Interview Discussion - December 28, 2017 CS Career Questions |
- Interview Discussion - December 28, 2017
- Daily Chat Thread - December 28, 2017
- Could we start a thread for the sidebar with examples of good resumes that have been posted by users here for various levels of experience?
- Company rescinded offer just a week or two before starting.
- How can I tell someone his behavior is unacceptable at work?
- How important is it to have an active social media profile when going through recruiting. considering how social media is a big part of tech
- How and when to quit Bay Area Tech company?
- Books to read pre-university?
- How do you keep your current company from finding out you are entertaining other opportunities?
- Shortage of Software Developers yet Many CS Graduates Are Jobless?
- Going back to college, stick with BSIT or switch to CS degree? Trying to become a Software Developer
- Starting Web Dev
- CS jobs with Associate's Degree
- In need of career wisdom
- Internship Pickle... Am I being having too much expected of me?
- Are most summer internships local?
- Opinions on GrubHub?
- Intersection of Security and Programming?
- CS for social people
- I want to apply to Software Programmer / Software Engineer positions that require 5+ years of experience. How "good" am I expected to be at programming?
- Mechanical Engineer Returning to School for Second Degree in CS - Seeking Advice
- Recruiter reached out with an offer I love... but it's for TCS
- What's a good answer to "tell me about a time you made a mistake?"
- When and where to get started in open source
- Capital one Development Academy insight?
Interview Discussion - December 28, 2017 Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:07 PM PST Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed. Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk. This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here. [link] [comments] |
Daily Chat Thread - December 28, 2017 Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:07 PM PST Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk. This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:06 PM PST The resume advice threads are great but I feel like this would be really helpful to a lot of people here. I want a thread that's always in the sidebar with a bunch of resumes that have been selected by the community as "gold standard" for a given level of education/experience/etc. It's easy to find resumes people have posted that are considered good, but most of them are for people who already have a lot to put on their resume. Lots of people on here might have a not-so-big portfolio, or zero relevant job experience, or not be finished with college. Obviously they need wildly different resumes to market themselves well, but on this sub it's been pretty hard for me to find examples of such things. Is this something we could make happen? [link] [comments] |
Company rescinded offer just a week or two before starting. Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:33 AM PST Throaway account for obvious reasons The company I was planning to intern at (in another country) rescinded their offer just two weeks before starting. Instead they gave me an alternative offer in my own country. From the wording of their reply, it feels more like it's a favor for me (since I need an internship to get my degree), so I'm not sure if I should negotiate the alternative offer they gave. I'm not saying I'm disappointed because I'd much prefer to be in my own country. But I had spent considerable resources (time and money) for the trip. Being a student, I'd be shooting myself in the foot if I didn't get reimbursed. With student loans and everything I'm not sure how I would cover for everything. Additionally I turned down two other offers to be with this one. Kindly advise, how should I approach this situation ? Talk to the people etc. Thank You so much. [link] [comments] |
How can I tell someone his behavior is unacceptable at work? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:17 AM PST A guy is cyberstalking me in Slack and around the office. How can I firmly tell him to leave me alone? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:58 PM PST |
How and when to quit Bay Area Tech company? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST I am a junior IC at a California Bay Area tech company. The company has around 400 people, with series C level investment. I plan to quit shortly after my one year anniversary. I am planning various elements of my transition (moving to a new city, a bit of vacation down time with the family prior to starting new gig, etc) after I leave the company. I am asking for general advice about the best way to quit? I also have a specific concern regarding timing: * The one year anniversary is significant because that is (a) when some of my options vest and (b) there is language in my offer letter that says I would have to repay my signing bonus if I quit (or got fired) before my anniversary. I pasted the exact language below. * I plan to attend a workshop that is scheduled to begin exactly one week after my anniversary. So if I were to quit after my anniversary and wanted to attend this workshop, I would only be able to give a few days notice. How terrible a professional offense would this be? The damage to long-term planning is the same whether I give a few days or few weeks notice. In the short term the affect would be negligible as my projects can be picked up by other people fairly easily. * If I gave two weeks notice before my anniversary, I worried that the moment I give notice becomes the official "quit" date, or that I get fired or asked to leave before my anniversary. In either case I'd be liable for paying back my bonus, and my options won't have vested. Is that a valid worry? Offer letter language:
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:47 AM PST I've decided to give up on Architecture (mainly due to earning potential) and I'll be starting a 4 year degree for Software Development in August. I'm working through freecodecamp at the moment but I'm also interested in doing some general reading additionally as well as the 'how to code' stuff I'm already doing. Problem being everything I pick up (Clean Code for example) I feel might be over my head because my knowledge level is so low. Anyone got any advice on what to look at? [link] [comments] |
How do you keep your current company from finding out you are entertaining other opportunities? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST There are lots of job sites, and recruiting platforms nowadays. It's obvious how to keep your employer from finding out directly. But how can you prevent recruiters that they work with from discovering you and potentially letting your current employer know? [link] [comments] |
Shortage of Software Developers yet Many CS Graduates Are Jobless? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:40 PM PST |
Going back to college, stick with BSIT or switch to CS degree? Trying to become a Software Developer Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:57 AM PST Before reading, here is a little context about my career goals: I am trying to become a software developer, either front end back end or full stack, I love it all. When I first started college I thought i'd be happy getting into the IT field OR Software Development field. I was going to college for a BSIT degree with a focus in software application development, so there are a lot of classes that involve software engineering, multiple java courses, interface design etc. I completed 64 credits so and took a 6 month break to teach myself to code and try and get a job based on my projects and portfolio. Haven't had much luck, and now I have decided to go back to college. I want to fully pursue Software Development and skip the IT field altogether. Definitely need to work on my Computer Science concepts, so i've been wanting to get a CS degree. I see a lot of jobs asking for CS degree or equivalent, so I'm not really sure exactly how much the degree title matters. So right now I am trying to decide the best career path. Suck it up and start fresh with a degree I want (CS).. or finish a degree I have 1/3 complete and already 20k of debt sunk into (BSIT). Any advice is appreciated, and any insight into exactly how much the degree actually matters. TLDR; Going back to school, Computer Science basically starting from scratch, or BSIT with 64 credits complete and a minor in Software Application Development. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:26 PM PST Hi everyone, I'm in my 4th year at a Canadian university for computer science, and I was looking for some advice on my career path. I would love to get into web development, and I've been doing a lot of independent learning with the MEAN stack. The issue is all my courses so far have been Java and C based, with heavy emphasis on data structures, algorithms and lots of fundamental theory. After looking at job/internship postings, it seems like no one wants to hire a junior web dev. Everyone is looking for competent front/back/full developers who can hit the ground running. My questions are: will learning the ropes through online resources and books get me the skills I need? Is having a portfolio a good substitute for industry experience? Is this path wasting my software development background in Java? and is the MEAN stack a good option in 2017? I hate SQL with a passion so mongoDB seems like the way to go. Thanks in advance. I appreciate all comments or advice you have to offer. [link] [comments] |
CS jobs with Associate's Degree Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:19 PM PST I am currently working towards a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and I already have an associate's degree in the field. I was hoping to push forward in getting my bachelor's as soon as possible while living at home and making a bit of money house/pet-sitting for people, but this scenario is no longer feasible. To get to the point, I need a job now, and I wonder if there are any Computer Science jobs available to someone who only has an associate's degree. Despite my current lack of qualifications, I feel like a job in my field would be best for me. I have Asperger's/ASD, and would not fair well in the typical college student jobs such as cashier, waitress, etc., which are primarily focused on customer service and tasks involving good short-term memory. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:39 AM PST I've been a dev for about 8 years, spent the last 4 years in cyber security. One thing I've noticed throughout my career so far is I tend to get ancy after about a year or year and a half - and get pissed off at something in the workplace. A few of those things are: * horrible mgmt * pay * not learning anything I'm now back in the same position, except all three of these reasons are the problem for me wanting to jump to a new company. Has anyone ever experienced this? What did you do? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Internship Pickle... Am I being having too much expected of me? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:01 PM PST As a preface, I am currently a junior at a state university. I've had no previous internships and all of my related experience has been through small-scale academic projects. I was brought onto the team in mid-November as a web dev intern that was responsible for developing e-commerce sites for small local companies around my city. Little did I know that this company's definition of an intern contrasted with mine. The web dev team consists of me and one other student intern with no previous experience. With that being said, we don't have anyone to aid us along the way, so it is incredibly difficult knowing what industry standards are for web-development. I initially thought that this wouldn't be an issue; I would just research along the way to ensure that the development process would be smooth-sailing. But with having no guidance nor any industry experience, I think that this project is too much for us to handle. With working 20 hours a week (contract-based), we were given 1 MONTH to construct this e-commerce site from scratch. The design team frequently changes the wireframes for the site, so we have to back-pedal constantly which wastes a considerable amount of time. We're already passed the deadline. Resultantly, they are now asking us to work on this project more than what our contract specified. With my most demanding semester approaching in the following weeks, I'm not sure if I should just resign immediately to save my sanity or power-through until February when my internship ends. I would really like to complete this internship so I can put it on my resume, but frankly, I think my company is expecting way too much of me. Edit: Thank you all for your valuable input. It's reassuring to know that this internship is bogus. [link] [comments] |
Are most summer internships local? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:05 AM PST I've been looking for an internship and have come close to landing a couple at big companies, but so far nothing has panned out. I know the big companies are winding down now, but I've also heard summer internship application season picks up in the winter. However, do most companies relocate interns? I live in a city that doesn't have a booming tech sector. The companies here aren't really the type to have internships from what I can tell, so I've really been banking on the idea that I'd be able to snag an internship elsewhere and hopefully not pay to move twice in 3 months. Another problem is I'm an adult student working on my second degree. Unfortunately I got laid off from my job recently so money's tight. I was really hoping to get a big internship that paid several thousand a month so that living expenses and paying rent and bills back home wouldn't be an issue. However, the typical internship pays about $20/hr, right? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST |
Intersection of Security and Programming? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:50 PM PST I'm about midway through an AAS in cybersecurity right now. And something I've discovered along the way is that I really enjoy coding. Even the frustratingly steep learning curve is not spoiling my experience. I will be the first to admit that I'm still at the "See spot run" level of programming, but I also like to think I have an aptitude for it. Which brings me to the question: Just how much of an intersection is there between security and software development right now? Is it wise to focus a good bit of my self-learning time and energy to Java? Does being a competent coder boost my resume for a security position? How best can I frame myself in this respect? And somewhat tangentially: I have a casual interest in game development (doesn't everyone?) but I'm getting the impression that Java isn't really optimal in that domain. Is that a fair assessment? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:26 PM PST Hi everyone! Just have a quick question: I'm a person with good people/presentation/speaking skills. I've always been good at leading others and commanding attention. But....I love to program. Is CS the right fit? (Senior in HS) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST I'm an engineer that has recently taken up programming again--I've been programming lately in my latest job (for the past 2+ years and I've programmed in college before). I've taken several programming classes in undergrad and while working and I'm confident I can learn to implement something new. (For example I do a lot of programming with embedded hardware where documentation is confusing as hell.) However I'm not sure how this translates to a "Software Engineer" position. I see a lot of positions asking for 5+ years of software XYZ. One example is JavaScript, which I have never used because I usually work with hardware. I do a lot of work in Python and C++. Do I need to have examples of using software languages I don't regularly use or can I just explain that I can solve a problem in one language and can move to another language? Does anyone have tips for applying to jobs where I may not have all of the skill sets they're looking for? [link] [comments] |
Mechanical Engineer Returning to School for Second Degree in CS - Seeking Advice Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:04 PM PST Good evening/afternoon all, As the title mentions, I am currently just a mechanical engineer. After graduation I left my home here in Ontario, Canada for San Diego, California, where I had worked for one year as a design engineer. Here I developed my interest in software engineering after dabbling in some basic CS concepts during my free time, and being exposed to the thriving tech industry of the West Coast. I've recently moved back to Ontario in order to pursue a second degree in Computer Science, which I'll hopefully be able to complete in two years thanks to my transfer credits from engineering. Now I'll get to the good stuff, here is what I'd like to achieve while in school/upon completion of my degree in no particular order - on these topics I'm looking for whatever advice you might be able to offer: GOAL 1: Gain relevant work experience as I earn my degree, through either part time or full time, local or remote work. One of my largest concerns is the fact that I'll be re-entering the workforce at ~27 years old with 8 months worth of mech-eng internships and one year's worth of mech-eng work experience after graduation - not particularly relevant in the field of computer science except in terms of soft skills by my own measure. I'd like to build a portfolio using GitHub and link that to my LinkedIn account, but I'd like to populate that with work that I've done for actual clients. If some of you guys and girls are feeling extra friendly and have a possible opportunity, let's get in touch - my schedule is not too demanding at all and I would love to start working pronto. GOAL 2: Leverage both my mechanical engineering degree and my computer science degree simultaneously. Currently I can only speculate as to whether or not this combination is desirable in general, let alone which niche industries might be most applicable to. I'd like to hear from you guys about what you think based on your own industry experience. GOAL 3: Get back to the California sunshine with a job upon the completion of my degree. The first reason I'm including this is for the purpose of opening up a dialogue. I've made some great connections through Reddit in the past, and if you are involved in software engineering and live in California I'd love to hear about what type of individuals your company hires. The second reason that I'm including this point is to ask where a solid networking platform, besides LinkedIn, exists. I'd like to start building my network now in order to be well prepared for the future. That's about all that I can think of at the moment, if you have anything that you'd like to add that's always appreciated. Thank you all for your time! [link] [comments] |
Recruiter reached out with an offer I love... but it's for TCS Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:29 AM PST Background: I'm a US-based non-Indian Greencard holder. I'm a junior dev (6 months+ exp) who graduated from a mediocre college in May of this year and jumped right into a very small US-based IT consulting company as a niche framework developer. I like my company, it's fully remote, people are really nice, give me good guidance, and now I feel fairly competent at my job, as they're giving some solo projects to work on time to time. I'm not sure much about personal growth though. I think it's fairly limited in that regard. The pay is around 60k with some sub-par benefits. I expect a bonus at the end of January, and maybe a raise with it (but I don't bank on the raise). Current: I've been looking for a new job to move to a new city, and honestly I'm looking for a job because I don't want to move and then find a job not so near, which means I'll have to move again. I decided to combine both, so even though I like my current company, I just started searching. Yesterday, I got a call from a recruiter who wanted to hire me as a FTE at TCS, as a consultant to BofA at 85k (for my niche framework experience) + relocation assistance (!! big plus). So the pay is a nice jump, and even the location is exactly where I wanted. At first I told her that I was interested, but after I looked into TCS (in this sub and quora), I decided to email her that I'm no longer interested like 20 minutes after the phone call, since it seemed like I'll be taking a career downgrade & QoL downgrade (not trying to sound rude here, but it seemed like everyone at TCS are Indians, and they can be culturally different... stemming from my experience in college). I obviously expected QoL downgrade (fully remote is great) but I wasn't sure if I wanted to take a career downgrade so early in my career. I really like the offer otherwise. That said, it's not really an offer because I didn't go through the interview process, and reality is that I might not even get the offer in the first place. But I don't want to waste time if I'm going to reject the offer, if I receive one anyway. Currently, I'm thinking about doing:
What do you guys think? TLDR: got a great offer with good pay raise & a location I wanted to relocate to. It was for TCS (as contractor to BofA), and people don't think it's a good career move to work for them. Not sure what to do, but do want the job. EDIT: It's unfortunate that this whole discussion is mainly about me being racist, because that was not my intention at all. I must admit that I worded things poorly. I mostly wanted to say that from browsing this forum and others, TCS/Infosys etc.. gets a very poor rep for having a bodyshop culture where they just hire low quality people for headcount and whatnot. I also worried that if I worked exclusively with Indians as well, I may be alienated, as those kind of things can happen with any race (note, I'm not white). I apologize to any Indians or any commenters who thought I was being rude&racist. [link] [comments] |
What's a good answer to "tell me about a time you made a mistake?" Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST |
When and where to get started in open source Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:44 PM PST Hey! I'm a senior in computer engineering and I want to get a few open source projects under my belt. I am having trouble finding open source projects I can help with. Git hub is a bit of a mess for this sort of thing. Does anyone have any recommendations? [link] [comments] |
Capital one Development Academy insight? Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:30 AM PST Is anyone currently employed at capital one that could give me insight into this program. I applied a couple weeks ago, and i was under the perception that it's a program to turn those with non CS majors into software engineers. Can anyone at capital one confirm/deny this and detail the curriculum learned in the academy? [link] [comments] |
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