• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    Game developers earn less than other types of developers by a relatively large margin - StackOverflow Developer Survey 2018

    Game developers earn less than other types of developers by a relatively large margin - StackOverflow Developer Survey 2018

    Game developers earn less than other types of developers by a relatively large margin - StackOverflow Developer Survey 2018

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 02:26 AM PDT

    Would you guys like some Shader Tutorials, written from the scratch?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:42 PM PDT

    Shaders were something that I had always feared. They were cryptic, needed lots of maths background and really complex was what I thought. But, after taking some online courses and reading books on it, I realized that I was kinda wrong, and I really enjoyed making them. So, I wanted to share what I have learned and help other beginners along the way. I would start from the scratch and also explain the maths and the geometry involved. A lot of tutorials I noticed online was focused on intermediate coders, but I want to make something for beginners. So, what do you think? Would you like to read some simple and beginner-friendly articles about shaders and how to write them? (I will be using Unity and ShaderLab+CG)

    submitted by /u/the_legend_01
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    I made a website for finding fellow game developers, it's the first solo project I've completed.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 09:33 AM PDT

    I posted this here a while ago in a closed beta, and people were interested. So here's the first public release:


    I kept starting new games, but never finishing them. I was always working alone, and figured it would be a lot easier working with someone else so that we could keep one another motivated and share the workload.

    I wanted to find someone with both practical game dev skills and also the same taste in games, but I had no clue how to find that person. So, I started working on a solution.

    Today, I get to release that solution. I am very excited and hope that people find it useful! :D

    submitted by /u/Lemmings19
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    30 Royalty-Free SFX. Grab some Cinematic Impacts, Transformations, Downers and Risers - From your friendly sound designer

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    My first year as a full time game developer, including the launch of two games.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 07:57 AM PDT

    Agones: Open-source, multiplayer, dedicated game-server hosting built on Kubernetes

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 09:42 AM PDT

    The open-source ARPG engine Flare has finally released version 1.0, with an impressive all-new demo campaign.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 08:42 PM PDT

    Shigeru Miyamoto's game design philosophies

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 03:28 AM PDT

    How to compensate for lag in a real-time web game?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:42 AM PDT

    I'm developing a real-time chess game which uses socket.io to communicate with the server. The client uses the most recently received state of the game to interpolate and render whatever it thinks should be happening and gets an update from the server whenever a meaningful change occurs (e.g. a player makes a move).

    This works smoothly in local testing, but online it has a problem dealing with lag. Sometimes, pieces will stutter or move backwards, presumably because the server state took some time to get to the client. The game is tick-based, so the client might think it's at tick 100 but then receives an update from the server saying it is only at tick 99.

    Is there a standard best-practice technique for dealing with this? I'm imagining some sort of smoothing that takes into consideration both what the client thinks and the latest server update to make it appear as if there is no lag, but I couldn't find anything specific online. Appreciate any thoughts or help, thanks!

    submitted by /u/paladin314159
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    Can anyone shed some light on their AI frameworks and the surrounding tech? (x-post /r/gameai)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 06:25 AM PDT

    I'll copy from my thread on /r/gameai, here for broader appeal.

    There are plenty of articles on behaviour trees, planners, utility systems (I know you're watching, Dave Mark!), and so on, but I don't see much talk about the 'guts' of how it all connects and works. It's obviously very implementation-specific but I'm sure it's possible to at least talk about.

    Does anyone have any good references or even source code examples of that stuff? For example how commands/orders to AI units can actually be stored and processed, how different AI systems actually communicate (events and callbacks and such, how those are stored/structured/etc), and so on. I know it's pretty general but I don't think I see much of the how, only the what.

    For context, I'm starting from scratch on the AI for an RTS game server in C++. I can throw some stuff together and will do so to prototype quicker, but not sure on the 'frameworky' stuff that I'm sure ya'll know a bit about.

    Curious about what folks have accomplished and/or know. Please feel free to talk about implementation issues and show off how you've solved them! :)

    EDIT: I'm also just looking for inspiration and examples, not a free lunch, don't worry! I find implementing it all myself rather exciting - I just like to research a little.

    (and later)

    I know of plenty of resources for individual techniques but not examples of how to fit them together / the AI 'engine' in general - the equivalent of people talking about engine architecture, patterns, and concepts, but specifically for AI.

    E.g. the way a world can be represented for the AI, AI interfaces, how one might store commands and decisions, feeding data into decision systems (BTs, Planners, etc), and probably a million other things I can't think of right now.

    Essentially, there's a lot of talk on specific AI techniques out there, which I get, but less about how they mesh with an engine and the game world. Where are the 'game engine design' articles and 'Game Programming Patterns' equivalents for game AI? Would love to see what some of your are doing in this area for inspiration!

    submitted by /u/HateDread
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    Google partners with Ubisoft to launch Agones, an open source game server hosting system

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    Building Pretty Caves for Games: Sculpting, Texturing, Lighting, Shaders

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 09:03 AM PDT

    3 game design choices we've seen impact organic marketing for our games. What has worked for you?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 12:02 PM PDT

    More interested in conversation than blog views, but if you prefer that format, you can see it here (https://megacatstudios.com/blogs/press/the-coffee-crisis-lessons-3-game-design-choices-that-drive-organic-marketing).

    As the indie scene has grown and as Steam has lowered visibility for indie developers on its platform, discoverability for smaller studios is an incredible challenge. Even when you do all of what the marketing the gurus tell you to do, meaningful traction is hard to come-by.

    Classic marketing advice usually includes some or all of the following:

    • Press releases
    • Soliciting reviews from bloggers and streamers
    • Social media marketing
    • Attending cons and expos
    • Building your email list

    We go hard on all of these points, with physical and digital boots to pavement to drum-up exposure for our games, but we still feel like we have to claw and kick our way to every new player with these methods. That doesn't mean they aren't worth doing. It just means that by themselves they aren't providing the number of players we think our games are capable of supporting.

    As we work with more publishers and as we become a more mature, experienced development team, we're learning that key game design decisions can drive the organic traction and word-of-mouth marketing surrounding games, which means you need to think about marketing as you make the game, not after it's completed.

    Here are three highlights from our process that are helping us find success:

    • Look at your game with a rogue-like lens. Even if your game doesn't fall squarely in the rogue-like genre, introducing elements of randomization and variations in play experiences add a great deal of replayability and also make your game more fun to stream. If your game is a single-play kind of game, you will get much less screen time and therefore have fewer people talking about it for any period of time.
    • Twitch is a key organic channel, so test your game there as soon as you can. Giving streamers early copies of your game, even if it's still in development, lets you see streamer and viewer reactions to your work before you've finalized all of the mechanics. For streamers, your game test sessions can be used for exclusive, private streams (if they so choose), and you get to learn about the potential traction of your game.
    • Stream integration will be a big deal in the near-future. Microsoft's Mixer might not be the Twitch-killer they're hoping for, but the stream integration technology is compelling. As streamers become even more important, expect viewers to be able to influence the gameplay, perhaps by voting on what happens next or donating to spawn bigger, badder enemies to torture the streamer. This is new, but we're already seeing positive results from it.

    But how does that look in an actual game? This is what we are doing with Coffee Crisis:

    • We looked at our code and found ways to make it modular, re-using and repurposing things we already made to extend replayability. Simple changes like adding shaders to characters to give them "elite" status all the way through building power-ups and randomized scenarios out of existing variables all come together to make the game more dynamic and to make each play-through feel different.
    • We started testing with streamers early on and have continued streamer testing as we make changes and adjust features. Going through a big block of video—sometimes five hours or more of a single stream—can feel
    • We have also been working on Mixer integration, and the results there are also really exciting. Seeing viewers spawn more aliens to harass their favorite streamers (playfully) is always good for laughs, but more importantly it's good for the streamers, their viewers, and for the gameplay experience.

    As we continue to grow, we're leaning into these sorts of approaches to game design more and more. The industry is evolving, of course, and there will be new organic opportunities to explore there, but the evolution of streaming is particularly interesting and has a lot of potential for helping indie studios like ours get a foothold and directly engage gamers. I'd suggest any Indie of any size take advantage of this kind of opportunity to watch people play your games, give feedback, and see what really resonates with them.

    submitted by /u/ConsistentCatThings
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    2D Light For Unity(Survey for 2D Developers)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 11:58 AM PDT

    Hello everybody, we are currently working on a unity asset for 2D dynamic lighting that mobile optimzed and runs on gpu. I created a small survey to get a feel for difrent practices that 2D Developers use while creating sprites for their games. I would be greatfull if you take the time to fill out the survey.

    Here is an early prototype footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6VYjOljqXk

    And the survey link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSday97LkH3leTkSur3PwYF4UmOUx0stJXUBkFQtumhsvL_BQQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

    submitted by /u/UGIssi
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    I have a few questions

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 11:44 AM PDT

    I've posted a month ago or so, about other jobs I could take up to get into the game industry, but I simply lack any...."reasonable" skills for the game industry but I wanted to give it another try, I've recently considered on getting into environment artist / prop artist or a VFX (dynamic) artist. But, I used Blender to do some of this and from what I've learned i had to learn a thing or 2 about the node editor and I was very distraught from using the node editor. To do any of these jobs, require me to learn about the node editor?

    submitted by /u/Jncocontrol
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    Someone else got a mail from Starts-Bundle.com?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 11:10 AM PDT

    Just got a really confusing mail from a site called "Starts-Bundle.com" ´

     Hi, developers! My name is Nastya, and I'm from Starts-Bundle.com We have recently seen your game and it looks really cool. We want to feature your game on our bundle sale. Our retail store is selling game bundles and doing a thematic sales. The game will be featured on the main page of the site, and we guarantee you will gain many players for it. We will do our best to make a high-quality sale, attract players and sale lots of steam keys. We want to feature your game on our next bundle. We are sure that it will gain a lot of sales. If you are interested, just reply on this message. 

    The mail was send from info@starts-bundle.com to support@veslo.ooo (which is also confusing so I guess it is a mail list). The site and how the mail got sent looks really suspicious. Has any of you got the mail or even replied to it?

    tl;dr: don't reply to it. it looks really suspicious

    submitted by /u/KampfSpeck
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    PSA: Do NOT use voices.com or Voicebunny to hire voice actors.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 11:05 AM PDT

    Just a helpful tip to save your money. Both of these sites take a huge commission price when booking voice talent. So if you have a budget of $400 for your character, the voice actor will often times only receive 30% or so of that. So what you'll get is lower quality voice actors because of the lower rate.

    I suggest going through a casting director, agency, or hiring talent directly. This way you know you're getting your full moneys worth and getting quality talent because of it.

    Here are some other places you can hire talent as well: http://www.tamararyanvo.com/news/2017/3/1/how-to-find-voice-actors-for-my-game

    submitted by /u/KodamaNuki
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    Looking to Upgrade Graphic Design Software from Inkscape (free) to one of these - Will not support Adobe's subscription based system - Any Dev's have experience with these?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    Experience from game engine?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:51 AM PDT

    I want to know what engine I could use if I want to work later in industry. I have a bit of experience with c++. Also unity doesn't don't run very well on my potato (radeon hd4200).So yeah. Also i did some "games" in gamemaker but I don't feel like learning something that i could use out of in.

    submitted by /u/dark1101
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    Game Jam in a team: advice, suggestion, tips and tools

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:03 AM PDT

    Hello, I am going to partecipate to my very first game jam with a team of three people. Since we have to manage lot of work in just 72 hours, what is good practice? We are more or less at the same level in programming skills. We are going to use an engine like Godot Engine. Should we play different roles (like artist, musician, and only one developer)? Should we code all together ?
    Should we use git or any other VCS? or it could be a mess with all the files we could touch?

    Do you have any advice to give to this poor game jam virgin, please? Thank you in advance :)

    N.B.: I am interested especially in advice for team, more than a solo game jam.

    submitted by /u/salvob41
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    Anyone still looking for a GDC ticket?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 10:00 AM PDT

    Attend indiegiving and gdc all while giving back!

    The Indie Giving event is a special program designed to help independent game developers attend the 2018 Game Developer Conference in San Francisco. Everyone who signs up will also get the chance to take part in a charity event to support a local organization & have their remaining donation donated to the Water.org organization.

    For more information, head to www.indiegiving.com

    See you at GDC!!!

    submitted by /u/RozekEnhance
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    Seeking some advice regarding the way someone can learn game developing

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 09:15 AM PDT

    Greetings reader . For a long time now I have been wanting to start learning game developing (unity mostly) since I would like to make a game or two until I start university , the things is that all the tutorials I have seen only show how to make a specific game of their choice and even though I go along with them in the end I dont learn anything.So how can I learn ways to make ANY idea that comes to mind (and can be made) into a game ? Note: I am not looking to create great quality games I just want an understandable but challenging base to start on . Thank you

    submitted by /u/NouvelleVague1
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    How do you improve your opening cinematic?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2018 05:28 AM PDT

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