to finish my game :)

    submitted by /u/KiplingDidNthngWrong
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    Please give me some motivation or tips.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I've been making a game alone. It's my first game. Before jumping in to it I had experience with programming, but no graphics. But I started learning how to do graphics too some time back, and I learn as I make the game.

    So I've been working on a game, and I started by coding all the main systems and mechanics, like controls, key binding options, collectible items, weapons, health powerups, traps, explosive stuff etc. Code-wise my game is mostly complete.

    But I have yet to start making any levels, or focus on graphic assets production. You see, although I'm alright with making 3D models of props, buildings, etc and texturing them, there is one thing that I've been working on for more than I think I should, and still I can't get the result I'm looking for.

    And that one part that is troubling me the most, is animating characters.

    • An animation might look fine on the program you're doing it (I use Blender), but look 'off' when you import it in the engine (I use Unity). So there is this tedious process of working on the same animation again and again until it looks good enough everywhere.

    • Animations of moving around like walking and running, make the characters look like they are sliding on ice. No matter how much I try to change the speed of the animation so it matches the speed of the character actually moving in 3D space, they never get synchronized enough.

    • Trying to do ragdoll physics work properly on a character seems like some apocryphal arcane magic. Using Unity's built-in Ragdoll wizard doesn't help much. It has slots for bones the armature doesn't even have, and Unity's rig-importing system doesn't even have slots for such bones, neither the ready-made humanoid armatures of Blender (rigify) have these bones, neither any of the tutorials I found online show you where to put these bones so I can add them in Blender... I've started considering the idea of dropping ragdolls all together and just make "death" animation clips that don't respond to physics. If you know of any good tutorial that will let me know how to properly build an armature to work with Unity's ragdoll wizard, please share a link.

    The above hurdles I encountered with animation have dropped my motivation, and how I feel about the game to a certain degree. As long as I was focused in code, I was doing well... I solved all the problems I encountered, and I knew that even if something troubled me for a while, eventually I'd get to a solution. But character animation seems arcane to me. And I don't have the confidence that no matter what I will need, I will eventually get it done in this aspect of my game. Plus the trial and error thing of it, makes working on this aspect of the game less enjoyable.

    So please, try to motivate me. Tell me something that will help me, or share a few links with motivational articles. And if you know any good tips or tutorials on how to make characters not look like they ice skating when they walk, or how to make ragdolls properly, please share them.

    submitted by /u/Alithinos
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    What the hell - concept

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:10 PM PDT

    Additionnaly to promo teaser posted here before (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrq_uv9aFkI ) there is the screenshot art.

    It would be really great to receive your opinion regarding how it is understendable now. (setting, gameplay, features)

    Thank you so much.


    submitted by /u/ffbd_kain
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    Begginers question

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:08 PM PDT

    Hey everyone.. so year ago I started looking into game development and I said I want to do that I want to do games but as a begginer I realised there is so many branches in 3d modelling for one game it's insane and first thought is I want to be generalist. I realised that is bad and I need to find some branch that fits me. I decided environment art. I'm still in small academy that teaches blender and I'm working on the low only house with entirior but I want more and want to learn more.. now I want learn Maya 3d, Zbrush, Houdini and substance designer and painter. Would you recommend anything else for game environment? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Sh_okre996
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    Support Team xis Studio

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:52 AM PDT

    Hello guys ?! We are working on developing a new game and we want your help through this link And peace https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeWVWTuu8bOfz5yknbrxBkqEqF_n_EePzIJrBIu69mbX3nMoQ/viewform

    submitted by /u/MHDB1
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    How do game developers port their games to new consoles?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    For example, the overused Skyrim meme. It came out in 2011 for the xbox 360, ps3 and PC. In 2016 it was rereleased for the ps4, xbox one and PC. I can understand that for PC this is easier ( I think), but what would the process look like for xbox one and ps4?

    Also how did they do it for the Switch, a completly new system which i guess differs from the xbox one and ps4s design and architechture(i dont actually know im just guessing). Plus it is a very new console, being only released last year.

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this!

    Share your opinion/knowledge please!

    submitted by /u/qolisipoPT
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    Selection of the best free sprites

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:20 AM PDT

    Hello r/gamedev! I need some advice on where to start as someone who builds environments in games. Any help is much appreciated!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:18 AM PDT

    I have access to a (somewhat) powerful PC, and I have over a decade of experience in building maps on console games (Far Cry, DooM, Halo's Forge, Skyrim's Creation Kit)

    I would consider myself highly skilled IF the creation of game worlds is anything like a Map Editor.

    One more question.. Is building worlds in games anything like a Map Editor? Creation Kit made me think it might be this way, but I'm not totally sure.

    Thank you for reading!!

    submitted by /u/Devoid666
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    The EnhanceMyApp Podcast : Episode 4 • Mobile Ads

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:16 AM PDT

    Let's talk ads… In this episode of the EnhanceMyApp podcast, we chat with Chocolate and ZPlay about one of the most popular ways to earn revenue from your mobile app. From placements to revenue generators, playable ads to the future of monetization we cover it all! So check it out now and subscribe today! https://enhance.co/podcast

    submitted by /u/RozekEnhance
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    Building a game engine, don't know what to call certain components, help!?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:52 AM PDT

    So first, this may seem like a stupid/useless thing to ask, but I want to ask it, so here I go:

    I'm building a game engine(a small one), and I am a bit stuck at where to put things and what to call things.

    So here are a few things I need help with:

    1. A game engine has ofc. the ability to place objects in a scene, I store those in a vector, where to store this vector? In a class? What to call that class? Where to create an instance of that class?
    2. A game engine has things that do something(ofc. lol), like there are classes that handle physics for objects that have physics enabled.(thus updating there position) But what to call those classes, where to call them?
    3. There are also things like GUI, where to call it, it seems wrong to me to just call it something like GuiSystem and just put it in the main loop to execute the draw function of it every frame.
    4. And of course game play, where to put classes that do the actual game play(like a PlayerController class derived from a global GameObject class), it needs to be updated every frame, by looping through the vector of objects and calling their update function, but where to store that function? What to call it?

    I hope someone can give me some suggestions on that?

    And, sorry if you think those questions are useless to ask, but they are questions that really bother me.(ESPECIALLY THE FIRST ONE!)


    submitted by /u/timl132
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    Shorter, smaller-scale RPGs?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 03:16 PM PDT

    Do you feel there's a demand for a shorter, small-scale RPGs? I grew up on the old JRPG epics, 100+ hour adventures and high-stakes stories. Nowadays I find myself wanting something I'm not going to need to put 80 hours in, something focused on lower stakes, more character focused RPGs. Would you enjoy a shorter experience? What do you think such a game would need to be successful?

    submitted by /u/StaplesofDoom
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    How difficult is it to port to consoles with Unity?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:10 AM PDT

    What loopholes do you have to jump through when porting from Unity to consoles - both in code/Unity itself, and with the console companies? For instance I think you need to incorporate to work with Sony whereas Microsoft allows anyone now to port to Xbox. Not sure what the Nintendo situation is like.

    submitted by /u/canadianbizdev
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