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    Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    [Community Feedback Request] How do you feel about threads that offer direct mentorship? learn programming

    [Community Feedback Request] How do you feel about threads that offer direct mentorship? learn programming

    [Community Feedback Request] How do you feel about threads that offer direct mentorship?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Recently, we've seen an increase in posts with a topic of "I'll teach you to code", "I'll mentor you", or the equivalent. On its face, this seems like a great thing. We have no rule against such posts, and the mod team has no wish to prevent experts who are offering mentorship good faith from being able to do so. Personally, I think it is quite a generous offer.

    However, we do have a few concerns with these kinds of threads. Primarily that we can't vet the people providing these offers the same way we can with the resources we add to the FAQ. Most of these threads have come from users who do not have a history of posts in our subreddit, so nobody can see the quality of advice they give. We have no way of confirming that these people making these offers have the credentials that they claim. We also have no way of knowing whether or not their offer of "free instruction" comes with strings attached once you leave our community and join whatever means of communication they are using such as discord. We have no way to know that they aren't providing a bait-and-switch.

    Additionally, we have concerns about fragmenting our community into multiple smaller communities that follow individual personalities. We believe that having a large, open community that provides public help that anyone else can see and benefit from (or join in and provide their own advice) is beneficial to the programming community.

    We'd like to ask the community how they feel about these kinds of posts and how they should be handled. We've internally discussed a few different approaches (including doing nothing), but we'd like to hear directly from our members how they feel about these threads, and what they think should be done with/about them. Both experts and learners, please share your feedback below.

    Edit: to anyone who responds, I am going to try to stay out of the comments as much as I can. I'll reply to answer questions, but I don't want to bias the discussion with my own opinions now that we've laid out our thoughts on the matter.

    submitted by /u/insertAlias
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    My Android Developer Dream Shattered into Pieces ��...

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    I'm an Android developer since 2016. I used to build apps with firebase & parse for almost 3+ yrs. I'm capable of any project as per the requirement. Today I have a Technical interview from startup located in India. I'm previous week they sent me a challenge to complete.

    1. I have to create own image loading library which uses memory cache, not disk memory.

    2. They have given a demo API URL to load an image in recycler view.

    3. I have to follow SOLID principles & MVVM model.

    4. I have to use Dependency Injection.

    First I thought it's an easy task. I recently learned MVVM architecture with data binding, Coroutines, jetpack navigation etc.

    Since I practised & able to implement with this above pattern. After searching for how to create an image loading library.

    I got some GitHub open source project. Which fits my requirement to create image loading library. I was on cloud nine. I understand how it works. But not fully.

    I still implemented those class to my project. And it works like a charm.

    I have successfully submitted my project with the above requirements before the due date.

    After a week. I got a confirmation mail as I got shortlisted for the Final Technical round. I was very happy.

    Here comes the twist.

    The interviewer starts reviewing my project & asks me to explain it. I was explaining what I did.

    Suddenly he asked about HttpInterceptor. I really don't know much detail about it. I simply answered it's a network monitoring.

    He again asked more Deeply about HttpInterceptor. I'm unable to answer. Then he starts asking me questions about like

    Interviewer - What's is Appcompat?

    Me - Remains silent. And I don't know.

    Interviewer - okay. What happens when we load 1000s of an item in recycler view. And how many times will onBindViewHolder called?

    Me - Explains a little bit about it. He's still not convinced. Even I know I'm just blabbering.

    I'm silently crying, my hands & legs are shivering. Since it was a screen sharing and video conference with more than 4 people. I controlled my tears.


    Interviewer - Explain your implementation of Image loading library.

    Me - At this place, I have no answers. I don't understand anything about image loading. I know the concept of how image loading works. But in the code, it's completely different. I never hear of Executor Service in my 3 yrs of Android Development. Which was in that Image loading class.

    I honestly said I don't know...

    Interviewer - Don't be afraid tell me if you got source code from any GitHub repository. It's not a problem. We have to know that you have understood the concept.

    Me - Explains where I got this solution for Image loading library.

    Then I completely fed up. They diverted the topic to bring back my confidence. They asked me what's is your fav subject.

    Suddenly they saw I'm using Anaconda in my laptop via screen share. They started asking questions about python. I know the basics of python and created a basic blog app with Django in my college first year.

    They started digging deeper into OS Topics 🥺...

    They asked me about

    What is Semaphore?

    Explain more about the Android Platform Architecture?

    I have no idea. My brain was not concentrating on the questions they're asking.

    Every time they asking the new questions feels like I'm still a noob in Android Development. Even though if have the ability to create any clone apps or any apps. Still, you have to get stronger in the core Android Development.

    Finally, I have successfully screwed up my interview. And my confidence shattered into pieces.

    Interviewer - Do you have any questions for us?

    Me - how to improve me as a better android developer.

    Interviewer - Try to read more Google document & to Learn about how the things work in OS.

    TBH - Interviewer feels a little bit of Savage to me.

    Interviewer & his team literally laughed about my degree. As an engineer, you don't know the basics like that.

    But TBH, I have to improve myself!...

    After meeting I have locked myself in the room & cried for 2hrs. And I decided to learn further about core topics in Android.

    Still feeling sad about my interview. But I will bounce back.

    I'm sharing to this community because I have learnt a lot of things from here.

    I have attached the project requirements below.

    Project Requirements

    GitHub Repo

    Thank you, Developers, for contributing to the community.

    Any suggestions to get a core understanding of Android development & as well as documents link will be useful for me.

    Thanks in advance ♥️...

    submitted by /u/SpikeySanju
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    Learn C++

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I really need to learn C++. I know the basics, but I lack everuthing else. Any books, sites or tutorials that could teach me?

    submitted by /u/Giosaia
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    Getting started with a github project

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    I am pretty new to programming and I saw a lot of advice online that the best way to learn is to make your own project. So I decided to start with that. However, I have one doubt when it comes to putting up my project on github. Other than the standard README file and the license how do I structure the repository? This might seem like a really silly question but are there any other standards I should follow when it comes to structuring the repository and naming things?

    submitted by /u/arjunputhli03
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    Open Source

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Hi. I was wondering if there were any open source projects a beginner in programming could contribute to?

    submitted by /u/donkeybowser
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    I want to offer an hour a day pair programming

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Hello, my name is Engin, I'm a software engineer, I've been working professionally around 10 years. I want to offer an hour a day remote pair programming. I have experience with

    1. Java (mostly Java 7, not very good at maven and spring),
    2. Python (used with Django mostly)
    3. React (have been using for the last 3 months)

    I can try to help if you're stuck with something, generally a second eye helps. I can try to discuss the options if you want to discuss something while writing code.

    I haven't done something like this before and I don't know if there'll be any interest. I wanted to contribute to the community if I can. I want to limit to 1 hour/person a day, if there's interest then we can schedule for future dates.

    I'm available PST 7pm - 10pm weekdays, almost anytime during the weekends.

    Feel free to dm me or comment on this post.

    submitted by /u/engintekin
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    How do I catch up as a newbie front end developer?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    I just began working as a front end web dev for a week now at a product company. And oh man! It was hard. The code base is huge and complicated. I am now being assigned 4 issues/features that I have to complete in 2 weeks. I'm overwhelmed. What can I do?

    submitted by /u/BobbyChou
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    How do sites like Codecademy/W3Schools have working IDE's in-browser?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I've had a hard time finding an answer on Google. I'm curious how these websites have a "try it yourself" window that functions as a compiler/IDE in various languages. Is there a library, plug-in, API?

    submitted by /u/quarantinemyasshole
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    Want to be on track

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    I dont know what is happening to me i am always sad and dont feel like i am doing anything i am not socially active and neither i am doing anything productive i am now doing engineering from computer science branch and i want to start something i have already started learning C but i coulnt complete can somebody tell me some good trick to keep on learning topics related to my stream and i always spend my time procastinating something i want to stop it.If some of you had this problem and you have overcome it then please tell me and help me bring my life on track thank you.

    submitted by /u/singhsaket_
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    What do you recommend me to train programming?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I'm a beginner in programming and I'm starting to study javascript, I'm still in the programming logic part, what would you recommend to train a lot of everything I'm learning?

    submitted by /u/guilhermezsw
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    How does an IDE include a compiler already?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    From my understanding an IDE is a combo of things such as an editor, debugger, and compiler/interpreter. When I was setting up Eclipse for a class, I had to first download the MinGW compiler beforehand in order to successfully compile code on Eclipse, does this mean that IDES in general beforehand are not truly compilers but instead use various components to act as a compiler as well? Sorry if this is a trivial question.

    submitted by /u/zteman
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    Looking for people of any age to work and help with together regarding C++

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm 20 years old and a beginner but I have decent knowledge of Rstudio and C++ and know a good amount of the basics. It's the things like "static", destructors, overloading operators, scopes like "::" that confuses me and I clearly have a long way to go.

    However, I'm wondering if there's anyone that'd like to work together, help each other out, and just get through issues together. I believe two heads are better than one.

    We can do a group chat on discord, iMessage, etc. As long as we communicate and build each other up, I believe that possibilities are endless.

    submitted by /u/bIasianbum
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    How to become industry ready after college?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    TL;DR- What resources should I look into to become 'proficient' in software development so I don't end up on a PIP?

    Not sure if this is the right subreddit for this question--if so, please let me know and I will remove

    Hey guys, some quick background about me--I recently graduated from college with a degree in CS. I was also fortunate enough to land a job at a FAANG company. That being said, my programming experience in college was mainly through class projects here and there and not much more out of that. I'm familiar with most basic elements of CS (a whole degrees worth), but I still feel that I am lacking, and don't want to be in the unfortunate scenario of getting put on a Performance Improvement Program (PIP) within my first few months of working.

    That brings me to my question, I have read the FAQ and found many great resources there to begin learning a myriad of topics, but I am specifically asking if there are groups of topics I should focus on getting better at in order to be a competent developer in the workforce.

    I understand many aspects of developing at a large company are different than developing on a local workstation, so maybe something along those lines would be helpful as well?

    Any and all guidance would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ThePatel
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    What is the difference between interpreted and compiled languages?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I come from a C++ and Java background, and just got into Javascript. I think a compiled language will directly will convert the high level source code to machine code while an interpreted language will convert the high level source code into some other format or language, which is then used to convert to machine code to run? This is what I got from this link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-compiled-and-interpreted-language/

    One thing that I do not get is how the link mentions how: "There is only one steps to get from source code to execution for interpreted languages". How is that possible if interpreted languages must be converted to a different format/lang. and then be turned into machine code to truly execute right? Is that not more than one step?

    Are languages such as JavaScript and Python for wide and basic wise for a beginner will be used in interpreted language format in editors such as VSCode or PyCharm? Is the distinction between interpreted and compiled languages vague these days? It seems like any language these days can be done in either way, depending on for whatever use? This is a long post, my bad, this distinction has been confusing me for a long time.

    submitted by /u/t_h_e_truth
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    the Logic behind programming

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Hello! I am a intermediate programmer, and i've been brushing up on my python when i realized that I don't fully understand the actual logic behind coding. I was wondering if anyone could point me towards resources that would help me better understand algorithms, and stuff like number theory that will bolster my problem solving skills. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/nomynameisdeiv
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    Need advice for young nephew (14)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    Hope this post is allowed! I have a teenager nephew in India whose computer skills and awareness are way below average for a 14 year old in the year 2020. He is certainly of above average intelligence and does well in science and math, but his family circumstances mean that he has never had his own computer.

    I am gifting him a laptop computer, and I am hoping he will grow to love computers and learn to code. How do I get him started? What languages, exercises, books, resources, fun projects will help him learn to code and fall in love with computers and programming?

    Thanks in advance! If this is the wrong sub for this question, please tell me where I should go for this advice.

    submitted by /u/ugachmaaz
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    Newbie and Overwhelmed

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:57 AM PDT


    When I say new, I mean I am new new. There is so much info out there and I am slightly overwhelmed.

    Quick back story, I am a single mom looking to supplement my income. I have been with my current employer for going on 9 years and I am in management. Unfortunately, I feel I have hit a standstill and my career is going nowhere.

    A friend of mine told me coding is the place to be. That I could work full time, part-time, in an office or even from home. It sounds amazing! I just don't know where to start.

    Do I go back to school (currently I only have an Associates in business), go to a boot camp, or learn using YouTube? Which language or certification do I pursue?

    Any advice would be very much welcomed! I currently make about 70K a year and I would like to work part one time and bring in an extra 20-30K a year. I have about $1500 I can invest in this and I would like to get started soon.

    Thanks in Advance!

    submitted by /u/Swtniqua87
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    What’s your way of practicing?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    I want to learn (or at least get a foundational understanding) to program before I begin university in September. I have this python course, everything is explained well and I understand the videos. I take notes, write examples, pretty much trying to learn as I'd study for an exam.

    Thing is, I've reached a point where I'm no longer efficiently retaining what I'm learning, and I think it's due to minimal practice. I've learned if/elif/else, learned for and while loops, and I'm in the early stages of functions. I find when I code, I have to look back in my notebook frequently to get the syntax/code itself right. At times, the practice questions in the videos I'm watching, I can't solve some so I look back in my book, and it doesn't feel like I've learned the solution.

    Does anyone have advice for practicing? Websites to practice on? Or should I just try and come up with things to make? I was learning fine at first, but a lot of new stuff have came up and now I just feel so much slower, and generally inefficient.

    submitted by /u/daaaabs
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    To veterans : What tools do you consider the most helpful along the way while prgoramming?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    I'm a CS student , and i'm always curious what tools / method do you guys "use" that specifically works for you while programming? eg pen and paper, a particular software etc. google notes / sheets. Does not necessary to be digital .

    submitted by /u/what_cube
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    Recommendations on learning resources for JavaScript?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    Some background info: I am currently an undergrad student studying CS. I have learned and used C/C++ and Java at my University and taken relevant coursework up to data structures and algorithms. Recently I have been using Java. I have been trying to solidify my understanding in web development for a while now. I have gone through and learned the basics of HTML and CSS through Colt Steele's Web Dev Udemy Class. Of course this doesn't mean I am master in front end, but it solidified my foundation to make me feel like to move on. I have been studying his JavaScript lectures, but I do know his JavaScript lectures do not go through the new standards. My goal is go through the lectures regardless and use a supplemental textbook called Beginning JavaScript, 4th Edition Author: Paul Wilton and Jeremy McPeak. The textbook is used at the grad level class they teach at my university for web development. Is there any good Udemy class or book that provides a solid or good teaching of JavaScript? I have seen the Jonas course and the Andrew Mead one, not sure which one to get, but open for other suggestions. I am trying to avoid Eloquent JavaScript for now, will get into it later though, because I have heard it's not recommended for beginners and can get confusing.

    I have done CRUD web application work from prior internship and personal projects but this time my goal is have a solid foundation rather than just quickly learning to finishing work because of necessity. For Udemy suggestions my goal is not to be stuck in "tutorial hell" or having a course that makes you just watch and copy code. My goal is to learn and tackle the projects they do on Udemy or from my own personal interest by myself with my own approach just like any other University project I would do. Thanks for the advice!

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    Learning another language besides Python

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    So, I'm an expierenced Python programmer and I just wanna ask, is it worth it to learn another language? As you may know, you can literally do anything, from databases, to 3D games. However, since Python is a interpreted language, it's pretty slow. So as I mentioned before, is it worth to learn another language? If yes, then why (except for speed)?

    submitted by /u/bemxio
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    What type of web apps can I make with only Python/HTML/CSS (No JS)? Also-- Can we talk servers and Flask?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    This is a frequent question. The answers seem to be mixed/ambiguous-- running the gamut from "everything" to "nothing"--- but they all say to look up Django and Flask.

    So, I experimented with Flask. I did this quick tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptDnpfrSbEE K, now I can run calc.exe from my browser. For what?

    Now, it would be cool if this was a page on my site hosted by namecheap. And when someone clicks the button to run calc.exe, they are actually running the program from my computer. Is that what this is all about? Turning my computer into a physical server?

    The next step, then would be to communicate to namecheap that I'm taking over as the server provider. Is that what this is:



    Or am I wayy off?

    Ultimately, I don't understand what a Python app would do if it doesn't have a GUI. I'm told that tkinter won't work on the web. (Which incidentally destroys my theory that my computer can be used as a physical server--- that somehow people across the web can run any program that I have installed on my program. Afterall, I have a tkinter app that I wrote and then bundled up and downloaded with PyInstaller. And if that theory is destroyed- not sure what Flask is.)

    "App" to me means a program that a user interacts with. I can't conceive of an app without a GUI or at an least input option. And if tkinter is not an option for that- then what is?

    submitted by /u/band_in_DC
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    Tutorials for C#

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    I have the basic knowledge of C# which I got from W3SCHOOL and TutorialPoints. I want to learn C# for .NET Framework and building applications.

    Any good site for practicing C# or Video Tuts.

    submitted by /u/dhruvadeep_malakar
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    Looking to network/study/work on project together.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Hello, I am 2nd year into a CS degree but I have been building websites for several years now. I decided I wanted to take it to the next level and started a degree just over a year ago. I am looking for someone or possibly several people that want to link up, maybe create a discord or slack and work on projects together. I am trying to simulate a real world environment working on projects so I can get more experience. Maybe we can work on some open source projects or start a new project. I am tired of building stupid shit like calculators and all that. I want to work on something I can be proud of. Anyways, I would like for the person or persons to be at about the same experience level that way we won't hold eachother back but instead move forward faster. I have several ideas about projects but I will hold that back for now. Also, another reason I am wanting to do this is to keep myself motivated as we all know learning to program takes a lot of endurance.

    submitted by /u/ToshaDev
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    What exactly is the difference between a method and a function ?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Okay, there is something bugging me about this.

    I know that both a method and a function return something but what exactly is the difference between them ?

    Is it that a method can only be called by an object and a function can be called by anything ?

    Or is it something else ?

    submitted by /u/Burakkureivun
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