• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 12, 2018

    I want to make a program that will allow people to share what they've saved on reddit with other people. How to go about doing this? learn programming

    I want to make a program that will allow people to share what they've saved on reddit with other people. How to go about doing this? learn programming

    I want to make a program that will allow people to share what they've saved on reddit with other people. How to go about doing this?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 03:19 PM PDT

    Firstly, is it even possible?

    If yes, can you give a general overview of what I need to do please?

    Can this be done in JavaScript? That's what I have the most experience with.

    I thought this could be a fun learning project.

    edit - I added a general overview of what I believe needs to be done in a comment below.

    submitted by /u/treebeard555
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    Have any of you seen anything that would be comparable to a digital ant farm?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:53 AM PDT

    I've been thinking it'd be pretty cool to have a monitor on my wall powered by a pi 3 and have some sort of digital ant farm. Especially if I could do the programming myself as a learning project.

    submitted by /u/taylaj
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    Best Site to Learn to Code

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:19 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone, what are some of the best websites to learn to coding.

    Particularly something that enables you to code as you learn, goes into depth and isn't just a bunch of tutorials. I've done Code Academy and some others but they don't go into very much depth. Coding is only learned hands on.

    submitted by /u/Knowledge_Is_Lit
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    New web app idea, map based.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:21 PM PDT

    Hey, I am currently researching a web app idea I have. It is basically a large map and I want the user to be able to sign up, log in and put a pin on the map where they are now and a pin on where they plan to go. This will be signified with a couloured(different for every user) straight line. Once a few users do this the map will start to look more interesting.

    I might also add some other functionality to the map later on like markers with info., mini animations, etc...

    What mapping platform do you think would be best to achieve this? I have some experience with css and html so leaflet in javascript is looking pretty good.

    My main page is like I said an interactive map so I wanna get going in the right direction. Any advise is appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/shane247
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    [Python] String splicing help

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:17 PM PDT

    So I basically have to take a name with three words, convert just the initials to uppercase and then print.

    Finally, I have to print the last name first then the first and middle name.


    Enter your full name: Justin Townes Earle


    Earle, Justin Towne

    This is my code

    I know to add the .upper() method when I'm printing.

    submitted by /u/KiwisFTW
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    What’s the best podcasts to lear and stay informed about news on dev?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys I'm look for new podcasts to learn and improve my skill (and learn english too, I'm from Brazil). What do you recomend?

    submitted by /u/carloscsc
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    Any tips for a beginner?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:52 PM PDT

    I'm trying to learn python, and it's slightly overwhelming. Are there any tips to help me learn and memorize what I'm learning? Any help would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Sparrow2374
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    How do I save tweets into my mysql database?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:48 PM PDT

    Schema is a as follows:

    create table `tweets`( id int(50) unsigned not null, created_at datetime not null, user_name text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci not null, lang text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci not null, `text` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci not null); 

    I have a peewee model :

    class DATA(peewee.Model): id = peewee.BigIntegerField() created_at = peewee.DateTimeField() user_name = peewee.CharField() lang = peewee.CharField() text = peewee.CharField() class Meta: database = twitter db_table = 'tweets' 

    Whenever I try to save the data I get errors/exceptions:

    Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8 character string: 'F09F91'")

    Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8 character string: 'F09F8C'")

    Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8 character string: 'F09F92'")

    Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8 character string: 'F09F98'")

    Warning: (1300, "Invalid utf8 character string: 'F0938B'")

    ... and so on.

    How do I fix this?


    FIXED : Follow this : https://andy-carter.com/blog/saving-emoticons-unicode-from-twitter-to-a-mysql-database

    submitted by /u/ML-newb
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    How to vertically align text at 33% in CSS?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:44 PM PDT

    What the title says: How do you Horizontally allign text at 33%. and I have already tried using margin at 33%, but that takes 33% of the left side of the page, but I want the middle of the text to be at 33%., just like the (text-align: center;) but then (text-align; 33%) or something like that. Please help...

    Edit: I meant Horizontally, the title isnt correct.

    submitted by /u/EmerqldRod
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    Convert java applets to java application

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:31 AM PDT

    Im working in a research project which includes java programming. my professor gave me source code which is actually in java applets. He says me to run the code via java application, which Im not able to do. Any java expert here who can deal with my probem ?

    submitted by /u/ne_ermal
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    I made my first more advanced website. What to do next?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:27 AM PDT

    Hello, Recently, I made my first more advanced website (and my third website ever) called DSO Finder for searching for astronomical objects. Here's the website itself and here's its source code. I used few JavaScript libraries and even made a proxy server myself with node.js (which is hosted on Heroku). Now my question is - what can I do next? Could you please send me some cool tutorials/projects that'll help me make better websites (front-end and back-end)? Especially a good tutorial on node.js and MySQL would be appreciated. I'd love to work as a web developer in the future so any help would be great. Thank you in advance :)

    If you want to test my website, type in, for example, M13 or Crescent Nebula

    submitted by /u/hamstersztyk
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    I would like to write a python program that allows users to inputs requests in common English for IoT devices.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:14 AM PDT

    Like, an input "start the pump after 20 minutes", would ask the concerned IoT device to start the pump after 20 minutes. Should I use NLP in this case?

    submitted by /u/prabhupant09
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    [JS] Unexpected Behavior from find() method.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="https://en.js.cx/test/libs.js"></script> <script src="test.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> function unique(arr) { newarr = []; for (let i in arr) { newarr.push(newarr.find(function finder() { if (arr[i] === false) { return arr[i] } })) } return newarr; } </script> </body> </html> 

    So for each item in arr, the find() checks to see if its in newarr.

    If its not, it puts it there.

    I've solved the problem using .include().

    I just want to understand the logic behind .find() and what it does here.

    submitted by /u/YoshiLickedMyBum69
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    Holochain Blues: On Ubuntu 16.04 Running make in holochain-proto/ fails with this error

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:55 PM PDT

    elearning translation and localization services

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:55 PM PDT

    Swift eLearning Services provide Content Localization & Translation Services and develops elearning courses for organizations with multilingual workforce. Swift translates all e-learning content based on learning needs, culture and region to accomplish goals.

    As the increasing globalization in every field it is always the best way to go for eLearning Content localization and translation for training employees to increase the productivity and reduce the cost. Swift elearning offers many combination of smart approaches in elearning course development while swift delivering global course development services according to the regional languages for organizations with multiple market places.

    For any organization operating in global markets and the employees from the different natives, any single course won't serve all employees for optimal productivity. Swift develops all blended elearning course development solutions and translates according to native, culture, region with widest results.

    To develop any translation and localization elearning course it requires deeply understanding of local culture and delivering to build well equipped learning course translation. With experienced professionals at swift provides effective elearning content translation services up to 30 plus languages based on native requirements to reach goals.

    Swift Elearning translate elearning courses in multiple languages; Spanish, German, Romanian, Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Polish, Urdu, Japanese, Russian, Hungarian, French, Portugese, Italian, Slovakian, and many more.

    submitted by /u/narasimha172
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    A new user to the programming world who needs pointing in the right direction

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:44 PM PDT

    I'm 18 as of rn, and graduate, and I need advice on where to begin my Programming career.

    I already study java script and barely understanding the language and script behind it but I have no idea where to apply the skills I learn from it, or rather, what apps to use it for.

    I have a standard Windows 10 desktop computer, but no way of testing out what I learn, any and all advice is needed.

    And if more info is needed to progress my progression I will provide it

    submitted by /u/ABombP
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    [Java] GUI barebones?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:30 PM PDT

    I'm just about finishing a CS course at the moment that was taught in Java, and for one assignment a few weeks ago we had to do a GUI and make a simple paint program. None of the other assignments used any GUI stuff at all, so I feel like I didn't learn too much about it.

    At the moment I'm writing a program for a personal project, and I want it to have a GUI, but I'm kind of blanking on all the stuff that's needed.

    Looking back at old assignments, there's a whole bunch of code that looks "necessary" so I'm not really sure what all is actually needed or is just specific to that program. It just seems like an excessive amount of code for something that's so simple in my head, but maybe that's normal?

    So I'm basically just wondering if there's like a checklist or something of things that are necessary for a Java GUI or something like that. Not 100% sure how to phrase my question so I hope it's a little clear.

    submitted by /u/qpalskqp
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    The first 20 Hours - How to Learn anything!! Josh Kaufman TEDxCSU

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 12:54 PM PDT

    Want to learn to paint, play the piano, launch a business, fly a plane, learn programing? So this is a good guide, take a time to watch the video:


    submitted by /u/squarcy
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    Best way to implement web scrapper that scrapes a number off another website and displays it on my own

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, so I've published a Steam Workshop addon and I want to display the number of downloads for my addon on my own website and there is no API for this. The question right now is more so about the proper way to approach this rather than "how to write code" if you get what I mean.

    My current idea is to make a Javascript program that runs periodically via a cronjob to scrape the download count into a text file, then I read and display that number from the file via php on my website. I feel like there is a better approach and would like to hear what you guys have to say, thanks.

    submitted by /u/spooker11
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    Java ? : if-else notation and other Java operators/notation that aren't taught in basic courses?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:54 PM PDT

    So coming out of the two intro to computer science courses at my university (teaching Java), we weren't taught about the ? : notation for if-else statements, so I was confused when I saw it commonly used in much code. I'm not sure if this question is just a "what are some advanced Java topics" or if this question will answered in further Java courses at my university, but I'm curious about what the other "advanced" Java operations and notations exist outside of the standard function calls of existing libraries/etc (like object.function() ). I'm talking about stuff like the new lambda functions and what-not.

    submitted by /u/seacucumber3000
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    How do you vertically center a div which position is fixed?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:59 PM PDT

    So I have menu on the side of my website. For some subpages it has to be taller. How do I get it so that it alwasy stays in the middle, while keeping the Div's position fixed?, or is there another position I can use?

    submitted by /u/EmerqldRod
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    Value in knowing non-coding languages (French, German, Arabic, etc)?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:55 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I have been wondering about how useful it would be to learn foreign languages in regards to this field, obviously learning how to code is the most important skill to have and I'm not here to debate otherwise. However, beyond the obvious "it's inherently useful to know (non-coding) languages" are there actual opportunities to set yourself apart in this field by being a polyglot?

    As someone currently in University and no experience in the field I'm not entirely sure what the workplace is like, I do understand there are a million different coding based jobs, however I have this idea in my head that one will likely be in a small team coding away, and never leaving the confines of their cubicle/office, while people in marketing and business will do all the travelling and socializing. Is this an accurate thought?

    I'm really curious about this, I would love to have the opportunity to travel to other countries on behalf of a company but I dont want to have to change my major to use my language skills.

    Can anyone with insight fill me in?

    submitted by /u/Another_noobie
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    [C++]What is the best practice for Global Constants?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:19 PM PDT

    I defined some global constants in my main.cpp:

    const int GLOBAL = 10; int main() { //A lot of code using GLOBAL } 

    I also have a functions.h and a functions.cpp file. In the functions.cpp file I have a function that calls this GLOBAL constant. The file looks like this:

    #include "Functions.h" void function() { //some code using GLOBAL } 

    I can thing quite a few ways to resolve this, but I want wondering what is best practice. A header file with all the constants I am using? Duplicate constants? Move my function() to main.cpp? I just want to know what is the appropriate and most common practices.

    submitted by /u/SpiritMountain
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    [C++] How does operator overloading work?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:06 PM PDT

    Student Operator+(float) Student Operator+(Student, float) 

    Are the above two the same?

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
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