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    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    [Community Feedback Request] How do you feel about threads that offer direct mentorship? learn programming

    [Community Feedback Request] How do you feel about threads that offer direct mentorship? learn programming

    [Community Feedback Request] How do you feel about threads that offer direct mentorship?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Recently, we've seen an increase in posts with a topic of "I'll teach you to code", "I'll mentor you", or the equivalent. On its face, this seems like a great thing. We have no rule against such posts, and the mod team has no wish to prevent experts who are offering mentorship good faith from being able to do so. Personally, I think it is quite a generous offer.

    However, we do have a few concerns with these kinds of threads. Primarily that we can't vet the people providing these offers the same way we can with the resources we add to the FAQ. Most of these threads have come from users who do not have a history of posts in our subreddit, so nobody can see the quality of advice they give. We have no way of confirming that these people making these offers have the credentials that they claim. We also have no way of knowing whether or not their offer of "free instruction" comes with strings attached once you leave our community and join whatever means of communication they are using such as discord. We have no way to know that they aren't providing a bait-and-switch.

    Additionally, we have concerns about fragmenting our community into multiple smaller communities that follow individual personalities. We believe that having a large, open community that provides public help that anyone else can see and benefit from (or join in and provide their own advice) is beneficial to the programming community.

    We'd like to ask the community how they feel about these kinds of posts and how they should be handled. We've internally discussed a few different approaches (including doing nothing), but we'd like to hear directly from our members how they feel about these threads, and what they think should be done with/about them. Both experts and learners, please share your feedback below.

    Edit: to anyone who responds, I am going to try to stay out of the comments as much as I can. I'll reply to answer questions, but I don't want to bias the discussion with my own opinions now that we've laid out our thoughts on the matter.

    submitted by /u/insertAlias
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    What OS do programmers mainly use?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 11:09 PM PDT


    I was wondering what OS do the programmers mainly use? I got into an argument once and I've worked in 2 gaming companies as a programmer and we mainly used Windows.

    When I pointed that out to one Mac user he said that in The US programmers mainly use Macs and European programmers are shit and only create shit etc.

    So I was wondering if most developers really do use a Mac or it's just BS?


    submitted by /u/NotaChineseplushie
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    I'm a software engineer that forgot how to code

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Long story short, I have over 13 years of experience in technical sales, and about the same amount of time that I hand't bothered coding a single hello world. I'm 35 and the company that hired me just last month just told me to fuck off because there is no sales right now thanks to the pandemic. I'm going to try my best to re learn what I forgot, and to try new things, and I wanted to ask what tips about new languages or where to re-start. I used to be pretty good at c++, c# and PIC controllers, if that's still a thing.

    submitted by /u/mexinonimo
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    [python] Functions are being called (printed to screen) without actually being called. I put a series of functions in a list to index them...

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    I'm making a basic hangman game and want to print out some ASCII art for each missed answer.

    All I'm wanting to do is index a list of functions that contains print statements of ASCII art.

    I made several functions with different variations of this:

    def hang(): print(r""" _____ | | O | | | | /|\ """) 

    Then, I put them in a list. Like so:

    variations = [hang(),hang1(),hang2(),hang3()] 

    And without even calling variations everything in this list is being printed to the screen.

    Note: I'm doing all this on the pythonista app so I can't print the whole script but the above is it. I'm wondering if it's has something to do with print statements inside functions instead of returns but I don't know how to return formatted ASCII art.

    submitted by /u/herefromyoutube
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    Creating Portfolio Website

    Posted: 20 May 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    So, Im in the middle of creating my portfolio website and I want to display some of my small projects on there. I have created a chatbot using Python and a small math program using C#. What would I do to put them on my website?

    I haven't launched my site yet. I still am creating it through Atom. Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I've never done anything like this before and Google wasn't being too helpful.

    submitted by /u/Kazumadesu76
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    finishing up CS50 web programming course, now what?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Any ideas for good challenging books or (cheap!) courses that will take off around where CS50 programming left off?

    submitted by /u/squidwardstrousers
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    Mental Disorder and learning Programming

    Posted: 20 May 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Oh well, I have the intention of learning programming. My main language is not English but right now, with the Corona situation, having a personality disorder and being poor and all I have is a Udemy course on how to program. I want to ask you, am I really gonna learn programming or do I need a fresh brain? I heard math is needed and I suck at math.

    I will be taking a new med for my terrible mood changes and I have been told that I will experience brain fog. I'm scared, I want to learn but I don't want this brain fog to make it impossible for me to be a programmer.

    The main reasons I want to learn programming are: 1)One of the only things I feel interested doing. 2) I need money and a remote job 3) I want to be successful at something and I believe if I didn't have brain fogs I could be a great programmer.

    I'm basically a 27 years old man with NO money, family is sending me money to survive and I'm an alcohol addict. I want to be a successful man, I used to have a very good brain but the drink and moderate drug use made it hard for me to have a stable job and left college. I'm now a loser and I'm sorry for venting here but I'm desperate to know if I should even try this course or if I should just call it quit.

    For all I know, I want to be a programmer, I need to have an income and specially, I WANT to learn a skill apart from English language. Please, someone tell me if it's possible for someone like me to learn programming. I don't want to be a parasite in this life. All I have is an Udemy course for Programming Fundamentals.

    submitted by /u/pinkmor
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    Best books/courses/resources to start learning JavaScript?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Starting an internship in a few weeks and would like to get ahead on learning the language. Any recommendations or help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Balboni99
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    Advise for my online portfolio?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    I'm trying to build my own online portfolio but i suck at frontend. I don't like it at all tbh. I'm a backend developer and not very familiar with frontend libraries such as React/Angular or even Javascript. I downloaded a template that i am struggling with to customize but it is working. Should i build my website from the start or can i use the downloaded template? I say on the website that i am a backend developer and never mention anything about frontend so i do not mislead anyone. THANK YOU!

    submitted by /u/MelodicContract3
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    JavaScript: how to convert a string to a formatted date?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    This has got me stumped. I've read dozens of StackOverflow posts about similar things but I cannot get it working.

    I have a string like 1977-04-22. I want to change this to a different kind of date format, eg 22nd April 1977.

    I am really not sure how to go about this and am very confused.

    Would anyone be able to help me or point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/MeltingDog
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    Any suggestions on reading material?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I'd like to ask if there are any books/magazines/etc. which you would suggest new programmers read in order to get in touch with the industry, trends, CS history, or any other relevant subject?

    NOTE: I'm not talking about books that teach you to program.

    submitted by /u/pjs1000
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    OOP Roadmap (Objected Oriented Programming)

    Posted: 20 May 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Here is the path you should take when learning OOP. I can also create a post that outlines the path for DSA if people are interested.

    #1. Pick your weapon of choice You can choose any language that has support for OOP, it's your choice. Just make sure to stick with it. Java, C++, Python, Typescript. My advice would be to choose the language you're creating applications in. If you're creating web apps with python/flask, choose python. If you're writing web apps in React, Vue, Node/Express, choose Typescript.

    #2. Basic OOP principles You need to have a solid foundation of OOP principles before you jump into the advanced concepts.

    Learn these concepts

    • encapsulation

    • abstraction

    • inheritance

    • polymorphism

    Books: - Head First Java: A Brain-Friendly Guide (to learn basics)

    #3. Learn CLEAN and S.O.L.I.D code Learning how to write clean and SOLID code is important no matter what paradigm you program in OOP or functional

    Clean code

    • being consistent

    • meaningful variable names

    • writing pure functions

    SOLID CODE Taken from this post

    S for the Single Responsibility Principle(SRP), which guides you in creating classes that are responsible for one, and only one actor.

    O for the Open/Closed Principle(OCP), which makes your code easy to extend by ensuring that it stays open for extension but closed for modification (this might be the most important of all 5)

    L for the Liskov Substitution Principle(LSP), which keeps semantic consistency in complex inheritance hierarchies, making your classes easier to understand and use.

    I for the Interface Segregation Principle(ISP), which protects objects from depending on the behavior they don't really need.

    D for the Dependency Inversion Principle(DIP), which controls the direction of dependencies in your code, ensuring that it always flows in the direction of more abstract entities.


    #4. Design Patterns This is the bread and butter of object oriented programming. Design patterns are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are like pre-made blueprints that you can customize to solve a recurring design problem in your code.


    When I read, I want to truly understand. I get the best books and read them at the same time (concurrently) instead of a linear-fashion. For example, if there's a chapter about topic X, I will read each book's chapter X. This way you understand the topic from different perspectives and examples. (IMO take this technique with you in your programming career no matter where you go). You can also go ahead and just pick 1 if you don't have time, you'll still be fine.

    #5. Domain Driven Design Apply everything you know back to modern day web application development with domain driven design. Domain Driven Design is the idea that your code is structured, architected, and modelled according to how your business operates, making communication between stakeholders and engineer much more clean.

    The book that everyone recommends is the "Blue Book".

    However, this is getting a bit outdated and hard to read.

    I recommend for you to read Implementing Domain Driven Design instead.

    #6. Beyond There's more advanced concepts, but I haven't got there myself. Check out this post by Khalil Stemmler for more information.

    Conclusion This is going to take a LOT of time to learn. Just because you can read the path/outline in a few minutes doesn't mean it's going to be easy. It's going to take a lot of hard work, and grit. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me.

    submitted by /u/jeff_zh4ng
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    [C++] Changing the address a pointer points to.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    I have a pointer declared as int32_t* ptr, and the value it points to (the int32_t) is itself a valid address that I want to set the pointer to after doing some stuff, i.e. I want to do something like ptr = *ptr. What's the correct way to do this?

    submitted by /u/HorsesFlyIntoBoxes
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    Need Help Speeding Up C++ Code (Running Slower than JavaScript)

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Hi, for a lab I'm doing research at I'm writing code for building models for protein aggregation and using algorithms to fit the parameters of the model to real data. I'm using Euler's method to solve the differential equations in the model, and it has unfortunately been rather slow when dealing with small time steps and long time lengths (I'm currently trying to model ~200,000 seconds with a step size of .001).

    My original code was written in JavaScript and ran in Node.js, but it would take around 20 minutes or so to create a numerical solution for that 200,000 seconds with the .001 step size, and since I need to find many solutions, I felt like that was taking too long. I figured that rewriting the code in C++ would improve the efficiency of the code, and I would be able to handle the memory usage and optimizations myself.

    Unfortunately, I must be doing something wrong since my C++ code runs ~30 or 40x slower than my JavaScript code. My complete code is here with the C++ version being model.cpp and the JavaScript version being in Nelder_Mead.js (but imports functions from server_model.js).

    My code is running slowest on the constructor for my Masses class, which takes in initial conditions and parameters and starts running a loop to generate the solutions with Euler's method:

    Masses(Conditions initial, Params params, double time_length, double step_size, int points = DEFAULT_POINTS) : times(), masses() { double push_next = time_length / points; std::cout << "Generating Mass" << std::endl; double time = 0; times.reserve(points); masses.reserve(points); masses.push_back(initial.agg_mass()); times.push_back(time); for (double step = 0; step < time_length; step += step_size) { // This loop takes forever on longer time lengths and smaller step sizes initial = initial.next(params, step_size); time += step_size; if (step > push_next) { masses.push_back(initial.agg_mass()); times.push_back(time); push_next += time_length / points; } } }; 

    times and masses are std::vectors with doubles, Conditions contains a few doubles and an std::vector with more doubles (representing the concentrations of each species), and Params is also a collection of doubles and std::vectors with doubles. To me there doesn't seem to be anything horribly inefficient with this function?

    Conditions(double im, double am, std::vector<double>& agg) : im(im), am(am), agg(agg) {}; Conditions next(Params& params, double step_size) { int agg_size = agg.size(); Conditions next_con(agg_size + 1); double diff = 0; // calculating im diff = -(im * params.forward[0]) + (am * params.backward[0]); next_con.im = im + step_size * diff; diff = 0; // calculating am diff += im * params.forward[0]; diff -= am * params.backward[0]; diff -= params.n * std::pow(am, params.r) * params.forward[1]; diff += params.n * agg[0] * params.backward[1]; for (int i = 0; i < agg_size - 1; i++) { diff -= am * agg[i] * params.forward[2]; diff += agg[i + 1] * params.backward[2]; } diff -= am * agg[agg_size - 1] * params.forward[2]; next_con.am = am + step_size * diff; diff = 0; // calculating first aggregate diff += std::pow(am, params.r) * params.forward[1]; diff -= agg[0] * params.backward[1]; diff -= am * agg[0] * params.forward[2]; diff += agg[1] * params.backward[2]; next_con.agg[0] = agg[0] + step_size * diff; for (int i = 1; i < agg_size - 1; i++) { diff = 0; // calculating intermediate aggregates diff += am * agg[i - 1] * params.forward[1]; diff -= agg[i] * params.backward[1]; diff -= am * agg[i] * params.forward[1]; diff += agg[i + 1] * params.backward[1]; next_con.agg[i] = agg[i] + step_size * diff; } diff = 0; // calculating last aggregate diff += am * agg[agg_size - 2] * params.forward[1]; diff -= agg[agg_size - 1] * params.backward[1]; diff -= am * agg[agg_size - 1] * params.forward[1]; next_con.agg[agg_size - 1] = agg[agg_size - 1] + step_size * diff; diff = 0; // calculating next aggregate diff += am * agg[agg_size - 1] * params.forward[1]; next_con.agg[agg_size] = 0 + step_size * diff; return next_con; }; double agg_mass() { double mass = 0; for (int i = 0; i < agg.size(); i++) { mass += agg[i]; } return mass; }; 

    Here are some of the relevant functions from my Conditions class. I have a feeling that the Conditions::next function is the big slowdown but I don't know how to deal with it? It has to run through the doubles stored in the object and then calculate the next state from the differential equations my model is built on, which is relatively simple math (lots of arithmetic). I'm stumped on how to speed up my program, especially since it is significantly slower than the original code I wrote in JavaScript, which is 90% the same as the code I wrote here. Is there too much copying or something that I am doing that is slowing this down? Is JavaScript doing something clever that I am missing here? Sorry for the long post, I really don't know how to move forward. Thanks in advance!

    Here's a version that you can run:

    #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <utility> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> static const int RATE_CONSTANTS = 3; static const unsigned int PROC_COUNT = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); static const int DEFAULT_POINTS = 1000; class Params { public: double n; double r; std::vector<double> forward; std::vector<double> backward; Params(double n, double r, std::vector<double> forward, std::vector<double> backward) : n(n), r(r), forward(forward), backward(backward) {}; Params() : n(0), r(0), forward(RATE_CONSTANTS, 0), backward(RATE_CONSTANTS, 0) {}; Params(std::stringstream &line) : forward(RATE_CONSTANTS), backward(RATE_CONSTANTS) { std::string temp; std::getline(line, temp, ','); n = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); r = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); forward[0] = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); forward[1] = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); forward[2] = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); backward[0] = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); backward[1] = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); backward[2] = std::stod(temp); } bool is_positive() { if (n < 0) return false; if (r < 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < RATE_CONSTANTS; i++) { if (forward[i] < 0) return false; if (backward[i] < 0) return false; } return true; } }; class Conditions { public: double im; double am; std::vector<double> agg; Conditions() : im(0), am(0), agg() {}; Conditions(int size) : im(0), am(0), agg() { agg.resize(size); }; Conditions(std::stringstream &line) { std::string temp; std::getline(line, temp, ','); im = std::stod(temp); std::getline(line, temp, ','); am = std::stod(temp); while (std::getline(line, temp, ',')) { agg.push_back(std::stod(temp)); } } Conditions(double im, double am, std::vector<double>& agg) : im(im), am(am), agg(agg) {}; Conditions(const Conditions &orig) : im(orig.im), am(orig.am), agg(orig.agg) {}; Conditions next(Params& params, double step_size) { int agg_size = agg.size(); Conditions next_con(agg_size + 1); double diff = 0; // calculating im diff = -(im * params.forward[0]) + (am * params.backward[0]); next_con.im = im + step_size * diff; diff = 0; // calculating am diff += im * params.forward[0]; diff -= am * params.backward[0]; diff -= params.n * std::pow(am, params.r) * params.forward[1]; diff += params.n * agg[0] * params.backward[1]; for (int i = 0; i < agg_size - 1; i++) { diff -= am * agg[i] * params.forward[2]; diff += agg[i + 1] * params.backward[2]; } diff -= am * agg[agg_size - 1] * params.forward[2]; next_con.am = am + step_size * diff; diff = 0; // calculating first aggregate diff += std::pow(am, params.r) * params.forward[1]; diff -= agg[0] * params.backward[1]; diff -= am * agg[0] * params.forward[2]; diff += agg[1] * params.backward[2]; next_con.agg[0] = agg[0] + step_size * diff; for (int i = 1; i < agg_size - 1; i++) { diff = 0; // calculating intermediate aggregates diff += am * agg[i - 1] * params.forward[1]; diff -= agg[i] * params.backward[1]; diff -= am * agg[i] * params.forward[1]; diff += agg[i + 1] * params.backward[1]; next_con.agg[i] = agg[i] + step_size * diff; } diff = 0; // calculating last aggregate diff += am * agg[agg_size - 2] * params.forward[1]; diff -= agg[agg_size - 1] * params.backward[1]; diff -= am * agg[agg_size - 1] * params.forward[1]; next_con.agg[agg_size - 1] = agg[agg_size - 1] + step_size * diff; diff = 0; // calculating next aggregate diff += am * agg[agg_size - 1] * params.forward[1]; next_con.agg[agg_size] = 0 + step_size * diff; return next_con; }; double agg_mass() { double mass = 0; for (int i = 0; i < agg.size(); i++) { mass += agg[i]; } return mass; }; }; class Masses { public: std::vector<double> times; std::vector<double> masses; Masses() : times(), masses() {}; Masses(std::vector<double> times, std::vector<double> masses) : times(times), masses(masses) {}; Masses(Conditions initial, Params params, double time_length, double step_size, int points = DEFAULT_POINTS) : times(), masses() { double push_next = time_length / points; double display_steps = 100; double display_next = 0; std::cout << "Generating Mass" << std::endl; double time = 0; times.reserve(points); masses.reserve(points); masses.push_back(initial.agg_mass()); times.push_back(time); for (double step = 0; step < time_length; step += step_size) { initial = initial.next(params, step_size); time += step_size; if (step > push_next) { masses.push_back(initial.agg_mass()); times.push_back(time); push_next += time_length / points; } if (step > display_next) { std::cout << '\r' << "[" << std::string((int) display_steps * step / time_length, (char)254u) << std::string(display_steps - (int) (display_steps * step / time_length), ' ') << "]"; std::cout.flush(); display_next += time_length / display_steps; } } }; Masses(const Masses &orig) : times(orig.times), masses(orig.masses) {}; void print(std::string file_name) { std::ofstream output; output.open(file_name, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) { output << times[i] << ',' << masses[i] << '\n'; } output.close(); }; Masses(std::string& csv) { std::stringstream csv_stream(csv); std::string line; std::stringstream line_stream; std::string val; while (csv_stream >> line) { line_stream.str(line); std::getline(line_stream, val, ','); times.push_back(std::stod(val)); std::getline(line_stream, val, ','); masses.push_back(std::stod(val)); line_stream.clear(); } } double get(double time) { int L = 0; int R = times.size() - 1; int m; while (L <= R) { m = (L + R) / 2; if (times[m] < time) { L = m + 1; } else if (times[m] > time) { R = m - 1; } else return masses[m]; } return (masses[R] + masses[L]) / 2; } void normalize(double time) { double mass = get(time); for (int i = 0; i < masses.size(); i++) { masses[i] = masses[i] / mass; } } }; int main() { std::vector<double> agg(2, 0); Conditions initial(1, 0, agg); std::vector<double> forward; std::vector<double> backward; forward.push_back(.01); forward.push_back(1.5); forward.push_back(3000); backward.push_back(.05); backward.push_back(1); backward.push_back(1000); Params params(4, 2, forward, backward); Masses(initial, params, 200000, 0.001); } 

    Also let me know if providing more code would help!

    submitted by /u/dvocado99
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    What are empty lists and what are they used for

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    I just started to learn python a couple of weeks ago, I got introduced to this concept of empty lists, I just can't wrap my head around it. Whenever I check on a problem's solution where they use empty lists, I kinda understand why they use it, but whenever I do a problem where empty lists are the solution I can't seem to even think about using an empty list.

    Basically I just don't get how empty lists work.

    submitted by /u/YugiChef
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    Interested in competitive coding, How should I start?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Im a high schooler and I'm quite interested in getting into competitive coding however I have LITERALLY 0 experience. My main focus is to get into app development and algorithms with research applications but I also would like to acquire the skills to do popular competitions like international informatics olympiad and google kickstart. To achieve these goals how should I go about this. Which languages should I learn and where can I find good resources.

    submitted by /u/aLXIXa
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    Graduated with a CS degree, worked as a full stack dev for one year, and feel I suck still and I am about to loss my job. Feel like I need to quit and just start over somewhere and learn and get mentorship/apprenticeship. is there anything like this? Help?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    So, I graduated with a CS degree about a year ago. I also started as a full stack developer about a year ago as well. I have a years experience as one.

    However, I haven't received any mentorship on this job and it is a pretty negative environment. Asking questions was discouraged 2 months into my job (got told asked too many questions) and then 6 months into the role, another junior developer was let go I guess for not being knowledgeable enough. This was 6 months after he started.

    Now I've been PIP'd a year into my job and probably losing my job in about a month or two.

    I have been applying for new jobs for a couple of months and gotten to a couple of final round interviews, but no jobs so far. It probably isn't helping that companies are laying off, hiring freezes are happening, and everything else that is going on. Also, I only have one year experience.

    Honestly, I just want to start over. I never got the chance to do internships because I worked 40+ hours outside school to pay for school. Benefits is that I didn't go into debt but also didn't get any internships.

    I would love to simply go to a school or apprenticeship program that teaches you JOB skills. CS degree simply doesn't do that. Most things I learned with that degree are NOT applicable in my day to day work life. They only sometimes come up in interviews as algorithm questions, but even then sometimes not. Yes, I self teach myself via udemy courses and other stuff, but it simply doesn't compare to get hands on help.

    Is there any place I could go to get this on the job training or an apprenticeship? Hell, I would be willing to pay for it or work for free if it gave me the experience I needed. I am that desperate to get away from this job and get good at this stuff. I also would be willing to move anywhere for it.

    Does anyone have suggestions with that or know of anything like this? I'm just honestly lost and don't know what to do at this point.

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/Cscareermetatime
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    Launch School vs. Other Bootcamps

    Posted: 20 May 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    I'm considering joining Launch School after reading about their pedagogy and student outcomes. I have experience programming but I'd like to develop my skill set as a Software Engineer before getting a job in the industry.

    I'd love to hear about any experience that you all have with them and how they compare to traditional bootcamps. I'm trying to decide between Launch School, Hack Reactor Remote and Fullstack Academy Remote.

    I'm fine with the time commitment that LS entails but only if it's worth it in comparison to shorter, more intensive bootcamps. I'd also like to do their Capstone Program if I go the LS route but I'm worried about committing to LS and then not being admitted to Capstone. I'd appreciate any information about the selectiveness and admissions practices of this program if anyone has relevant experience.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/iSky1
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    Creating a new ML classifier

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    I want to create a classifier which can take inputs from a persons social media and create a profile (likes, dislikes, psychological profiling etc) can anyone help me with it or if there exists such a classifier give me a link?

    submitted by /u/Dank_Daddmmyyyy
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    Compare the rendering of elements in the array

    Posted: 21 May 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    The problem is that I do not know how to highlight the color of the compared elements in the array, the drawing is done in the "DrawArray" method. How best to do this and is it possible to do it? I can send the code itself as a screenshot to a convenient resource for you. The program is written in C#, Windows Forms

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/NikFosterYB
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    How challenging is the Flatiron School Software Engineering boot camp?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I am brand new to programming and am looking into taking a boot camp. I just applied to Flatiron and I plan to apply to General Assembly and possibly a couple of others. I am looking to do it full-time and remotely. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the technical interview at Flatiron and also with the boot camp itself. I plan on dedicating all of my time to this and giving it my all, just want to know what I will be getting into, as I've heard Flatiron's programs are very challenging.

    My background: I recently finished college with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics, though I did not learn a thing in terms of computer science. I took CS101 with Udacity and just finished the Udacity Intro to Programming nanodegree. Basically, I know some of the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and shell commands, as well as VERY limited experience using Git and GitHub. However, I felt as though my hand was held through most of the projects at Udacity so I definitely don't feel as though I know very much.


    submitted by /u/joedry07
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    Building sites for clients - is Wordpress needed?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    Hello, recently I was thinking, since I'm learning web dev for about a year, that maybe I would try to make websites for local buisness and earn some money. I know very well React, Node.js and I'm feeling very comfortable with styling websites via pure CSS. However I know that the faster option would be doing small sites with Wordpress - but I haven't used it before and I would need to spend some time to learn it. Also I'm not motivated to learn Wordpress becouse I don't want to work with it as a future developer so I do not see any point in learning it. But what do you think guys? Maybe I'm wrong and dealing with WP will benefit me in future? Should I try build websites for money at that point or is it too early? Thank you for your help

    submitted by /u/bartekw2213
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    How to check if link is clicked on Flask?

    Posted: 20 May 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    I'm using the Flask 'flash' function. My flash says that the user has registered successfully and if he/she didn't received any email, I have a link on my flash function to resend it. I don't really know how to detect when the user clicks the link so I can resend them the email. How could I implement this? Thanks in advance.

    This is my code:

    flash(Markup('We have just sent you an email to {}, please confirm it and login. <br> ¿Haven't received any email? <a href="#" class="alert-link">send it again</a>').format(email)) return render_template("login.html") 
    submitted by /u/lagartogigante
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    How to create a split function for c strings that does a function for every line?

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Hello I'm trying to achieve the following in C/C++:

    1. Split the string using a delimiter.
    2. Pass each split string into a function.

    Here is my progress so far:

    void for_each_split_line(char* str, char delim, std::function<void(char*)> fn) { char* line = (char*)""; for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) { if (str[i]==delim) { fn(line); line = (char*)""; } else { size_t len = strlen(line); char* str2 = (char*)malloc(len+2); strcpy(str2, line); str2[len] = str[i]; str2[len+1] = '\0'; line = str2; } } fn(line); } 

    The above "implementation" (I don't know if this is even fast/effective/safe etc.) currently only works for character delimiters, but I would like to make it work for string delimiters as well.

    NOTE: I tried using `strtok`, but for some reason, it ignores consecutive delimiters like for example "Hello\n\nWorld!", is simply seen as "Hello\nWorld!", but in my use-case, I need that empty string in between.

    submitted by /u/chrismg12
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    I’m honestly really tired of bouncing between learning my first programming language, I’m tired, and it’s getting really ridiculous.

    Posted: 21 May 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    I literally have surface level knowledge of like at least 5 languages just because I have trouble committing to one and so many ideas and purposes. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/xxhomiekidcringe
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