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    Thursday, November 5, 2020

    What's something you automated to help you while working? Ask Programming

    What's something you automated to help you while working? Ask Programming

    What's something you automated to help you while working?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:26 PM PST

    Java - Return back to first switch case?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:00 PM PST

    Is there a way to return back to the top switch case after it's been through all cases and made no matches after the user's input through 'Scanner'?

    At the top I've declared some variables and Scanner.

    Underneath that I've created a switch case with: • 4 cases • 1 default • In the default I have a: - 1 'do' statement - In the 'do' I have 4 'while' statements

    The while statement is there to keep looping for an input from the user if the user's input is not equal '!=' to any of the cases. Until it's correct it will stop looping for the user to input the answer.

    The problem I'm getting is that after the user inputs the correct input relating to one of the 4 switch cases nothing happens after that as I don't have anything after that.

    I want it to go back again to the top of the switch cases to find the correct case relating to the new input the user inputted, rather than copying and pasting the whole switch cases underneath it.

    Is it possible to return back to the very top of the switch cases to go through the cases again? I've spent a few hours trying to find the answer online with no luck.


    submitted by /u/UsernameNotTaken777
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    Why do I get so confused over my code?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:31 AM PST

    I'm new to python and i seem to enjoy the process of writing and designing a program,but the only problem i always stumble upon when I'm writing a long program is getting confused over my code.

    I just can't keep up with it and i get really confused over it. How do programmers cope with this issue if they experience it in any way and how can I since i find this very demotivating.

    submitted by /u/Kilimanjaro5091
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    Resource Book!!!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 09:11 PM PST

    I wanted to know that, What are the best books to learning programming languages such as java, c++ and more

    Also suggest some tricks to get them for free or get their pdf for free.

    Or should I go with documentation?

    submitted by /u/el_congroo
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    How hard would it be to develop a program to do my job for me?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 08:01 PM PST

    I work in an office doing simple tasks for my parents, I come in a couple of days a week and one of my jobs is the scan invoices and enter them in to a folder

    So my job is literally just scan the invoices, then rename them from Document (1) Document (2) ect. change their name to the invoice number so we can later search for them if we need them into our system and itll come up with the scanned image of the paper invoice.

    The number is clearly displayed in the top right of the paper invoice, is their a way I could get someone to develop a recognition software or if there is something that already exists that could automatically rename the document to the invoice number.

    Thank you for reading, I'm in no way a programmer but I am a big fan of programming so I hope its understandable :) Thank you again!

    submitted by /u/Jebbyjames
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    friend function

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:48 PM PST

    question: https://i.imgur.com/qZ1z3Ti.png

    My code ( so far):

    class Circle{

    private: double radius; public: Circle(){ radius = 1; } friend void setRadius(Circle &c, double r){ &c = radius; } friend double getArea(Circle 


    Disclaimer: I learned about friend functions today, I am confused about how to setup the objects by reference and then assign them..

    Am I doing it right, or on the right path?

    If anyone can help me solve this, would be really thankful!

    submitted by /u/helpfulguy400
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    Are there any websites which connect programmers looking to collaborate on projects?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:20 PM PST

    I am a self-taught programmer from Ghana. I have been programming for one year. I want to build my skills to eventually get a job as a developer.

    I would like to find someone to collaborate with me on my projects but I do not know any other programmers nor do I know where to find them.

    Please could you tell me the best places to look online to find other programmers to collaborate with on my projects. I personally want to work with web developers but I am interested to know about programmers in general.

    Thank you ☺️

    submitted by /u/TakkiInvincible
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    What would be a good senior year project

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Hello everyone I am a senior in college and I will have a final project next semester. I am very familiar programming in java and c/c++, and I have experience using python and sql. What are some realistic ideas that you have done or seen?

    submitted by /u/beansandbeams
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    Raycasting issue

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:54 PM PST

    Hey, hoping people can point in the right direction. I created a simple raycaster using JS and the canvas element. I had looked into how they work before and decided to start making one to see how far I could get.

    I have the code here: https://github.com/Jumballaya/RayCaster

    The issue is with the textures. I am having a hard time figuring out how to do texturing correctly. Currently my issue is that I am using the index, as I map through the rays, to determine the 'x' offset I should use when grabbing the texture data. I am using images that are 256x256 pixels and using 256 rays.

    If that paragraph didn't make sense, here is the line of code I am trying to describe:


    I am generating the rays here:


    Any pointers or resources in general are welcome, especially dealing with raycasting + textures


    submitted by /u/Jumballaya
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    Is there a list of all optional windows command line arguments?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Edit: solved!


    Like /s /q etc.

    submitted by /u/Lucky_Motherducker
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    Are there any frameworks comparable to Microsoft's Bot Framework SDK?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 03:49 PM PST

    Specifically, are there any alternatives that also work with Facebook Messenger? That's currently the only platform I need to worry about.

    Any of the other solutions I've found seem to be focussed on handling natural language processing, but that's likely a small part of anything I need to build. My "conversations" are pretty restricted in nature.

    submitted by /u/au79
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    Does anyone know of a text/paragraph building program or something that could be used to do so?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    So, I realize that this may be a little out of place here but I am not sure where else to ask. What I am looking to do is find a program that will allow me to build paragraphs with a pre-established structure, mandatory and optional sentences and interchangeable variables within those set sentences.

    I have some basic knowledge computer wise but I am very poor in my knowledge of office based software like Microsoft office/excel, acrobat with their capabilities and so on.

    submitted by /u/Shrek1982
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    Need help with byte order and bit twiddling

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    I have binary encoded data for standard bytes, shorts, floats, and doubles and it has always been big-endian byte order. The data was changed to little-endian, and I was able to solve the problem by simply reading the bytes in the opposite order, so if I was reading float bytes as 0-3 before, now I'm reading it as 3-0, and I get the correct value.

    My problem is there were some sub-byte encoding, e.g., 2-bit half-nibbles spread over 4 bytes for a total of 16 values of value 0, 1, 2, or 3. For these sub-bytes, how do I handle it? Do I also read the 4 bytes backward? And do I read the bits in the byte backward? If it matters, sequence is important.

    Or maybe this is dependent on the encoder and not necessarily the byte order?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/rjcarr
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    How do i build a Distributed Cache Application

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:54 AM PST

    So, i talked with my proffersor for my Finishing Work (psudeo thesis) that i want to study and learn about backend. He said that then your Finishing Work subject is Memory and Distributed Cache in Backend. He said that i could work with .net core.

    And i kind understand what distributed cache is but i have no idea what i am supposed to do. I am not even sure if it is web app or not, and i dont have experience in backend so i am a little lost.

    I mailed my proffesor about being lost and asked for source to study and learn but i doubt he is going to understand how lost i am nor be all helpful and navigative.

    So if you good people could help me and guide me a little about the subject i would be really grateful

    submitted by /u/wanderer-wondering
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    Can anyone refer me to a good and up to date C#.NET tutorial? I'm very out of practice and more or less need to start from scratch.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Books accepted as well!

    I've recently graduated this year with a degree in software development and have come to find out that the market where I live is very heavily C#. NET. Unfortunately this is probably my least worked on language so while I'm busy being rejected from other job offers I might as well relearn the whole thing again. What would you recommend for a good book or tutorial?


    submitted by /u/Bohbot9000
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    Would you use a docstring generation tool regularly?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:54 AM PST


    We just launched a free tool that generates docstring automatically for python functions (only python for now) thanks to artificial intelligence and we are looking for feedback to improve our beta.

    We first thought we would use a Github Action so we can generate one line docstrings for every undocumented function and have it all in a pull request.

    Then we decided to have more than a one line docstring and we added the parameters

    Finally we decided that to have just a Github Action was not very friendly for the ones who just wanted to test it on just a few functions so we created a "playground"

    All the links are available here: dogstring.ponicode.com

    The question for us is what is the best format for this solution and what is the ideal docstring we could generate that would convince you to use our tool everyday.

    Would love some feedback to know if we are in the right direction with this project.


    submitted by /u/Separate_Run2806
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    SalesForce Commerce Cloud help

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Where I work, we connect our internal API's to SFCC when we want to add profile, update profile, etc. Has anyone ever experienced an update profile issue where you send a JSON payload where the login id for example is [mark@mark.com](mailto:mark@mark.com), but SFCC fails to process that payload because on their side, the login id for that profile is [MARK@MARK.COM](mailto:MARK@MARK.COM) and it's case sensitive on the check of the login id on the SFCC side? If so, have you had to create a workaround on the client end or have you reached out to SFCC to make the check case insensitive? I think this not friendly for the user/developer on the client end.

    submitted by /u/LifeIsStranger412
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    Time complexity of recursive methods

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Is time complexity of recursive methods usually asked in job interviews?

    submitted by /u/OsamaNA_dev
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    Are my unit tests going to have data manip(ie: blank to "N/A") before the test run?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I ask this because I have about 40 lines of data manipulation I do before I can compare my data.

    This converts blank and nan to "N/A" on 4 data types, I also convert everything to CSV and back to pandas dataframe before final comparison.

    My data is clean and when compared my tests have passed.

    I admit this legacy code is messy, but is this a usual scenario?

    EDIT: I expect this grows as I add more input/output data. I currently only have 1 set of data.

    submitted by /u/programmerProbs
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    How to set up templates for system emails that can be changed by non-technical people?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    I'm working on an app that is sending out various emails like welcome mail, data protection information, reminders etcetera

    What kind of template engine would you recommend? Is there a setup where non-technical people could edit the template in a nice UI so that programmers don't have to do anything when there are text changes?

    submitted by /u/avotoastlover
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    Your opinion wanted! Join a research session and get free swag! :D

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST

    The developer experience team at Parity Technologies, a company building open-source software, would love to hear your thoughts on blockchain technologies in a 1-hour video call.

    If you complete a research session, you'll receive a swag pack with a t-shirt and webcam cover. 😀

    Research will go towards creating a better developer experience. ❤️

    If you're interested, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJSCCdASRq0ffRfQhDBAzwqXe3LzG9PnMKwnwEwF3ayNM5ZQ/viewform

    submitted by /u/a13xndra
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    Setting up Licensing

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Hi everyone, (and please forgive me if this isn't the right spot)

    I've been tasked by my corporate overlords with developing a system by which our application can "phone home" to retrieve licenses for our various clients. I'm at a complete loss for even where to begin, what would be feasible etc. My initial thought is to set up an Amazon RDS database that can be pinged by the application as it's installed. However, I have no idea how to do this securely, how to set up authorization, or even to prevent it from getting DDOS'd. If anyone can point me in the direction of how to do this properly, I'd love to learn more/get some guidance and generally figure this out. TIA!

    submitted by /u/coldflame563
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    make a c program modular with makefile

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 09:40 AM PST

    hi to all

    i need help with understand if this makefile is correct since i've nobody that have enough knowledge of C/C++. my doubt is about the correct logic behind the linking of the objects, my goal is to make the project "modular" but is my first time with this kind of stuff and i'm not sure i'm on the right track, can somebody help me?


    I'm trying to create a program in c and I would like to make it "modular", eg: a module for graphics, one for calculations, one for inputs etc ...

    in the final they are folders, the goal is to call the functions when needed, without going to include the reference header each time, so I thought I had a "headers loader" which I will call bootloader.h which contains all the headers necessary to the program, so that at any point of the program it is possible to call specific functions of other modules without going crazy with the includes.

    the program compiles, and if i change something on a file and run make after it only compile the updated "module" but i'm not sure this is the right way to do what i'm try to do

    sorry for my bad english, thanks in advancehttps://pastebin.com/DTw7K4vu

    submitted by /u/notwarp
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    How do I make a for loop on Java that squares the numbers starting from 1.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 09:25 AM PST

    I'm new to programming and our teacher refuses to help us.

    submitted by /u/Mason527
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    Help with EWON Flexy device (using their API)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Does anyone here have any experience with the EWON Flexy remote access devices? And using their e-catcher or cloud services? Looking for someone who has sone general knowledge with these remote access cellular Felxy devices.

    submitted by /u/Gorka_Loud_Lines
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