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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    Best programming language to tackle a specific project Ask Programming

    Best programming language to tackle a specific project Ask Programming

    Best programming language to tackle a specific project

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT


    I want to write a program that continuously watches a specific folder for incoming files that range from 5mb to 1gb in size, reads their filenames and automatically transfers them over sFTP to 20 or so addresses depending on the filename. Some incoming files could be zipped and would have to be extracted. The program would be housed in a VM and would be added to the Windows startup programs, letting a user easily refresh its state following a potential crash by rebooting the VM. A nice to have feature would be to archive all filenames in a local DB.

    A notable challenge would be not to initiate a transfer of the files until they've been fully received.

    I'd like suggestions on picking the best tool for the job.

    submitted by /u/sharktopusx
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    How can i develop with EFTPOS?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am writing a point of sale suite specifically for the restaurant/hospitality sector, and i am looking for a way to test EFTPOS integration. From what i know, banks charge a terminal fee and a subscriber fee among other things if i'm processing txns, however i'd like a way to do dummy txns that don't go to any account that i can build the behaviour around. If anyone knows anything let me know!

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/MajesticBovine
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    What's a useful programming concept that you learned in cs that most self taught programmers just miss?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    i have no computer science formal education, and have been writing code for 2 years now, but i always feel like im missing something.

    submitted by /u/5alidz
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    Calling CLASS in switch/case.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Switch class https://imgur.com/gallery/WKwRaZQ

    I try calling a class in switch/case, and the code on class are not executed. I tried calling the class outside the switch case and it is working. What happen? Sorry for my bad english.

    submitted by /u/jcarlo1
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    How do you keep oversight of projects (functions, libraries, scripts, etc.)?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    I am not a programmer by training but my career ended up placinging me in research that is 99% programming. I've learned by doing and at this point I'm probably better at coding than most of researchers in my group (also not programmers), since I find it fun to constatly get better at it. However, I feel like learning this way has resulted in a lot of fragmented knowledge and more importantly, messy and ineficient programming planning.

    The main problem is not the prerformance of my functions, but their usability. I lose oversight of my projects fairly quickly and find it really hard to be efficient when developing software, especially big projects. Everytime I start a new project I want to properly set-up the project, plan out functions I'll need and where to place them, etc. However, after a month or so, I always end up notincing that my planning had some limitations and end up throwing the plans away and more or less "develop by patching problems".

    A trivial example would be writing a function a certain way, but further down the line I realise that I should've written it to be more flexible, take more parameters, etc. But at this point, I have used it multiple times in my code and it ends up being easier to just write the function again in the current script. Now I have two versions of the "same" function...

    To be clear, this doesn't really have any real impact in my research since the goal is the scientific question and not how efficient your code is when answering it. But this is not the way I want to develop my projects so it would be really appreciated if anyone can point to a good book or tutorial that I can read to improve my project plannig skills. If you have particular strucutres or methods that work for you I'd be great if you could share them!

    Note: My work is mainly python and cuda based in case that helps

    submitted by /u/pastormoser
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    Is it possible to create an youtube extension that detects human faces on video thumbnails and removes these videos from your feed?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    I would prefer it to account for the whole video, but at least thumbnails would be still something.

    submitted by /u/Decimini
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    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    I am new to GitHub don't know how to use it. Read some articles but didn't get it. Can anyone please help me out with this.

    submitted by /u/_upsi_
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    Is python to a language like java or c# easy?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    I have been using python and want to try a new programming language so I can have a wider variety of projects. I just want to know if the transition from python to a language like java or c# is easy.

    submitted by /u/pandellic
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    I have no experience with raspberry pi whatsoever, but i want to use it to make my mom a birthday gift

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Hello, I am in the works of digitizing all of my family's old videos and photos and had an idea that I know my mom would love. I wanted to have all of the photos and videos be continuously looping throughout the day on the living room TV.

    I had the idea (though I'm not sure if its possible) to have the raspberry pi connect to either a shared drive or something like that so that I could connect the pi via usb to the TV and loop the content that it has on it. I wanted it to be on some sort of cloud because then I would be able to constantly add more photos and videos instead of physically having to add photos and videos if I went the route of using a USB.

    Is this possible? Do you have any pointers for me on how to do it or possibly improve it? I would appreciate it greatly

    submitted by /u/b-e-a-youtiful
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    Would you still be a programmer if there were no languages other than assembly?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    If no interpreted or compiled languages existed, if there were only various assemblers like FASM/YASM/NASM/MASM, would you still want to be a programmer? Would it still be how you would like to spend your life?

    Some might say they would just write their own compiled or interpreted language but assume we live in a dystopian world where high level languages were considered creations of the devil and making or using one was punishable by death so that you could not even (legally) write your own language. Would you choose to do something else with your life?

    submitted by /u/headhuntermomo
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    How does a computer know the difference between a local and external IP address?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right subreddit, but anyway...

    If I go into the terminal and type ssh 192.168.1.X I can connect to a device on my network. If I port forward, then I can ssh remotely using the external IP address. But how does the computer know that 192.168.1.X isn't an external IP address?

    submitted by /u/uQinisela
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    What's a good way to know what level programmer you are at?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    I feel like I should know enough but I'm sure there's a way to measure where you're at. I know about the imposter syndrome but I just wanted to be sure.

    submitted by /u/cthebigb
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    Should I be learning HTML and CSS before JavaScript?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Over the last month I've signed up for treehouse to learn about programming, and possibly go back to school for it if I think I like it.

    A lot of recommendations said JS is a good first language to learn. So that's where I started.

    All the exercises i do have the css and html done already, and just practically thinking if I were to actually try to make a program with JavaScript, I would be pretty lost of how to do all the front end stuff.

    Also, I have no idea what "type" of programmer I wanna be I'm just trying out learning the basics. Idk if I wanna make websites, apps, games, etc.

    So I guess in short is it better to understand HTML before understanding JS?

    submitted by /u/OneSquare843
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    Need to make a simple javascript (you vs. cpu) tic tac toe game

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm in a competition with my friend right now to come up with a javascript game and see who's is better. He has a lot of background with javascript but I know nothing about it. I want to surprise him with an actual functional game in the language and I thought the perfect game would be tic tac toe. Really just a simple game where when you win you get notified with a "you won!" screen and a reset button. If you lose, you get notified with a "you lose!" screen and a reset button. Very simple. If anyone could help me out with it, that'd be great!

    submitted by /u/x407
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    What Computer Languages, Tech Stacks etc. are Most Common in China?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    What companies are big in cloud computing? What're their big fads? Have any of their big tech companies started making their own languages e.g. golang?

    submitted by /u/Veqq
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    Has anyone sold a product to their employer?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    I am wondering if anyone has made something relevant to their current job, and has pitched it to their employer/CEO/President for purchase. Or maybe just go off the rails and attempt at finding backers elsewhere.

    What was this experience like for you? Did the product take off? Do you wish you had gone private and not bring your company onboard?

    submitted by /u/but_how_do_i_go_fast
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    Why do some people always run from programming language

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    A friend of mine told me that programming language is the worst set of language to learn. He also said that its too hard and the variables and functions are confusing. I want to ask is that true.

    submitted by /u/Ehiorobo2323
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    Hello, I'm currently working on a project for AP CSP. It's a movie theater simulator. Using App Lab on code .org

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    So everything in the code is perfectly fine except for the last part. So when you first run the program, it asks you for your age, and it determines how much your ticket will be and displays it. Then you choose what size popcorn and soda you want, and when you're satisfied, you hit a submit button and it displays the costs. Then depending on what you chose, it adds up those values and displays your total cost. For example my ticket is 6.99, my popcorn is 3.99 and my soda is 3.99. It then displays "your total cost is 6.993.993.99" instead of actually adding the values up. I'm not sure what I did wrong.

    submitted by /u/YaBoiShadowNinja
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    Can a website track my mouse?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    First of all, sorry for the silly q. im just wondering how they can do that.

    At the uni we have online exams, and there is a website for it. The uni says if the exam window is opened they can track the mouse movements, clicks and the keyboard acitvity.

    It is a hoax or they can really track these activities ? It is not an application or something like that, it is a google form like exam page.

    I can imagine that they can in that specific exam windows but what about outside that window?

    Ty, for answers

    submitted by /u/ageia11
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    Why use various HTTP request methods?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Every explanation I've seen doesn't explain this; it instead says how to use them (e.g. PATCH is for diffs, PUT is used when you want to X, etc.).

    What I don't understand is, these methods seem to be almost all just conventions and don't do anything different themselves. The one thing I've been able to find is that clients can cache GET requests because they assume nothing changed. But other than that, I haven't found any actual reasons for anything else. I could create a DELETE /thing endpoint which actually updates it if I want. All the real logic is in the code, not the HTTP method.

    If I wanted to have an API endpoint that updates something by a diff instead of a whole new document, why would I want to use PATCH vs just making POST /update-by-diff?

    I've read one or two posts saying that these methods help the API users know exactly what it does, but I still am not sure what purpose it serve with that. A POST /update-by-diff has "diff" in the name while many devs probably don't know much about what "PATCH" is supposed to mean.

    submitted by /u/OS6aDohpegavod4
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    Help, I'm lost. Drawing Boxes on Screen GUI

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I'm driving myself crazy trying to draw a simple box on my screen. I'm hoping someone can explain how I can accomplish what I'm trying to do.

    I'm trying to write a tool in C++ that will help me with my language study. It will capture an area on the screen (a word or sentence), process the text, then display information on the captured text in a GUI application.

    This is a basic diagram of what I'm trying to do. This is supposed to be very similar to screen capture tools like gnome-screenshot and Microsoft's snipping tool on Windows.

    A third party application is something like a pdf viewer or image viewer that contains scan-able text. My application displays information about the captured text. My application also draws a resizable 'capture window' on the screen, shown by the red box that surrounds a word in the diagram.

    Drawing this red box has been the bane of my past couple weeks. So, my question is, how on earth are people supposed to do this?

    What I've Tried

    I tried Xlib, GTK+ and QT.

    I failed to get GTK working for me, I couldn't get an example compiled. Likely user error when installing the libraries.

    Xlib was complex, very low level, and not cross-platform, so stopped trying here after getting a basic window.

    QT is cross-platform and well documented, so it seemed like a good bet. I've put the most energy towards figuring out QT. My issue with QT was that its seems like I cannot draw a box on the screen. I can only draw boxes within the main application or parent widget. Thus, I doesn't seem like QT will support what I'm trying to do in my basic diagram above.

    So, I ask how can I accomplish this. I'm new the world of GUIs, so I really don't understand what I need to be doing to accomplish what is in my head, much less how do it right.

    I primarily use Linux, but I'm aiming for a cross-platform end product (Hence why I focused on QT).

    So, please help me. How is this supposed to work? What information am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Pan4TheSwarm
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    How to proceed in life as a programmer

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    A little about myself, worked in react for 1 yr last year, currently working in react native since 6 months.

    I have been journaling about myself, about what to do and what i want in life, there are somethings like

    • Want to work,learn and build stuff the way i want with freedom
    • Work on my own ideas kind of indie maker or in open source, so that i feel connected to what i am doing
    • want to do programming

    I just want to share some experience after working for service base and startup

    I have really not felt connected to the idea of the company, i can understand if it happens for service based , even after switching to startup , it just feels like i am going in loop , where as a front end dev i am just waiting for requirements and developing it, it just feels i have just escaped from one company thinking that the older company was problem , but after coming here i am getting the same feeling of not really able to connect to the idea, like what is the point of this.As for me programming is not only about problem solving but also about how well we are as a developer we are connected to the idea, it feels like it is something that needs to be done and not something i want to do when i work for company, like a forceful pressure, unless i really resonate well with the company's idea

    I am literally losing the joy of programming due to bad management i.e to complete before ETA, deadline , stress. i have my own pace of doing things like i prefer slow way of understanding ,researching and doing things, like i really want to know how things work internally and not just consume the syntax of library,language directly and blindly just do it as per requirements. But due to managers and environment stress i have pushed myself to the extent that now i am in a place where i am just becoming mindless and just doing things for the name sake, inorder to build it as per orders /requirements before deadline,without really taking time enjoying,knowing how it works,why it works the way it is.

    I don't think i can really adjust myself to work for others, as this situation is going to arise in other companies as well unless they are solving something that resonates and connects very well with me

    I know this time is no good as there already been layoffs, but i am not in a mentally healthy state to work after knowing that it is just going to be this way and decided to resign, thinking to take a break for a while and then work on my ideas.

    I don't know whether this is right place to post, but i wanted to know from experienced devs

    • People who have worked 2-3 or more yrs for a company , after knowing how a software works end to end what is it that is stopping to work on your ideas or how you really connect well to company's vision and what is the feeling like towards working , investing most part of your day
    • I don't know whether this is happening due to burnout, tech stack, due to domain like web dev or mobile dev as not much research oriented like AI/ML fields
    • As being in this field there is never an end to a particular thing, so what is it that you guys look towards what to you want and do in life i.e after switching and working for multiple companies

    Please it will be helpful if any give advice,suggestion and views whether you guys have faced this kind of situation, how to do you manage

    submitted by /u/rajatrao777
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    Any new programmers feeling overwhelmed?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    My sister has been working as a front end developer for about a year now and she was just starting to pick things up and then the coronavirus crisis happened. She was just starting to build chemistry and comfort with her team bouncing off ideas and what not and then ever since this whole pandemic started she's having a hard time getting work done. I'm curious to hear what some of you new developers experiences are with this?

    submitted by /u/cabahugma
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    What's a good all inclusive inventor kit that allows me to write my own code to move robotics or any add on peripherals?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    The answer could be raspberry pi. I know of adafruit and their electronics kits. I kinda want a breadboard as well to learn about varying voltages and components. I recently bought a velleman p8055 but after soldering 200+ points and passed the circuit test. I found out it was only windows compatible.

    So I'm stuck because I have no experience. I want all kinds of experience and I'm willing to purchase a few different kits to expand my computer science. Can you all recommend some please? Mac OSX please

    I'm currently a student whose at the 2 year mark of learning computer science in college.

    Thank you.

    TL:DL can you recommend a fun kit to expand my computer science knowledge? Mac OSX compatible.

    submitted by /u/Shinxsu
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