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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Started learning code. Found a great tutorial for a Tetris game by FreeCodeCamp learn programming

    Started learning code. Found a great tutorial for a Tetris game by FreeCodeCamp learn programming

    Started learning code. Found a great tutorial for a Tetris game by FreeCodeCamp

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I've only just started it but it seems really interesting and thought I would share

    Don't let the start put you off! Google is key!

    Website Link to tutorial - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-javascript-by-creating-a-tetris-game/

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=rAUn1Lom6dw&feature=emb_logo

    submitted by /u/-Dervish
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    7 simple projects with big technical returns

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    a great way to really understand how something works is to build a simple form of it.

    these projects have clarified many technical concepts for me and still inspiring me to build more.

    they are in Python and C

    a simple search engine in 200 lines

    a concurrent crawler in 100 lines

    let's write a simple interpreter

    a simple garbage collector in C

    a concurrent web server in 100 lines

    let's write a hash map from scratch using C

    a simple blockchain in 100 lines

    all projects

    submitted by /u/weownnothing
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    I finally connected a database to my java program and added a record.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    It's the little milestones that make it all worth it. Even though it's four lines of code to do that, I had to understand a lot of errors like SQL exceptions No suitable driver found, and SQL syntax Error column unknown in 'fields list'. Took me an entire day to make 4 lines of code work. I'm grabbing a drink. BookyLooks is about 20% finished. I'm proud I did what I set out to do and didn't give up.

    submitted by /u/ThisSoFrustrating
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    Willing to Teach Coding For Free!

    Posted: 21 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    A group of fellow CS students and I are part of an organization where we can teach people the fundamentals of a variety of programming languages for free including C++, Matlab, HTML/CSS, Python, Golang, Java, etc. We already have almost 700 students across our courses. We're just doing this to gain experience and help others learn to code and there's no strings attached! We have free, live programming classes through Discord at many different times for anyone around the world to join and learn, regardless of age. Here's a copy of a lecture of ours on Python if you kind of want to see how things work: https://notes.codetheuniverse.org/python/lecture1.pdf. If you are interested in learning, join here: https://discord.gg/EzQSWzd and our website (temp. down but should be up again soon) is : http://codetheuniverse.org/.

    submitted by /u/DavidDavids9124
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    How useful are lambdas? How do I learn to start using them?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I've ran into lambdas once or twice, but haven't been able to need them enough to actually learn the ins and outs of them. It's not like learning how to work with arrays, where arrays are so common that you can't get by without knowing how they work or using them. How do I actually start using them so that I learn when/how/why to use them?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    About to Start FCC and Odin Project. If anyone else is doing either. I will love to have a study partner.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Hey, I originally started FCC a couple of years ago and then life happened.for the first time in life I have the resources, time and motivation to actually finish these two bootcamps. I am extremely motivated to finish them soon and start working on my own projects alongside.

    If anyone else is currently going through either or both, or planning on starting either then plz hmu. We can make a group if enough people respond.

    I am located in US for reference but location obviously doesn't matter :)

    submitted by /u/UnluckyBrilliant-_-
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    Starting up a programming group

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have this idea to start a small discord server with people who are serious about learning to program and who want a community aspect. If you are interested in something like this DM me or comment and I'll contact you.

    Here is the outline (rough) and the general purpose for the channel

    • To access the text channels you have to have member status

    • To stay a member you have to be active.

    • To be active that you must take part in the server in some way for example:

    ○ Update and share what you are working on ○ Take part in a group clockify to track your progress ○ Help others with their code and even possibly collaborate ○ Set goals and show progress to those goals ○ Join the chat rooms and talk with one another ○ Even just chat in the general chats 

    • Looking to make it like a study group for people who are trying to learn programming on their own.

    Being able to collaborate and build programs together

    My programming journey so far:

    I quit my job and have spent 3 months learning to code. I spend roughly 6-8 hours on programming a day and am hoping to continue this. I have jumped around learning different areas of programming but the two main areas I have focused on is web-app development and info-sec.

    I finished the JavaScript course and half of responsive web design on Freecodecamp. Next I finished "Practical Ethical Hacking - The Complete Course" on Udemy and now I am 80% through the course "Angular - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)" on Udemy.

    I have plans to start learning Nodejs on Udemy and then finish a full stack course that incorporates angular, Nodejs and MongoDB. I have plans to continue in infosec with my next steps to learn privilege escalation and reverse engineering.

    I'm just starting this out so nothing is set in stone. If for some reason this appeals to a lot of people I would be willing to set up different servers for people learning similar things in programming

    submitted by /u/--Knox--
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    Started learning python and trying to automate some stuff in Excel. Need help with saving the existing csv. file

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I started learning python and am eager to learn so I can move away from Excels power query, formulas, and VBA.

    I am having an issue with something I already do in excel but usually takes a long time to process since I deal with thousands of rows. Essentially, I add two columns to each csv file and then append it all into one master file. This process usually takes me a while but I started to breakdown each step in python with panda. Hopefully after figure each step out im going to try to execute it all at once.

    Attached is the code that I am using.

    import pandas as pd data_location = "pcpclinicinfo/" excel1 = 'calaveraspcp.csv' df1 = pd.read_csv(excel1) filename = excel1 countyname = filename.replace('pcp.csv',"").replace('clinic.csv',"") df1['countyname'] = str(countyname) pcplocator = excel1.find('pcp')#9 csvlocator = excel1.find('.csv')#12 segment = excel1[pcplocator:csvlocator] #print(df1) plan_ = (df1['plan']) plan_.str.strip() plan_.str.strip('.!? \n\t') print(plan_) df1['countyname'] = str(countyname) df1['segment'] = str(segment) df1['plan_'] = str(plan_) print(df1) f = open(df1, 'a') # Open file as append mode df.to_csv(f, header = False) f.close() 

    Error Output: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/Exceltest/venv/exceltest.py", line 6, in <module> df1 = pd.read_csv(excel1) File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/Exceltest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers.py", line 676, in parser_f return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/Exceltest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers.py", line 454, in _read data = parser.read(nrows) File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/Exceltest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers.py", line 1133, in read ret = self._engine.read(nrows) File "/Users/me/PycharmProjects/Exceltest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers.py", line 2037, in read data = self._reader.read(nrows) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 860, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.read File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 875, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._read_low_memory File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 929, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._read_rows File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 916, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._tokenize_rows File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 2071, in pandas._libs.parsers.raise_parser_error pandas.errors.ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 4 fields in line 77, saw 8 Process finished with exit code 1 

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/pip3py
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    Where to start when using coursera or edX?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit.

    I've recently decided to immerse myself in the world of IT. At first I thought I didn't need to learn to program to become a cyber security analyst but realized that was pretty f*cking stupid to assume after getting some much needed hate from the programming community here on reddit 🥰

    Anyways.. I recently took a Google certification course on the fundamentals of IT support and It was the biggest waste of f*cking time in my life.

    So in order to not waste any more time and get right into it... what would be the best resources for someone who is COMPLETELY new to programming without the tiniest smidge of knowledge.

    I'm curious to see what the responses will be and actually do plan on looking into everything everyone recommends.

    submitted by /u/PheckinBeesechurger
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    I have forced something in Apps Script t work, but I'm sure it's the worst way to get it done.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    THe one thing I can say is that it produces the end results that I kind of wanted. It also produces an error because the forEach loop goes one step beyond where there is data.

    This is my own little project that I tried to get done, in attempt to learn to code. It's supposed to be a gradebook script that sends students their grades on the assignments they've submitted thus far, and their current final grade. Like I said it works, but I really wish someone would give me some insight into what I should be thinking or how I should be approaching this, so that I can learn to do better.

    Thanks for any feedback on either tweaking the code, but even far more obliged for advise on what I'm doing wrong in so far as my thinking, and what my mindset and/or perspective should be.

    function sendEmail() { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('LED204'); var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow(); var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn(); var data = sheet.getRange(2, 1, lastRow, lastColumn); var values = data.getValues(); values.forEach(function(item, i) { var student = values[i]; var addy = student[5]; var name = student[0]; var forum = student[6]; var forums = forum/24*100; var guidelinesVidQuiz = student[7]; var guidelinesReadQuiz = student[8]; var guidelinesPT2Quiz = student[9]; var TPACKQuiz = student[10]; var project = student[11]; var courseTotal = student[16]; var finalGrade = courseTotal if (courseTotal >11) { finalGrade = courseTotal/5 + 10; } else { finalGrade = courseTotal/5; } var subject = "LED204 Progress Report"; var message = "Dear " + name + ", your grades for this semester thus far are as follow. Forums: " + forums + ", Quiz 1: " + guidelinesVidQuiz + ", Quiz 2: " + guidelinesReadQuiz + ", Quiz 3: " + guidelinesPT2Quiz + ", Quiz 4: " + TPACKQuiz + ", Project " + project + ", and Final Grade for the course: " + finalGrade + ". Remember that you have until June 5th to submit your project and your Final Assessment. Regards, Gavinaldi"; MailApp.sendEmail(addy, subject, message); }); } 
    submitted by /u/Gavinaldi
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    First Project Idea, where to start ??

    Posted: 21 May 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I just got done the first year of my CS degree and thought now would be a good time to get started on a personal project for future interviews/jobs as well as the experience. All of my classes up to this point have been in C, so i'm fairly well versed with it.

    The idea I had for a project was to make a webpage that featured an interactive Conway's Game of Life. Something where you could define the grid size and place down live cells where you wanted then watch the simulation run. I can do the CGOL part and understand how to code it, but I'm lost as far as webdev stuff goes. I'm just hoping I could get pointed in the right direction about what I'll need to know in order to pull this off.


    edit: I should also mention I've dipped my toes into html/css and have a little experience with Javascript from my highschool classes.

    submitted by /u/Buzzindown
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    Keep self teaching in python? or switch to the MS dark side?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Hi all, my job is semi-technical, and I've been learning some codiing on the side and doing some basic scripting at work, to level up. We now have a new tech lead, and he's a MS guy--and he's willing to teach me some MS coding (.net framework, C# etc). I've been learning Python and AWS on my own--and feel this may be a step backward (even though it might get me better standing in my current role). I need some advice: do I dive into C and .net or do I stick with python/flask/AWS/Linux and hope to move on to a new role shortly? I keep reading that python/AWS is rising in demand--but I'm also in an area where I may have to find work remotely. Thank you for your advice!

    submitted by /u/mogla
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    Programmer for already two years, one year of professional work as a backend dev,first year uni student, still getting 70-80% in tests. What is wrong with me?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I mainly worry because people who started coding basically this september are getting 95%+ in tests.

    submitted by /u/warchild4l
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    Learning How to Learn

    Posted: 21 May 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    What is your way of understanding and memorising the concepts when doing an online coding course ? Do you code side by side ? Do you watch it fully and then git clone it ? What has worked for you ? What do you suggest ?

    submitted by /u/ZarrarSSG
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    Does this look like a good architecture? [Sockets, Multithreading/core]

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Hello Community,

    I'm working on a project and I'd like some generic advice as to whether my current architecture makes sense or not.

    I basically have three pieces of softwares connected as such:

    A -> B -> C

    A is a server, which will receive data.

    B is an analysis piece of code, which will receive data from A and analyse it. Then it will either do nothing, or pass the data along to C, depending on the results.

    C will do some final processing, and potentially save to a file.

    These three process have to be in parallel, currently I'm using a simple threading mechanism to send data from A to B, but now that I have to add C I'm wondering whether it would not be better to actually connect them through sockets instead.

    Here are my pros and cons:

    Pros of using sockets:

    - Can easily be made into multi-core instead of multi thread

    - There is no creation of thread inside a thread (which doesn't seem like a good idea anyway)

    - The three processes are constantly running, and simply wait to receive data.


    - Not sure how expensive sockets are in computational terms.

    Keep in mind the project is quite computationally intensive so that's an important factor (which is why easy addition of multi-core is a strong pro)

    Thank you in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/StandardFloat
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    Anyone experienced in C++ want to work with me?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I'm interested in building high-end desktop applications, libraries, or getting into video graphics for my portfolio and really want to work with someone in getting one done. Reddit chat me if interested.

    submitted by /u/Justincy901
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    Why is jQuery and JavaScript needed in BootStrap?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    I thought BootStrap was mostly a framework for CSS, why does it use javascript and jQuery when most of the things can be done in pure CSS if written? I guess it's a dumb question. I suppose they are using it based on personal approach and easiness for interactivity rather than doing pure CSS?

    submitted by /u/legionlen545
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    Why do we need CSS if we have SceneBuilder?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I'm new to CSS and SceneBuilder in general and while I was learning, I noticed that you can use the SceneBuilder itself to put style to your components. I was wondering why do we still use CSS if the scenebuilder can do the styling itself?

    and can we edit the CSS file using scenebuilder? the thought just randomly came to my mind.

    submitted by /u/itskenleton
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    Is there a concept of regex for lists? Matching pattern for elements in a list?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Is there such a concept?

    submitted by /u/shiningmatcha
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    Flutter or React Native? Which one should I use to build an app?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    I want to build an app for both Android and iOS. It is critical that I implement machine learning in my app as it is a core feature of the product. Should I use Flutter or React Native? Or should I ditch the two and decide to make two native apps, one made using Kotlin for Android and the other made using Swift for iOS?

    submitted by /u/techsavvynerd91
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    How can I make some money as a teen programmer?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Hey! Im 18 and in college, studying CS.

    I would like to start making some money. I've got 2years of experience in java but cant find a job yet. Any suggestions

    submitted by /u/gueinibba
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    Is my brain unable to think logical?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Hi guys.

    I've recently started learning programming and discovered how much I lack foundation in mathematics.

    So I started an online course to help me get back on track but I've discovered something strange. I cannot solve the most basic word problems. For example:

    "In 40 years, Imran will be 11 times as old as he is right now. How old is he right now?"

    It seems like the simplest problem. But even after looking at the thorough solution, I still can't go back and solve it.

    Here's what happens in my mind: in 40 years to me, means that Imran will be 11 times older than he is now. So let's say age now is a.

    a = 11a+40

    Because his age now is asked, so that's how I write it.

    Or should it be a+40=11a ?

    Where am I getting something so simple wrong?

    I feel like I might have some learning disability when it comes to numbers. It's quite scary and I'm freaking out. Can anyone help me understand what's wrong with me, or if there's anyway that I can get myself up to a level where I can understand questions like this? Or, is it normal that I don't get it? What do you think? Should I give up on programming and math? Is it too late since I'm 27 now?

    No need to sugarcoat the message either, I'm not sensitive because I'm quite intelligent when it comes to other things critical thinking. But I wonder if the logical side of my brain is inactive or something...please let me know.

    submitted by /u/explorerofmoon1992
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    Career Questions about Software, Security and Development - App Development part 1 & 2

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    In the fall I'm going to be taking a 2 year program "Software, Security and Development - App Development (Vocational Certificate A)" and "Software, Security and Development - App Development - Databases & Applications (Vocational Certificate B)."

    Sidenote: this is a vocational type course not an associates or anything.

    I am curious of a few things, 1. What type of jobs am I going to be qualified for? (I live in northern Oklahoma for general reference of area)

    1. How long after I finish will I be able to get a job with this?

    2. Any side jobs I could possibly do while enrolled or even after I've completed the 2 year course?

    (Im sure I'll come up with more questions as time goes on.)

    These are the classes I'm going to be taking;

    Android App Development 1 & 2. iOS app development 1 & 2 Java programming Python programming


    Intro to geographical information systems Geographic information systems development C# programming ASP.NET programming MySQL database fundamentals Intro to Oracle Oracle database : PL/SQL programming Intro to SQL (42hrs)

    To give you a little back story or information about me. I'm 27 years old, grew up with older cousins always doing things with computers, building, fixing them, playing games, etc. As I got older and kept playing games I started building websites/logos/forum signatures for "teams / guilds" on games and messing around with that type of stuff. I have been mainly doing oilfield and welding work since I was 18, I'm finally in a spot to be able to chase my actual wants and try to get into the computer world as far as work goes and that is why I'm wanting to attend this course. I'm tired of being gone all the time away from home me and my wife are wanting to settle it down a bit and start a family. (And all the other pros of not working in the oilfield like insurance and such.) But basically I've always had a real interest in computers and always wanted to learn programming. I've tried learning on my own but when you work in the oilfield and work 84+ hrs a week it's hard to find the time and motivation to really stick to trying to read through and learn this stuff especially when you are always on mobile wifi and it's so terrible.

    Appreciate all the replies I (will hopefully) receive.

    submitted by /u/insidejobtv
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