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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    I wrote up every module that I took in my CS degree with a list of searchable terms. learn programming

    I wrote up every module that I took in my CS degree with a list of searchable terms. learn programming

    I wrote up every module that I took in my CS degree with a list of searchable terms.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    The courses are broken down by semester so you can see the progression, and there are links to the full course description for each one on there. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer.


    submitted by /u/notexactlyawe
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    Easiest ways to learn C and C++ in a few months?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I need to learn C and C++ (to an extent) in 3 months, when I take a very rigorous course on C++ fundamentals. I'm trying to learn all I can before that. I signed up for EdX' CS50 course on C, and will be done in Max 8 weeks, minimum four. Are there any better resources for C and C++, o0r do I use EdX and Coursera? Thanks for all your help.

    Extra Info: I know a bit of Python and JS, but not a lot. Also hoping to brush up my Python too.

    submitted by /u/Poisonapples135
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    What’s the point of learning HTML, css and JavaScript and another backend language if you can create a site in like 5 minutes with Wordpress?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I might sound like an idiot, but I really don't know. Someone explain

    submitted by /u/BraveFelix
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    Any good beginner blogs/podcasts to follow?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Trying to learn how to code on my own and thinking of following the OSSU format. Looking for stuff about python, javascript, webdev, data analytics.

    submitted by /u/-PK_Thunder-
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    How do you handle prior attempts to become a programmer messing with your current attempt?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    I studied C and C++ in college a LONG time ago (after C++ 2.0 was released, but my guess is that was before compilers updated to using 2.0 features) but life took me in a different direction. I've recently started poking back into things, but I find myself confusing my old memories of how things were done back then versus how things are done now. In fact, I feel like my prior learning has been counterproductive - I find myself unintentionally skimming things that I learned before, only to realize that my crusty old brain doesn't actually remember the things it thinks it does, and having to rewind, which derails my "flow" of learning.

    I also feel like there's a lot of associated stuff (proper data structure design, algorithm usage, etc.) that I'm not going to get via self study. Going back to college for this isn't really an option at this point in my life - no way I could justify the $$$ to my wife for what is essentially going to be a hobby. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/helldeskmonkey
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    How do you make projects? How was your experience making your first project?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Any tips for someone who is just starting out to make projects?

    submitted by /u/Mmsn1234
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    What would you choose? Looking for guidance.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I want to start by saying I learn by reading/writing and highlighting notes. My goal is to learn as much about Python as I can in the month before school starts. My first programming class will be taught in Python. I can't decide what tools to use to learn the language. I'm torn between Programming with Mosh, Colt Steele's Udemy class, or reading Python documentation. Please advise. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Amayaaaaaa
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    Looking for a website with tutorial links

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I had come across a website called something on the lines of 'learn by creating'.

    This was a list of tutorials not intended for beginners but for those who already know how to program. Links were for projects such as create your own C compiler/a basic JS framework/tetris etc.

    Anyone knows of this site?


    submitted by /u/amolbh
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    Need suggestions for starting Javascript

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    So, I'm about to complete my HTML and CSS part in Freecodecamp and The Odin Project. I want to learn Javascript next, I tried basic javascript section in FCC and found it a bit difficult to understand.

    I'm looking for a video course to supplement my learning for JS.

    I have found two JS courses - Wes Bos's Beginner JavaScript and Maximilian Schwarzmüller's JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020. But confused about which one to choose.

    submitted by /u/squarebox27
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    Multi-year art project, need a 3D framework for lighting and prisms

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    I would like to create a program that models light going through prisms in a 3D space with mirrors.

    I have some ability to code C++ but don't know anything about Adobe, DirectX, OpenGL or whatever it's called, etc. I may be willing to learn Python. I'm not really an artist nor do I plan to pay for an expensive Adobe product (yet). If there's a way to solve the problem in a way that makes me a better C++ developer that's the route I'd like to take; even if I get to the end result far slower.

    So I don't even really know where to begin.

    On the plus side I'm willing to slowly chip away at this for a couple years. But where should I start?

    submitted by /u/garicasha
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    When learning a language, do you guys use a pen and paper? Or do you just follow along with the video?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is a dumb question lol

    submitted by /u/noonaslayer
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    Uploading a text file to google sheets , utilizing Javascript to validate certain data to fill specific cells.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Is this possible in anyway ? to upload a text file. Extract certain string values from the data and upload it to specific cells?

    with Javascript but a notice when it comes to google sheets.

    submitted by /u/TheNebuchadnezzar2
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    ELI5: Vanishing/Exploding Gradients

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    So from what I understand, the derivatives get really small as we deepen our neural networks so this requires us to try to find better initialization numbers for our parameters. I am just really confused as to what a Vanishing gradient is and how we fix it. Like, is it just the concept of our weights parameters changing? Is it just an inevitable behavior of NNs? And how does this all relate to Xavier initializations?

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/cleancutc
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    How to simulate scroll loading while webscraping

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    Hello. I'm trying to practice web scraping by gathering information about steam sale listings, at their official page here. I'm using BeautifulSoup4 and urlib modules.

    I've run into a problem with my script. When you are on the website normally, more listings appear as you scroll to the bottom of the page, and it seems as if an endless stream of content is generated. However, when I make a request to the webpage using urlib, I am only given the original listings on the static webpage. Is there a way I can make the webpage keep generating its listings as if I was accessing through a web browser?

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq errno = 0 #keeps track of total errors my_url = "https://store.steampowered.com/search/?specials=1" #Make the request, store the html and close the connection client = uReq(my_url) page_html = client.read() client.close() #lxml is the fastest parser but you can use "html.parser" in the standard library page_soup = soup(page_html, "lxml") listings_container = page_soup.find("div", {"id":"search_result_container"}) listings = listings_container.findAll("a") numoflistings = 0 #Ok, let's iterate over each listing and scrape our info for item in listings: div_name = item.find("div", {"class":"col search_name ellipsis"}) div_price = item.find("div", {"class":"col search_price discounted responsive_secondrow"}) div_percent = item.find("div", {"class":"col search_discount responsive_secondrow"}) #Grab the tabs try: listing_tags = item["data-ds-tagids"] #Returns a string of an int array except: listing_tags = "" print("err1") errno += 1 #Grab the name try: listing_name = div_name.span.text except: listing_name = "" print("err2") errno += 1 #Grab the sale price try: listing_sale_price = div_price.span.next_sibling.next_element except: listing_sale_price = 0 print("err3") errno += 1 #Grab the savings try: listing_savings = div_price.span.text except: listing_savings = 0 print("err4") errno += 1 #Grab the sale percent try: listing_sale_percent = div_percent.span.text except: listing_sale_percent = 0 print("err5") errno += 1 #Print the results if(errno > 0): print(str(errno) + " errors occured while gathering this listing") else: print(listing_name) print(listing_sale_price) print(listing_sale_percent) print(listing_tags) print(listing_savings) print() numoflistings += 1 errno = 0 print("Scraped info on " + str(numoflistings) + " listings") 

    Script is working except for a few weird entries that aren't able to be parsed at the end of the list. Thanks for any help guys!

    submitted by /u/DiamondBrook
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    can someone help me understanding how creating a custom equals method inside a class

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    so first off the code for the method is :

    public boolean equals(Object compared) { if (this == compared) { return true; } if (!(compared instanceof Song)) { return false; } Song comparedSong = (Song) compared; if (comparedSong.artist.equals(this.artist) && comparedSong.durationInSeconds == this.durationInSeconds && comparedSong.name.equals(this.name)) { return true; } else { return false; } } 

    so i just want to understand how it works more , the class is named Song and has properites of String artist, String name , int durationInSeconds

    so first off this method compared the references which i think what this == compared means , because if they have the same reference they're equal if that's not true , it goes to check if they're the same type if they're not it returns false because duh then i want to understand why do we decide to typecast compared into a Song object ? like how do you think of this idea logically if that makes sense , i understand how it works i just don't know how do you think of it ?

    submitted by /u/ApTreeL
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    Help point me to tutorials or literature to help me understand how to add the ability for an HTML form to be saved part way through for completion and submission at a later time.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    I'm trying to understand how to create a function for a user to be able to start an HTML form that has multiple lengthy fields to fill out, save their progress, and then go back and fill them in throughout the day or during the course of an activity until said activity is completed. During this time they may exit the website where the form is, or even log-in from a different device.
    Once it is completed they can then hit the submit option and submit the form in it's entirety.

    Someone pointed me to a JS solution, but atm I'm just trying to do it using only HTML5.
    Generally speaking I have an understanding of how to build HTML forms.
    This specific function I can't seem to find a tutorial on.
    Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/jc_harming
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    What's the best way to make a modern web app that works with or without JavaScript?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    For privacy and security reasons, I like to disable JavaScript on websites if I can help it, so I want to make my own websites JavaScript-optional so I'm not a hypocrite. I feel that a website should at least be viewable without JS, which is especially important for something meant to be read, like a blog. I've mostly been doing this through server-side template engines, but is that still the best way of doing it? Everyone seems to be going all-in with single-page web apps and client-side rendered frameworks like React (which I've noticed often just displays the base structure of the page or even a blank page unless I enable JavaScript), but is there an easy way to offer a "modern" single page app experience to users with JS while still allowing users without JS to use the page?

    submitted by /u/AgreeableLandscape3
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    What should I include on my online portfolio/personal site and should I place similar informations like in my CV? What should I include in my personal site to be hired?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Hello. I would like to ask you for your opinion. Like in topic. I am currently building my portfolio/personal website in order to get hired. I plan on post this website in some places and send it alongside with my CV to recruiters or in answer to job offers.

    My first approach looks like this:

    1 Page Section - "Landing Page", name, surname, beginner programmer, 4 lines of text and my photo.

    2 Page Section - My stack, my pluses, why am I cool, this kind of stuff

    3 Page Section - My projects.

    And some form of contact page/contact informations

    But I am not sure If my approach is good. I used to work in graphic design and there it looked like that - I am looking for a job, grab my CV and here is link to my works posted online.

    But in programming I saw that o lot of people just copy many informations from CV to their online portfolio.

    I wanted to ask, if I should also do it? Will recruiter like my "3 page section" approach?
    I am asking because it looks kinda funny to be. I would probably move my stack info to landing page. Get rid of "why am I cool stuff" (because it is in my CV). And below my landing page instantly show my projects.

    What do you think about this? Maybe you have some tips what should I do to get positive attention and response from recruiters and HR?

    Or maybe people are doing this because recruiters click on portfolio site and if they don't like it they don't even open CV? If it looks like this then it make sense to post on personal site some positive things about myself?

    Thanks and Cheers

    submitted by /u/Peksio
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    New to coding

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Let's start with a little background about myself. I just graduated with a finance degree and with what's happening, I want to take the time to learn something I have always been curious about: coding. I'm probably wrong but I want to treat coding like learning a language. I learned English four years ago and I thought the best way for me would be to get involved and practice a lot through a video game.

    So my question is: do you know any video game that emphasizes on learning in a fun way for C++ or Python? I know I can be addicted very easily if I like doing it. So it is primordial for me to be entertained.

    Purpose: finance related or simply coding an app/game

    submitted by /u/FrenchyQV
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    How can I help my cousin, who is in grade school in Taiwan, start coding?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I have some family in Taiwan that I am (sadly) out of touch with. Today one of them starts chatting me up, and then my aunt comments on my profession (I am a SW engineer here in the States), and asks how my little cousin can start coding. Not only do I not know how little kids can start programming, I also don't know what the state of programming education in other countries are. I'm about to ask her what her English proficiency is because if she's serious she'll have to be comfortable using English typesets but as far as education resources go is there any that's useful in this situation? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Beignet
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    Cannot get the twitter account connected with the developer twitter account

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    I am aware that this is super simple however it is driving me up a wall.

    I'm trying to develop a twitter bot that will give the recruiting ranking for football and basketball for my college if mentioned the account is mentioned. However it seems as if the developer account that is used is tied to my main one and thus the app is using the main twitter account (which I don't want for obvious reasons)

    If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated. I'm very new to programming and am in the beginning of my CS path in school. However I'm trying to get better during the summer. (If you have any tips on that as well I'd greatly appreciate it)

    submitted by /u/hdurham99
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    Motivation-based Python course for programming beginners

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Hey yah, I'm writing a Python course for complete beginners (middle K-12 students). I've designed ~20 topics, which should be entertaining and motivating to dig into. And because those are beginner level, the accompanied code should be very simple.

    The course is not yet finished, but I'll present curriculum here, for reviews from experienced teachers or novice learners. Maybe I'm missing some important for beginners topic, or my examples do not convince you they are fun. Please, rate or tell what you think about it.

    1. Effects, Chaos. This topic is based around concepts of Chaos, Eternity and Absence of exit. The accompanied code, which describes all of these, is

      ``` import random

      a = 0 b = 0 while True: try: a = random.randrange(0, 100) b = random.randrange(0, 3) print(" "a, "bad thought"b) except: pass ``` When running this first-time program, students should observe eternal Chaos of bad thoughts, which you can't break (with Ctrl-C). And the great idea of programming is to actually embrace eternity, control the Chaos and provide exits. There are many ways to fix the hanging code above, and this is what topic is about. As a reward, student now has ways to do simple animation in terminal.

    2. Riddles. Instead of teaching Python syntax through "this is a variable assignment, this is a conditional" I want to present Python syntax through riddles. For example, ``` a = b = c = d = 2

      c == ??? or c = [None, None, None] d = {}

      c[0] = d[0] = "football" c[1] = d[1] = "basketball" c[2] = d[2] = "tennis"

      d[2] == ??? c[1] == ??? ``` The idea is that students should learn better if they actually try to find the pattern, instead of learn by definitions, and complex topics like "lists" and "dicts" can be learned this way ASAP.

    3. Effects, Order. This should be loosely based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsY6l7ybl6Q, and cover conditionals, iterated addition/substraction.

    4. Turtle. Humans had to make a settlement on the Moon, and a special He-3 harvester robot had to be programmed to routinely ride on a rectangular area. This topic should cover how to traverse every point of rectangle and how to visualize this with python turtle. This should also cover loops in depth.

    5. Riddles, V2. The riddles variant but covering loops, functions, in combination with conditionals. This is all about patterns and logic!

    6. Turtle, recursion. Good ol' demo of spectacular recursions with turtles.

    7. Math. How do programmers compute Pi number. At least 3 different methods are to be presented and visualized using Pygame. The core idea is "constructive" approach to any topic, like, you understand Pi number only if you can construct it, without trusting third parties like teachers and Wiki. It covers loops in even more depth, but also introduces probability topic.

    8. Math, continued. How is "a to power of b" really done. This should introduce concept of functions, together with order of function execution (strict order). And, as a side-product, link a bit math and programming.

    9. Biotech. Introduce DNA/RNA, the Hamming distance and Lehvenstein algorithm, and demonstrate how it is used to find out, which of the coronaviridae is best match to the novel COVID virus. Attention, biohazard inside!

    10. Biotech, part2. Introduce the problem of "searching" genome (string) in RNA (other string). The difficult part is to search with few mutations. Also cover the occurrence frequency and dicts.

    11. Biotech, part3. Compare all coronaviridae one with another, and visualize this as a graph with weighted distances. The visual clusters will correspond to different genetic families. Oh, and BTW, cover the topic of graphs and how to represent them in Python.

    12. Memrise. Demonstrate how a copy of Memrise can be built from scratch, in terminal. Optionally, show how Tkinter can be used to add windows. BTW, mention the spaced-repetition learning method, this is important for learners!

    13. DDOS. Present the topic of sockets and packets, how to setup listening socket server and sending socket client. The lesson is done like this: teacher sets up a socket server and asks students to spam his server. The lesson is done when teacher's server dies under DDOS.

    14. MITM. Present the topic of proxy, and how to build a UDP/TCP proxy. The end result is students being able to record traffic from proxy to file, to become true MITM hackers. Techhazard inside, caution!

    15. Scraping URLs. Introduce HTTP concepts and how to fetch URLs using Python. Also cover basic regexps, to extract interesting content from the HTML.

    16. Physics. Demonstrate how objects (circles) can be moved horizontally on a graphical display. Show Newtons first law. Show how "friction" is implemented (negative acceleration). Shows how "bouncing" is implemented. Show a "cylindrical" world. Show how to implement smooth start and velocity cap.

    17. Game loop. Demonstrate how a real game loop looks like (for the previous topic). Handle mouse events.

    18. Physics, pt2. Demonstrate 2d moving (when velocity, acceleration, force are directed vectors). Demonstrate "torus" world. Demonstrate bouncing in 2d setting. Demonstrate collisions handling between balls. Alternatively, demonstrate gravity between balls.

    submitted by /u/danbst
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    Is it possible to write a single program that can read PDFs that are all slightly different but contain generally the same information?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Imagine I am building a program to process PDFs that contain nutritional information from different fast food chains:

    Each of the PDFs above are formatted different from one another, but they each have a table with (generally) the same type of data. In other words, the raw data from all the PDFs above could pretty much fit into a single schema.

    I'm wondering, is it possible to write a single program that reads each of those PDFs to even get that raw data in the first place? Or would a different program need to be written for each different PDF?

    I'm reading Reddit posts like this one about processing inconsistent data, and it sounds like the brute force option might be the only option on the table... But speaking generally, would it be possible to get it all done with a single program that uses machine learning or something?

    Some formats of the table make it particularly hard to do that, such as when column headers repeat themselves throughout the table such as in this example in the McDonald's PDF: https://imgur.com/BlFLl3B

    But theoretically, is it possible to do this?

    submitted by /u/wipedingold
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    How do header files work with the c source files in C?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Are the header files in C only supposed to contain the function headers or the definitions as well of the c file it is linked with? I have been seeing both ways online and am not sure anymore.

    submitted by /u/legionlen545
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