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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    Looking for a simplistic open source e-commerce platform with easy setup/deployment. Any Suggstions? Ask Programming

    Looking for a simplistic open source e-commerce platform with easy setup/deployment. Any Suggstions? Ask Programming

    Looking for a simplistic open source e-commerce platform with easy setup/deployment. Any Suggstions?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    What do I use to make a game in VisualStudio (C#)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit.

    I've been using Visual Studio for a while (for the school) and I now need to make a small game. What I thought is Battleship. What are some ways to show where you can shoot and were your ships are? I wanted to use buttons for each square but I think it would be to heavy.
    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Fabio2300
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    (Assembly) Why does lw seem to behave different for registers vs the stack?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Ok I may be misunderstanding, and that's possible because I'm nearing finals and a little brain dead.

    If I do this:

    la $t0, char lw $t1, 0($t0) 

    I get the value stored at the address of the variable char

    If I do this:

    la $t2, char addi $sp, $sp, -4 sw $t2, 0($sp) lw $t3, 0($sp) 

    I get the address of char. I thought () meant indirection and that the cpu would go to the address and grab the value there? Why doesn't the stack behave the same way when loading words?

    Forgot to add this is mips assembly.

    submitted by /u/adeloastro_
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    Max Flow problem possible approaches

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,
    I've recently stumbled upon a Max Flow problem (traditionally solved through Linear Programming, Ford–Fulkerson algorithm, etc), and I have been thinking whether this type of problems can be formulated and solved through dynamic programming. I cannot seem to find any resources where they outline a similar approach. I would be extremely grateful for any suggestions about books/videos where they consider it, or for any ideas that would help me to derive the method by myself. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/BackgroundType2
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    Give me some examples of bad naming.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Not bad variable naming, but names for actual things that don't make sense (due to legacy or whatever).

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    Using the Bot Framework to post to a Microsoft Teams channel with NodeJS

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    My goal is to move away from a Flow I have setup to hopefully add some additional options. I intend to setup a AWS Lambda function to handle incoming messages and to proactively send Adaptive Cards to Teams channels. The use case is a channel for service tickets. Once they get posted, a user will be able to interact with them with a few actions. However, all the documentation I'm finding for bots is sending and responding to messages with users.

    I'm looking at the documentation here for sending proactive messages. At the bottom, there's a section for "Creating channel conversations", with a small reference to the startReplyChain(). However, the actual code and sample on GitHub still seem to reference a conversation with a member rather than sending something proactive to a channel.

    There does appear to be documentation for incoming and outgoing webhooks, which is what I may end up doing. My only real concern is that it requires using Actionable Cards, which it references as legacy everywhere. This is despite saying that you can't send Adaptive Cards with them.

    submitted by /u/jackmusick
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    TPT vs TPH for User Types in EF core (Code first)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    (Table per Hierarchy vs Table per Type)

    I've started designing my backend for a project that requires 2 major user types, say Artists and Venues, and I'm torn over which modeling pattern to use.

    Both Artists and Venues are users and as such have many shared columns (avatar, location, name, description, etc.) But there are still a couple of distinct columns per type and the unique scope for each type may grow over time.

    Does anyone have experience using TPH for user models? I've only ever done TPT but I think I can get away with TPH and as far as I can tell, TPH is more performant but TPT 'feels' better as far as long term stability.

    What about the differences in queries using LINQ syntax? I would appreciate any opinions or experience here. (DBAs I understand you like TPT but I have a very small team and can get away with a bit of structural finesse)

    submitted by /u/Hawkins_lol
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    Hi I want to develop a web application where the main feature is a multiple-choice exam simulation. I already developed the application in .py but I want to push through the web app. I know HTML and Python. Where should I start?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    How do you design a Proof of Concept project for a new dev/test tool?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Let's say that your company is considering the purchase of an expensive new application to help in the company's software development. The demo looks great, and the feature list makes it sound perfect for your needs. So your Management arranges for a proof of concept license to find out if the software is worth the hefty investment. The boss comes to you to ask you to be in charge of the PoC project.

    I'm aiming to write an article to help developers, devops, and testers determine if a given vendor's application meets the company's needs. The only assumption I'm making is that the software is expensive; if it's cheap, the easy answer is, "Buy a copy for a small team and see what they think." And I'm thinking in terms of development software rather than enterprise tools (e.g. cloud-based backup) though I suspect many of the practices are similar.

    So, how do you go about it? I'm sure that it's more than "Get a copy and poke at it randomly." How did (or would) you go about designing a PoC project? If you've been involved in such a project in the past (particularly if the purchase wasn't ideal), what advice could someone have given you to help you make a better choice? I want to create a useful guide that applies to any "enterprise-class" purchase.

    For example: Do you recommend that the PoC period be based on time (N months) or workload (N transactions)? How do you decide who should be on the PoC team? What's involved in putting together a comprehensive list of requirements (e.g. integrates with OurFavoredDatabase, meets performance goals of X), creating a test suite that exercises what the software dev product does, and evaluating the results? ...and what am I not thinking of, that I should?

    submitted by /u/yourbasicgeek
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    Hash table vs classes and objects vs structs etc..

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Im having trouble understanding what hash tables are in relation to the other key value data structures like classes/objects, structs, javascript prototype based classes etc..

    I see from my course that hash tables are implemented using primitive constructs such as a function a while loop and variables.

    So my first thought is that objects/classes, structs and and all other key value data structures are derivatives of the hash table.

    Is this true ? If not can someone point me in the right direction as to what hash tables are relative to the other data structures that express key value pairs and what is a good use for hash tables vs the others?

    submitted by /u/brexiticon
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    Bored and overwhelmed

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hello r/askprogramming, what's up? I am writing this post because I feel that the personal relation I have with programming has lost it's spark.

    As a context, I am a programming student currently working in DevOps on a big company. On a day to day I work mostly with GCP/AWS, Node and Angular. But in the past, I've also worked with .NET.

    What does "the personal relation I have with programming has lost it's spark"? Well, I remember when I first started programming -more than 10 years ago- I was really amazed by everything I was able to do, It felt like I was really tweaking and doing.

    Nowadays, I feel everything so doable, so non-complex, so standard. It's almost as if the only work would be choosing libraries and frameworks. Having said that, I want to clarify I'm no expert, and I know my code can be ways better, and I also know that the way to get there is to code and code and code. Problem is, once I have an idea for an app and I start coding it, I get so...bored. I feel I'm performing the same task over and over.

    Another thing that happens to me is that I'm starting to see all apps with the same perspective, which bores me as well. My head instantly sees that there is a data entity that needs to be represented visually in some way and general interactions with this entity, most probably performing CRUD operations.

    • Have you also experienced this feeling? Does this feeling come and go?;
    • If so, what did you do about it? Do you feel the same way no?
    • What are some examples of a non CMS application?
    • What other fields of programming, other than web development can I explore?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/frnkquito
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    How would I go about creating a website with a filter system similar to Kayak.com (hotels), Nomadlist.com (destinations), Tripadvisor.com (restaurants), etc.?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I'm not a programmer, so I'm just wondering if I'm completely in over my head trying to do this.

    I've put together a comprehensive excel file with statistics on over 200+ countries/territories. The statistics comprise of factors people take into consideration when they travel (e.g. safety, cost). The aim would be to create a website that starts with all countries/territories listed as potential destinations. Then you use the filter system to narrow down the list of countries based on the factors you consider most important to you.

    Do any of the website builder sites like SquareSpace, Weebly, or WordPress offer functionality like this?

    submitted by /u/Slutha
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    Sum of fractions in c#.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Hello! I have been wondering for a while why If I make a loop for 1/n where n=1,2,3,4,5....1000 the result of the sum is different than if I go the other why around and make a exact same for loop in the opposite direction (n=1000,999,998....3,2,1). The sum is not so different but the deviation is there. Why is that so? Does it have to to something with a machine code inside the CPU? Thanks for your answers!

    The equations.

    submitted by /u/danikr
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    Free server for hosting

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Does anyone know any platform that allows free websites hosting or free server?

    submitted by /u/bullstreet-
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    I am 40 and considering going to The Touring school to completely switch careers. I would love any feedback.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    like the title says, i am 40. i have been working in the live sound business for 19 years. my brother in law is roughly 30, graduated from there, and is making roughly $80K a year and a half later. it's significantly less than i make now, but especially if i am able to work remote, i could make that money go a lot further somewhere where the cost of living is lower.

    i am picking development because i would really like to do a job where is can sit at a computer and make things happen. i have tried a few beginner courses and it seems like something i could enjoy, plus the hours are a HUGE improvement.

    my questions are these:

    does my age factor into getting hired to do a job?

    are you generally considered an employee or a contractor?

    is the money worth it for going to that school?

    ...i love my current job. i worked for almost 20 years to land basically one of the most coveted jobs in audio in a big city. i love the problem solving and i love working well under pressure.

    the problem is the lifestyle. some weeks i will work 20 hours, another week, 110 hours. 8am-2am is pretty usual for rock shows and multiple days in a row like that turn you into a zombie. show days fall on all sorts of holidays and personal events. i have missed countless parties, celebrations, even a couple of weddings, because i could not take those days off.

    any input is greatly appreciated! thank you.

    submitted by /u/sober_fuckface
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    If someone who didn't get to major in cs wants to "imitate" the academic course structure, what would you advise them to focus on?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    I've only taken a short course in Formal Logic, only read a book about some of the basic Data Structures and Algorithms (Hash Tables, Linked Lists, D&C, etc.), read for a while about compilers and engines and how they work and that's probably as far as I got to dig in the core concepts in CS or programming, and all the other time I spent was to learn web development specifically. I need to make a structured plan (something like a school schedule to follow) and I have no idea about the specific topics I should dig in. Discrete Maths? Circuit Design? Dig into some Assembly? Everything is just a very broad field and I don't know to which lengths should I go or which topics should I focus on. I don't want to get stuck in a rabbit hole either, you know.

    Context:I've been studying since last July, but I really didn't know anything back then, therefore I followed the trend and started out with web development and JavaScript. However, after months of learning, researching and working on some personal web projects, I finally got to know my way around a lot of the core concepts that I got to the point where I realized that starting out with web development was wrong. I'm seeking something more than just a career switch and a web development job.

    I really wanted to major in anything cs-related, but I didn't get the chance. I have now two part-time jobs to keep me going financially and I already can't work full-time because I have to serve in the army for a year starting from October. I have 3 months from now to study full-time and a year after that of part-time book reading with access to a computer on the weekends. What would you recommend for someone who really wants to "get down to it"?

    submitted by /u/bMos98
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    Where would I need to start to create something that records how long an individual has been actively working on a task?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I have next to no knowledge but I'm willing to teach myself.


    My friend is a 3D character artist with ADHD and she has "time blindness" - she doesn't know how long tasks take so she finds it impossible to prioritise things, and she falls behind on her work.

    I suggested she make a list of how long things take in the past so she can apply it, but that's another thing for her to struggle with.

    I'd like to help, and I want to make something that will automatically keep track of her ACTIVE time in a programme, and then input that into a spreadsheet (or whatever works).

    The thing is, I have limited knowledge here. If someone would kindly point me in the direction of which language to use, if this is even possible, and if you're feeling especially generous a suggestion of where to look for information.

    I don't know what to search to direct myself so I appreciate any and all suggestions you have.

    submitted by /u/jennaiii
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    On my second app, more confused now than I was with my first. Where do I even start with development?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    Long story short, I am a hobbyist developer who has done a bit a of dabbling with coding. I got my first application on the play store with the help of a few freelancers and I have taken it upon myself to learn how to code on my own and I am now ready to do so.

    With that said,I am having trouble coming up with a development plan. I don't know what to do first, what API's i need to install, what processes to create along side implementing the API's, Should I design first, then attempt the back end heavy lifting? I have a lot of questions that a developer with a decent amount of experience could answer for me. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Handy_Dude
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    C++ compilation very slow

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I am building a c++ project on a Windows 10 VirtualBox host and Manjaro guest using cmake+ninja+gcc.

    The compilation is going SOOO slowly! Like 5-10x slower. I might expect a 20% slow down in a vm or even 50%, and could even tolerate twice as slow. But it is normally a 15 min compilation that is taking hours.

    Has anyone been in a similar position and have any suggestions?

    I have alloted 4 core and 8gb ram to the guest.

    submitted by /u/scorr14
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    Issue with using task scheduler to run an r script that sends an email

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm hoping this is an ok place to ask this question, apologies if not.

    I am trying to automate a process of emailing a report by using windows task scheduler to run an r script. The r script runs fine and sends the email if I just run it in r, the issue is when task scheduler tries to do it. I have a different r script that already runs through task scheduler and works, so I don't think it's a problem with overall compatibility between the two programs.

    I thought it might be that the send email function calls to Java so I tried setting this as an environment variable: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_251\bin" but that hasn't worked out. I'm wondering if anyone might have any insight? Thanks for any help!

    Here is the r script in question that runs fine in the r program:


    path <- "C:/Users/me/the_path/report_to_send.Rmd"

    rmarkdown::render(path,output_format = "pdf_document")

    # Send email

    path2 <- "C:/Users/me/the_path/report_to_send.pdf"

    email_body <- paste('Today is ', format(Sys.time(),'%A %B %d, %Y'),

    '.', '\n', '\n', "This message was generated by a robot.",

    sep = '')

    send.mail(from = ["email@gmail.com](mailto:"stock.bot95@gmail.com)",

    to = ["anotheremail@gmail.com](mailto:"ansonrjusti@gmail.com)",

    subject = "Daily Report",

    body = email_body,

    attach.files = path2,


    smtp=list(host.name = "smtp.gmail.com",

    port = 465,

    user.name = ["email@gmail.com](mailto:"stock.bot95@gmail.com)",

    passwd = "password",

    ssl = T),


    Solution for anyone who comes later: ran script through cmd.exe, got an error related to not being able to find pandoc, put the line below into my rscript to help cmd find pandoc. It has to be set before you call the render function -

    Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC="C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc")

    submitted by /u/discotaco34
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    Azure API Management question

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Our company has our API's managed using Azure API management. We created a product within APIM and chose the appropriate API"s under that particular product. For the client to access the API's within that product, is it better to use a subscriber key that we created within that product, using Oauth2, or a combination of both?

    submitted by /u/LifeIsStranger412
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    Which method should I use in making a website?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I'm quite new to website making but have some basics of html, css and javascript down.

    I need my website to be able to update in real time with alert like updates that go after a while and am a bit unsure of what the best way to go about it is.

    It seems the general advice is to use a long pull or websockets ( or sockets.io).

    Long pull being a bit slow and websockets being God's gift to mankind.

    But in each of the examples I've seen of websockets, they have all been chat rooms and people who join later don't see earlier messages, so that doesn't seem ideal to me since I would like the website to be the same for anyone whenever they join.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/hekkta
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    Videos or books about the process of refactoring

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Hi everybody!
    I would like to know if you have any suggestion about the thoughts of a refactor. Like, you are given an assignment to do, you see the force brute method, and then, you see all the steps of refactoring. I read Clean Code and they have good examples of it in it. I would like to see videos or read other books/websites, or anything like that about that process. Sometimes, I feel like I can go deeper, and continue to have better code, so I would like to see how others are doing it so I can improve myself.
    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/LaprasGeek
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    How to get the last numbers with regex?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I have this text: "Kinjfkf%9%7%7489538309%383&"

    I want to get this part: 7489538309 Without the beginning 74

    I tried: \d{8} but this only returns the first 8 numbers

    If i try this: \d{8}% I get the Last 8 numbers but sadly with the % sign included.

    What do I need to write to tell regex that I only what the 8 digits before the % sign?

    submitted by /u/phpBrainlet
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